
City of Austin


GigaTECHs App Competition

Seeking next-gen applications that focus on opportunities in local transportation, education, clean energy, health and public safety.

This challenge is closed


This challenge is closed



Austin area civic-minded app developers and entrepreneurs are invited to compete in the City of Austin’s GigaTECHs Competition. The competition is part of a broader nationwide initiative, led by D.C-based U.S Ignite, to encourage next-generation Gigabit Internet applications that provide transformative public benefit. Competitors will have the opportunity to win $38,000 in prize money to seed and support the development of applications that focus on opportunities in local transportation, education, clean energy, health and safety (TECHs). The prize money is made possible by U.S Ignite and the City of Austin’s Communications and Technology Management Department.

Submit your application idea today!


Prize sponsors:


Challenge and Event Sponsors:




Promotional Partners:


Submission Requirements:

Submissions should include app concepts that address one or more of the five focus areas below:


The City of Austin Transportation Department and the University of Texas Center for Transportation Research are sponsoring projects that utilize traffic data to improve Austin’s transportation system. A high-density network of traffic sensors will allow us to more closely monitor traffic conditions and will reduce our response time to issues. The data will enable planners to better understand traffic patterns and make data-informed design decisions. The traffic data we collect will also help our engineers identify and mitigate safety issues on roadways. Furthermore, we intend to make the sensor software and collected data publicly available so that research institutions, private companies, and the general public can help us derive new insights about Austin’s transportation system.

We do not have the IT resources to take on this project by ourselves, and commercial data collection solutions are prohibitively expensive. That’s why we’re seeking help from Austin’s incredible community of civic-minded technologists to help us achieve our goal. We believe strongly that, if successful, this project will lead to tangible improvements in Austin’s transportation system, and will represent a truly innovative approach to the deployment of community-driven smart city technologies.

Transportation Challenge Contacts and Mentors:

John Clary
IT Business Systems Analyst Sr.
Austin Transportation Department
(512) 974-3546

John Clary is a senior systems analyst for the City of Austin Transportation Department. He holds a master’s degree in geography from the University of Texas at Austin, and was a finalist for the Gerardus Mercator Loxodrome of the Year award in 2015.

Natalia RuizJuri
Director of the Network Modeling Center
UT Center for Transportation Research

Natalia Ruiz Juri is the Director of the Network Modeling Center (NMC), where she leads the development and enhancement of advanced regional traffic modeling tools for their use in practice. Natalia’s research seeks to combine new data sources, advanced computational resources and modeling in order to enable more efficient transportation systems. In collaboration with the Texas Advanced computing Center (TACC), Natalia has developed a powerful tool for the visualization of advanced modeling results, and enabled the use of high-performance computing systems in real-world modeling. Natalia’s most recent research interest it the continued development of Data Rodeo, a collaborative effort with TACC  to build an environment to promote replicable and transferable data-centric research by providing access to large and complex data from multiple sources.



How might we use technology to create a learning experience that bridges social and geographical boundaries for Austin's next generation of civic leaders? We’re looking for a solution that leverages the accessibility and power of online virtual or augmented reality technology to help learners communicate, collaborate and create together.

Now is the time to transform learning through virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR). Accessible VR/AR tech has already transformed the way we play videogames in our own home. Soon, if not already, it will transform the way we shop, socialize, and work as well.

WebVR technology, like, makes it possible for anyone to experience VR/AR through the Web and for anyone to publish their own VR/AR content online too. However, these applications require high bandwidth, low-latency, next-generation, gigabit speed internet connections to deliver a high quality experience.

How can students visit rich cultural heritage sites in Austin or around the world without a budget that supports leaving the classroom? How can young activists prepare for the experience of participating in a march or a movement for the first time without being in Washington, D.C. or Ferguson, MO? How might a nurse-in-training practice a rare medical procedure without a live patient in their hospital? How can we teach people to develop VR/AR applications of the future?

