June 13, 2020 Update


How are YOU Faring During the Pandemic?


Staying healthy mentally, physically and spiritually is key to our well-being.  


Whether it is during a Pandemic or during a “normal” period in our lives, movement is essential to our health.  Movement and...what works for you?   Our “Challenge” to you, our community and our world is more important than ever!  Thank you for joining us to start our global "movement".   


How has this Pandemic affected your ideas about activity and your own activity?  How can we help others?  


We look forward to seeing your submissions.   Don't wait - do it now.  As a reminder, if you have any questions regarding the competition, you can post it in the forum or by emailing us at 


We got this together!


Stay healthy and safe :)  

Healthy Selfie Challenge Team