
The Five Winning Answers to the Infrastructure Vision 2050 "Dream" Phase

BY NICK | 1 min read

The Dream Phase, the second of three phases that compose the Infrastructure Vision 2050 Challenge, wrapped up with an abundance of high-caliber submissions. The incredible force behind the HeroX crowd of innovators came through beautifully (yet again) and we'd like deeply thank all participants who helped to make it happen. Now, after a tough deliberation process by the evaluation panel, we're excited to announce the five award recipients as follows: 

Team Bus-asaurus - Air Travel Is the Future. It Needs to Be Easier: The best cities in 2050 need hyper-connected airports seamlessly integrated into the city’s transportation fabric.

Team InfinitPipe® - InfinitPipe® a Breakthrough for Pipeline Industry: InfinitPipe® is a breakthrough for the pipeline construction and repair industry to construct joint-less composite pipe onsite.

Emanuele Lisci - Building-batteries for a power-plant city: Integrating a large-scale renewable energy generation capacity in US cities through an urban reform strategy and a new building typology.

Jeremy Martinez - Monorail 2050: Transit Oriented Development (TOD): “The Dream” is an evolution of the modern city, using the monorail as a connection to novel live/work transit hubs.

Team UAH - One Crack Away from a Disaster: Imagine that every dam and bridge in America has a virtual reality replica and it's aided by data from sensors and machine learning.

There you have it: five excellent concept "dreams" of a safer, stronger, more reliable future for the US. The road to the infrastructure of 2050 is a long one, though, and we're just getting into the fast lane. Stick with us as we make our way closer to a real breakthrough that will touch the lives of millions. The Build Phase will be launching in mid-July, and will take us through the end of the Infrastructure Vision 2050 Challenge

Until then just remember that even the most "impossible" problems have a solution (or five) if you ask the right questions!

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