
The New Scientific Economic Foundation To Start World Changing Economic System

Challenge Resource
brief description
Our new research suggests exactly an Artificial Neural Network Development—that can build a new “MuRatopian Creative World Economy” with teaching of it in a single enterprise we’ll call course research, and we want to do this for a very, very long time.
key insights
Creative Future Economy IT Corporation will achieve exceptionally rapid business expansion by primarily, but not exclusively, starting new technological and business advancements instead of by acquiring existing businesses. This can be achieved with the Company's Creative Education of its conditional lifetime employees and by its IT Creative Business Model as explained briefly in this challenge.
This is not possible with conventional education and conventional business systems for which education is structured.Professional university engineering, science and some human-factor education intentionally prevent innovative capacity, motivation and knowledge that could disrupt established industries and professions. The purpose of this is twofold; one is to protect established interests from unwanted change by university students and two is for providing education of students for immediate entry-level employment by conventional businesses. This is prevalent throughout the global economy.
One way this curtailment and limitation of innovation is accomplished is by defining invention and innovation as "problem solving." This gives industries, executives, educators and manipulated governments the opportunity to describe the objectives and also the methods of achieving innovation as being what supports instead of what disrupts established business and profit methods.
Another fundamental of preventing disruptive innovation is by authority-restricted learning. The level of industry-influenced learning increases with increase of formal education level. Doctorate-level learning, for instance, is mainly a process of justifying any advanced learning by agreement with recognized authorities that support established interests.
Industrial productivity that could be improved without manipulative curtailment of innovation includes most essentials of modern civilization. But for following authorities of Petroleum Engineering for instance, petroleum could now be produced profitably at $10 a barrel and refined for one-third of present costs in small volumes that would end the large-volume bottleneck costs of major oil companies. Foreign petroleum producers are encouraged by domestic petroleum companies to keep their prices high to support exorbitant domestic gross volume and resultant profit level. Present "oil unstable price " is a fabrication of the Energy Industry to achieve controlled energy scarcity.
additional information
The answer is a new MuRatopian AI economics foundation that can simply and elegantly build virtual machines that invent new economic ideas and plans of actions based on MuRatopian Principles. All that we need to do is expose an artificial neural network to many patterns representative of MuRatopian Economy conceptual space or knowledge domain. Then, spontaneously, produce new economic based solution patterns that are reminiscent of the original MuRatopian Economy conceptual space, and potentially qualifying as useful distribution based economic ideas or strategies within that space!