We’re looking for teams inspired to take advantage of the unique way that the technology can create new spaces and places for people to learn together, but also, to prepare and train our next generation of VR/AR developers through high-quality learning or training experiences. Learners and learning environments are not limited to any specific field, format, or age. Learning experiences in or out of the classroom, for youth, young adults, or folks in career transitions, or working professionals are all encouraged.

We’re looking for technologists, web developers, game designers, filmmakers, researchers, and industry leaders to design VR/AR learning solutions. We’re particularly interested in diverse and inclusive collaborations. How will your team include your users in the design and development process? User-testing your solution with your audience is key, but so is including them in the work. Recruit educators, students, and especially those underrepresented in technology fields.

As an innovator in the field of WebVR and from our experience supporting a community of educational leaders through the Gigabit Community Fund, Mozilla is excited to sponsor the education challenge for the City of Austin’s GigaTECHs Challenge.

Education Challenge Contacts and Mentors:

Robert Bryan Friedman
Portfolio Strategist, Hive Austin
@omnignorant and

After completing a doctorate in Astrophysics, Robert joined the Adler Planetarium in Chicago to develop their new teen programs and make the museum more inviting to local youth. With support from Mozilla Hive Chicago, Robert created innovative, learner-centered, interest-driven programs to teach the web and bridge the digital divide, transforming the museum experience for hundreds of young people.
At Mozilla, Robert has supported hundreds of educators to transform their own programs and institutions; to create places where thousands of teens can feel at home and have a voice.


Joonyee Chua
Education and Outreach Group Senior Program Coordinator
Texas Advanced Computing Center
University of Texas


Joon-Yee Chuah joined the TACC team in spring of 2016 as a Senior Program Coordinator for education outreach. He comes to TACC after fifteen years of teaching middle school and high school Computer Science, Mathematics and Robotics.

Clean Energy

Some possible ideas that Austin Energy might be interested in:

  • An app that could the coincident energy between generation, wind/solar, and the energy use at a home.  That would require a person to release interval data that they have access to via web based application, and combining it with wind generation, probably ERCOT supplied data, and/or solar from a person’s PV system.  The concept being to try to use renewable energy when it is being produced. 
  • An app that will show you your daily PV generation and alert you if the system stops producing or drops for no reason.  Data can be correlated with NOAA sky cover to ensure no false alarms for heavily overcast days and will also show contribution of solar to energy use. 

  • An app that can build a virtual ‘off the grid’ system for your home, combining solar, wind, fuel cell and energy storage

Clean Energy Challenge Contacts and Mentors:

John Trowbridge
Evaluation Engineer
Austin Energy



The Austin Public Health Department is looking for civic-minded developers to focus their efforts on health information exchanges. Competitors interested in this opportunity should contact Philip Huang, MD:

Philip Huang, MD, MPH
Medical Director and Health Authority
Austin Public Health

Dr. Huang has served as the Medical Director and Health Authority for Austin Public Health since April 2008. Dr. Huang is also responsible for the Disease Prevention/Health Promotion Division, which includes Epidemiology, Disease Surveillance, Vital Records, Chronic Disease, Communicable Disease, and Immunizations.

Public Safety

The Austin Public Health Department is looking for civic-minded developers to focus their efforts on emergency notification systems. Competitors interested in this opportunity should also contact Philip Huang, MD at 512-972-5855 or by email:



The $38,000 GigaTECHs App Competition prize money will be awarded for two winning apps as follows:

  1. Designated winner(s) will receive an initial payment of $4,000 within 4-6 weeks of the final competition. Winning teams will need to register as a vendor with the City of Austin to receive funding. Instructions and support on that process will be provided to the winning teams.
  2. The winner(s) will also be eligible for the remaining funds, at an amount to be determined by a panel of judges during the final phase of the competition. The judges will have a combined pool of $30,000 and will be asked to distribute those funds between winning projects in whichever ratio they deem appropriate based on the evaluation criteria.

