
Spaceport America Cup


Spaceport America Cup 2020

The world's largest intercollegiate rocket engineering competition.

This challenge is closed


This challenge is closed




Over 1,500 students and faculty will gather in Southern New Mexico for the fourth annual Spaceport America Cup in 2020.  Drawn by the opportunity to collaborate and compete at a world class spaceport facility, you represented the best and brightest from more than 70 institutions located all across the USA and around the world. 

Join us as we host hundreds of the worlds most ambitious collegiate rocketeers  in a one of a kind event. Part academic conference and part design-build-fly style competition, the Spaceport America Cup has something to offer students, faculty, industry representatives, and amateur aerospace aficionados alike.


The future beckons. 
​How will you answer the call?

Whether you are an academic, an industry representative, a retired professional, or simply a passionate amateur supportive of young minds who seek new horizons... there are many ways you may become a part of an event impacting the future of aerospace...

As a Sponsor...

You will meet with hundreds of talented STEM students from top ranked schools in a professional setting. You will see both them and their hardware perform in real world conditions. Furthermore, you will be helping make possible an event which helps make the best possible candidates for your company! 

As a Volunteer or Judge...

You will join the highly motivated team which brings order to the mess of small puzzle pieces required to build the worlds biggest collegiate rocket engineering conference and competition. From directing crowds to directing launches, and everything in-between, we need your volunteerism at the Spaceport America Cup! 

As a Student... 

You will demonstrate your hard work on an international stage, in front of hundreds of your peers, professors, and prospective employers. You will engage in design-build-fly style rocket and payload engineering competitions in a professional setting, at world class facilities, where the sky is not the limit!


Guidelines for Spaceport America Cup - Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition (IREC) are hosted on our website! 

In particular, you'll want to review the following documents:

  • IREC Rules and Requirements Document
  • IREC Design, Test, and Evaluation Guide
  • Integrated Master Schedule


Challenge Updates

Online Design Reviews - Please announce these on the forums a week beforehand

Dec. 3, 2019, 6:24 p.m. PST by Andy

Many of the judges and other teams my be interested in watching and learning.

Using Facebook live is a pretty easy and free option.


Reminder - $200 TEAM ENTRY FEES DUE December 13th

Nov. 30, 2019, 11:24 a.m. PST by Andy

All IREC fees are located on this website:


The Entry Fee is necessary for ESRA to make down payments on facility rentals, equipment rentals, and purchasing of new equipment before the event. The deadline for payment of Team Entry Fees is Friday, December 13th.  Each team's Entry Fee should be paid as soon as possible/practical after submitting their entry form, and is refundable up until Friday, April 24th. After this date, no refunds will be given.

Rocket Building PRO - Tip to Tip Fin Fiberglassing or with Carbon Fiber

Nov. 30, 2019, 11:01 a.m. PST by Andy

Due to the abnormally high number of shreds last year, our incredible Range Safety Officer, Tony Alcocer, has highly recommended that teams consider this technique to strengthen their fins.


1st Progress Updates are now available to complete. Deadline for submission of these updates is December 13th

Nov. 27, 2019, 8:31 p.m. PST by Andy

Please completed these to the best of your abilities.  

Range Safety staff will be reviewing all of the updates and may contact you with specific questions and concerns.  

Again, the deadline for completing this update is December 13th.

Updated and Expanded Requirement for ALL TEAMS - GPS Tracking for all Rockets

Nov. 21, 2019, 7:02 p.m. PST by Andy

The ESRA team has been actively reviewing possible opportunities to improve efficiency in launch operations.  With the significant increase in the number of teams accepted this year, we need to ensure rocket recovery delays do not impact our ability to launch rockets safely.

To do this, ESRA will be enforcing and expanding the GPS Tracking requirement for all rocket projects.

To provide additional detail on this updated requirement, a new technical document as been uploaded to the website.  IREC GPS Tracking Requirement and Recommendations has been uploaded to the Documents and Forms section.  

Please review this document in detail as soon as possible.  Teams will not be permitted to fly without a functional GPS tracking system.
