
Crowdsourcing Innovation News & Resources | HeroX

The Latest Crowdsourcing News Covering Technology, Healthcare, Infrastructure, and Space Breakthroughs Out Of This World.
Prize challenges, according to, are a way for federal agencies to present problems to the public to solve in exchange for receiving awa…
Why is understanding innovation important? Although companies are implementing many new invention ideas, most organizations are having trouble keepin…
New Profit Unveils Top 15 Ideas For an Equitable Economy. The $6 million Future of Work Grand Challenge is powered by New Profit, JFF, XPRIZE, and MIT Solve
While a company might think it already has the best talent available, much innovation occurs outside the usual venues. In campuses, garages, and small offices worldwide, independent innovators find ways to apply modern technologies to age-old problems.
The global pandemic has reset almost all of our social norms. As the world slowly opens up again, we find ourselves in a position of not only readjusting but also realizing something new about the future of work environments.
The HeroX team is pleased to formally announce the appointment of our new President and Chief Executive Officer, Kal K. Sahota . Kal first joined He…
NASA has the nation’s finest Rocket Scientists on staff, and yet they are among the world’s most active users of crowdsourcing to solve engineering conundrums. With expertise at their fingertips, why are they - and many others - turning to the non-expert crowd for solutions?
Forward looking corporations are already embracing crowdsourcing and prize challenges. Boeing, Unilever, Samsung, Starbucks and NASA are just a few examples. If several million people can be nudged to make a small positive change, the outcomes can be world changing.
Things are changing so rapidly between innovation, social changes, and economic pressure. But while crowdsourcing is evolving there can be only one definitive definition for what exactly is the world of crowdsourcing. And how can this open-source approach to ideas help your business.
Open innovation isn’t as simple as posting a question on your company’s Facebook page and hoping for the best. Instead, it takes careful consideration to devise an open innovation approach that works for your company. This guide will help you strategize so you can get the results you’re looking for.