  3. Winning teams must meet two milestone goals to receive the additional funding allocated by the judging panel. 50% of the judges’ allocated funding will be disbursed after milestone one is reached, and the remaining 50% will be disbursed after the second milestone is completed. The details of each milestone will be negotiated between the winning teams and the U.S Ignite Smart Gigabit Communities Tech Lead. The Tech Lead will make final determination and sign off on all milestone deliverables.

  4. The table below offers an example disbursement scenario. Please note that this is just an example and the actual funding scenario may result in different funding amounts being awarded to the winning teams:

Example Disbursement Scenario Prize Winner A Prize Winner B Total Prize

Initial Disbursement

$4,000 $,4000 $8,000
Judges determine the % allocation of the remaining $30,000 between the 2 winners 60% 40% 100%
Milestone 1 Disbursement: 50% of Judges' awarded funds $9,000 $6,000


Milestone 2 Disbursement: 50% of Judges' awarded funds $9,000 $6,000 $15,000
Total Prize Funds Awarded $22,000 $16,000 $38,000

Rules and Eligibility:

The GigaTECHs App Competition is hosted by the City of Austin, in partnership with U.S Ignite. This Agreement is between the City of Austin and the winner(s) of the GigaTECHs App Competition

In order to participate in the final round of the competition, the winner(s) must agree that if he/she wins the competition he/she will only be awarded the financial innovation prize if the following conditions are met:

  1. You have read, understood and agree to the Financial Prize Disbursement Policy (detailed above in the prize section).
  2. Winning teams must reside in or have a business headquarted in the Austin Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). If selected as a winner, you will register as a vendor with the City of Austin. You also agree, if applicable, to register any associated business in the State of Texas. For more information on options and how to register, please visit the City of Austin’s Small Business Program website.
  3. You agree to use all funds received from the Prize directly toward development of the smart gigabit community application that was pitched as part of this GigaTECHs App Competition.
    If requested, you agree to submit a notarized affidavit attesting to the fact that all City of Austin funds received by you and your associated business entities have been used solely toward development of the smart gigabit community application that was pitched as part of the GigaTECHs App Competition.
  4. Because the prize funds are paid for with public dollars there should be a commensurate public benefit. If selected as a winner, you agree to track the impact of your application and report it to the City of Austin for at least two years. Reports on impact will be shared with the public.
  5. Upon request, you agree to provide the City of Austin at least one written and/or video testimonial about the GigaTECHs App Competition and participate upon request in at least one related promotional activity, associated with the City of Austin’s Smart City initiatives.
  6. You affirm that you own the intellectual property associated with the business operation and application you are pitching in the GigaTECHs App Competition.
  7. You agree, if and when requested, to submit proof that City of Austin prize funding is being used solely for expenses related to the business that was pitched at the GigaTECHs App Competition in the form of receipts. You will submit this proof within two weeks of the request.
  8. If the City of Austin discovers that you have violated this agreement, the City of Austin reserves the right to refuse to disburse any remaining funds and demand the return of funds previously disbursed to the winner as part of this agreement.
  9. City of Austin employees may be eligible to compete in the competition, but most perform all work related to the competition outside normal City work hours. In addition, because the Office of Innovation, CTM and TARA are the administering departments for this competition, employees from those departments are not eligible to compete for any prize money.
  10. The distribution of any financial or in-kind prize is at the sole discretion of the City of Austin.
  11. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas.If the final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction invalidates any part of this agreement, then the remaining parts shall be enforced, to the extent possible, consistent with the intent of the parties as evidenced by this agreement. To the extent allowed by Texas law, you agree that the City and you will be responsible for your own respective proportionate share of liability for damages arising out of or connected to its negligent acts or omissions in connection with this Agreement as determined by a court of competent law.

Judging Criteria

The judges will use the criteria and scoring rubric outlined below:

Overall Impact Scoring
Rate the overall local impact this app is likely to make in one or more of the focus areas: Transportation, Education, Clean energy, Health and Safety.

Low                                                  Marginal                                                               High

1             2             3             4             5             6             7             8             9             10

How likely is the proposed app to be developed and deployed by Dec, 2017?

Not at all likely                                                                                                Extremely likely

1             2             3             4             5             6             7             8             9             10

Additional Criteria

Poor               Fair               Satisfactory      Good         Excellent

      1                     2                    3                        4                5

How well does the proposed app align with Austin’s Smart Cities Roadmap/Strategy? 1             2             3             4             5
How scalable is the proposed app to other Smart Gigabit Communities besides Austin? 1             2             3             4             5
How well does the proposed app leverage the high-bandwidth low-latency technology of gigabit internet? 1             2             3             4             5
Rate the capability of the team to create a deployable version of the app by December, 2017. 1             2             3             4             5
How well does the proposed app offer accessibility, inclusion, and/or direct benefit to the technologically under-served communities in Austin? 1             2             3             4             5
Rate the financial viability of the proposed app’s business model. 1             2             3             4             5
For in-person presentations only:
Rate the overall quality of the pitch and/or app demonstration.
1             2             3             4             5

*In the event of a tie, apps that address a challenge in two or more focus areas will be awarded 5 bonus points.

Criterion Context and Guidelines

  1. Overall Impact:

Does the proposed app make a meaningful positive impact on the Austin community? We are looking for apps that make significant improvements in one or more of the five focus areas: Transportation, Education, Clean energy, Health and Public safety.

2. Overall Feasibility

How likely is it that the proposed app is developed and deployed by December, 2017? Consider the scope of the proposed project compared to the resources available. We don’t want to choose applications that are not likely to be implemented.

     3. Smart City Strategy:

Apps that align with Austin’s Smart City Roadmap will help enable the City to

  • Better engage society in diverse and inclusive relationships and partnerships.
  • Lead collaboratively across disciplines and systems using networked infrastructure.
  • Use integrated technology systems and data models.

For more information on Austin's Smart City Strategy, please visit the roadmap here:

     4.     Scalability:

Is there a larger market for the proposed app outside of Austin? Is the app likely to grow its user base to other U.S Ignite Smart Gigabit Communities (SGC)? Select SGC include: Cleveland, OH; Charlotte, NC; Burbank, CA; Salt Lake City, UT; Richardson, TX; Lafayette, LA; Flint, MI; Kansas City; Chattanooga, TN.

     5.   Gigability:

A next generation gigabit app is one that leverages the power of gigabit internet technology. How well does the proposed app leverage this technology? Advanced gigabit applications cannot operate reliably on current networks because of the speed limitations, responsiveness, or lack of advanced protocols.   Gigabit apps require reliable throughput that exceeds the limitations of current broadband networks, responsiveness in the sub ten millisecond range that cannot be provided by cross country data-centers or unreliable network paths, and advanced networking protocols or layer 2 services outside standard layer 3 networks.

     6.     Team Capability:

Are the skillsets and resilience of the entrepreneur and their team sufficient to successfully develop a deployable version of their proposed app before the December, 2017 deadline?

     7.     Digital Inclusion and Accessibility:

A Smart Gigabit Community isn’t Smart because it leverages high bandwidth, low-latency internet technology. It’s Smart because it uses accessible technology to support an inclusive environment which makes the lives of everyone in Austin better and ensures no one is left behind.  Some considerations: Is the app being developed or adapted to include diversity of language, culture, age and literacy? Is the app being developed or adapted to include disability accommodations? Is the app accessible on affordable devices?

     8.     Financial Viability:

How likely is it that the proposed app will generate necessary financing beyond the GigaTECHs App Competition prize money? Will the app generate earned income? Is it likely to generate additional capital from investors, lenders, foundations, donors, or philanthropists?

     9.     Pitch Quality (For finalists selected to pitch at the final in-person event):

How well did the competitor(s) present their concept and/or demonstrate their prototype? Did the competitor(s) present relevant information applicable directly to the judges’ criteria? Did the competitor(s) answer the judges’ questions? Was the team well prepared?


Challenge Updates

US Ignite and City of Austin announce GigaTECHs App Competition Winners

Sept. 20, 2017, noon PDT by Happiness Kisoso

The City of Austin is excited to announce the winning teams from its GigaTECHs App Competition: Just in Time VR and Kiwi Compute.

Each winning team will receive $19,000 in seed money to further develop their applications. The teams also will be showcased with select cities across the United States participating in the Ignite Smart Gigabit Communities program.

  • Just In Time VR uses virtual reality to train emergency service providers for large-scale disasters.
  • Kiwi Compute is developing a free application to teach middle schoolers how to use the programming language Python.

Additionally, US Ignite has offered a full scholarship to a third finalist, BloxMob, to take its FastTrac Tech Venture program -- a 24-hour, 8-week video conference course about the latest concepts in market analysis and business planning. BloxMob is an app-development platform targeted toward students and teens to promote STEM concepts and skills without requiring knowing how to code.

"These Austin area civic-minded app developers and entrepreneurs blew the judges away with their solid solutions," said Charles Purma III, a manager in the City's Communications and Technology Management department.

The panel of judges, including members of US Ignite, City of Austin, Latinitas, and Experimental Civics, chose the winning entries from 11 finalists, based on how well they exemplified the following app entry requirements:

  • The overall local impact this app is likely to make in one or more of the focus areas: Transportation, Education, Clean energy, Health and Safety.
  • How likely the proposed app is to be developed and deployed by December 2017.
  • How well the proposed app aligns with Austin’s Smart Cities Roadmap/Strategy.
  • How scalable the proposed app is to other Smart Gigabit Communities.
  • How well the proposed app leverages the high-bandwidth, low-latency technology of gigabit internet.
  • How well the proposed app offers accessibility, inclusion, and/or direct benefit to the technologically underserved communities in Austin.
  • The financial viability of the proposed app’s business model.
  • The overall quality of the pitch and/or app demonstration.

"We want to send a big thank you to everyone who participated in the US Ignite and City of Austin’s GigaTECHs App Competition and helped make it a success," Purma said. 

In case you missed it, you can view a recap of the GigTECHs App finalists and the pitch night Aug. 31. Click here to view photos from the event.

The City of Austin’s GigaTECHs Competition is part of a broader nationwide initiative, led by D.C-based U.S Ignite, to encourage next-generation Gigabit Internet applications that provide transformative public benefit. The GigaTECHs Competition is made possible through a collaboration among the City of Austin’s Communications and Technology Management Department, the Office of Innovation, and the Telecommunications and Regulatory Affairs Department. The prize money is made possible by U.S Ignite and the City of Austin’s Communications and Technology Management Department.

Join us tommorrow, The City of Austin will have a news conference from 10 to 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 21, in the City Hall news conference room to answer questions about the competition and its winners. Representatives from both winning teams, as well as City staff from CTM, will be available for questions.

Thank you to all who made this competition a success. 

GigaTECHs App Competition Finalists' Pitches and Demonstrations

Sept. 8, 2017, 8:08 a.m. PDT by Happiness Kisoso

Experience the magic from the Aug. 31 final pitches and demonstrations event, and stay tuned for our announcement of the winners!

Click here to learn more:

Meet the GigaTECHs App Competition Judges

Aug. 18, 2017, 1:29 p.m. PDT by Happiness Kisoso

We are incredibly excited to welcome these experienced judges to evaluate and hear the 11 finalists' pitches on August 31st at the GigaTECHs App Competition at Capital Factory. These judges will reference the judging criteria that we've posted as a resource. Because these judges are experts in their field, they'll also leverage their experience and professional judgement when making their evaluations. 

All the best to the 11 finalists! We are extremely proud of you all and eager to meet you and hear your final pitches.


Scott Turnbull
National Technical Lead
US Ignite

Scott is the National Technical Leader for US Ignite, leading the Smart Gigabit Communities effort backed by the National Science Foundation to promote the development of gigabit applications running on advanced networks in over 20 cities.  In addition to his work in Smart Cities, he has worked as a Technical Section Chief for joint federal-regional public safety initiatives, led efforts to create large national digital archives to preserve our most important cultural and historic materials, and headed academic software engineering teams at several major universities.  He has a strong passion for public service and the role of an open internet in  improving the lives of people everywhere and fostering economic mobility.




Victoria Garza 
Marketing and Development Director

Vicky Garza is a former journalist who has covered Austin's business community – including startups – and nonprofit community, as well as city and state government. As a communications and marketing professional, she has either worked or consulted for various companies, including a startup, a marketing agency, and a multinational technology company. She is currently the Marketing and Development Director for Latinitas, an Austin-based nonprofit focused on empowering Hispanic youth using media and technology which hosts an annual Startup Chica Conference. Born in Austin and raised mostly in Miami, FL, Vicky has a Bachelor's in Marketing from the University of Miami and an MBA in Global Business from St. Edward's University.




David Walsh                                                       
Austin Technical Lead
US Ignite  

A serial entrepreneur at heart, David Walsh has founded, productized, and scaled four successful companies from inception to exit. David, currently advises at Captial Factory and sits on several boards. Recently, David, co-founded, and is the acting president for Voip Innovations.




Stephen Elkins
Chief Information Officer 
City of Austin, Communications and Technology Management 

Mr. Stephen Elkins serves as Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the City of Austin, Communications and Technology Management department, (CTM).  As CIO, Mr. Elkins oversees the Department's use of information technology to improve performance and manage risk across the City's overall organization.  Mr. Elkins leads the Department's enterprise architecture, information systems, information technology governance, and information resources management programs in collaboration with all organizational components of the Department.  




Sarah Sharif 
Founder & CEO of Experimental Civics
City of Austin, Communications and Technology Management 

Pakistani-born, British-American, and Millennial. Sarah has dabbled in biomedical engineering, nonprofit organizing to now human-centered design. Social innovation, civic technology and human impact projects are the pillars of her lifelong career. She directs ATX Hack for Change through her role in IT at St. Edward's University and is the Founder & CEO of Experimental Civics, a global consultancy focused on empowering communities through their engagement with technology.  



Finalists, do you have questions about the competition? Join us on Friday, August 18th at 2:00-3:00PM for an informal Q&A session

Aug. 16, 2017, 8:19 a.m. PDT by Happiness Kisoso

Join us for an informal Q&A session August 18th at 2:00PM – 3:00PM.

If you're unable to make it, no worries, you can review the FAQs or the Finalist Handbook and post your question in the forum. We'll respond asap.

The conference details are included below.


Join the meeting:

Friday, August 18, 2017 2:00 PM 
Central Time (US & Canada) 
In my time zone?

To dial in by phone:

United States - Camden, DE 

Access Code: 
825-730-857 #

Please check your email for the event invite. 

Register Today for The GigaTECHs App Competition on Aug. 31st!

Aug. 2, 2017, 12:45 p.m. PDT by Happiness Kisoso

It is with great pleasure to invite you to attend and register for The GigaTECHs App Competition!

We are elated with the submission entries and are thrilled to feature the top 11 finalists' pitches on Thursday, August 31st at Capital Factory during 6-9 PM.  

Join us for an evening of inspiration, networking, and stimulating dialogue where finalists will come together in-front of a panel of judges to pitch their entries in hopes to be the two selected recipients to receive seed funding.

The following finalists will be featured on August 31st (listed in alphabetical order):

We hope to see you there to celebrate the hard work the teams have accomplished.

For more information and to register please visit: 

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