
Pact World


Pact's Global COVID Response Challenge

Help us innovate on the top three COVID challenges we have identified across our 25 country offices!

This challenge is closed

Submission Deadline

This challenge is closed

Challenge 1
Challenge 2
Challenge 3



An international development organization that works in nearly 40 countries around the world, Pact works to improve the lives of those who are challenged by poverty and marginalization. We strive for a world where everyone owns their future. Throughout the course of history, the world has experienced a wide array of disasters that have affected millions around the world. However, the rate at which the COVID-19 pandemic has the ability to affect people who are already challenged by poverty and marginalization around the world is devastating. Many citizens of less developed countries do not have access to or the ability to implement some basic prevention techniques such as self isolation and hand-washing. Additionally, people who live on a small daily income often lack access to real-time information necessary to address the pandemic nor do they have the financial ability to weather the economic impacts of COVID-19.

Click here to read more about Pact's integrated approach.

Introducing Pact's Challenge:

Pact spent a month unpacking the most profound COVID-related challenges for the communities where we work. The three resulting challenge statements reflect the top challenges as voted on by nearly 200 Pact staff. This challenge runs until August 6, 2020, and consists of three tracks that participants can choose from. There will be four solutions chosen at the end of the period: One from each track selected by Pact evaluators and one overall selected by the public for a "People's Choice" winner. To express our gratitude to participants, Pact will showcase the winners in an interview with our President and CEO. The interview will be live for Pact’s global staff and will also be available via Facebook Live, podcast and as a blog on our website. Additionally, winners will receive recognition on our social media channels and in our quarterly external newsletter. 

Three Primary Challenges:

How Can I Participate? 

  • Click "Accept Challenge" above to register for the challenge
  • Check out our three main challenges and choose one
  • Form a team with your friends, the online community here or go it alone

Quick Reference Links:

Challenge timeline here. 


Start a post in our Forum to ask a question, find a team, or connect with other innovators.



All submissions will be due on 8/6/20 and winners will be announced on 9/4/20!

Evaluation Criteria

1. Relevance - Idea/innovation can be adopted or integrated into current initiatives or ops

2. Need & Impact - Effectively solves an important problem related to COVID-19

3. Reach - Potential of reaching a large audience and/or being replicated across Country Offices

4. Level of Innovation - Potential for improving existing services and/or completely new service

5. Business Value - Potential of boosting new business ($$) and/or our program quality profile



What are we looking for?

We are looking for a short pitch deck (not more than 4 slides) on early-stage concepts that might be tailored to our programming. Those 4 slides should include 1) The problem statement 2) The User 3) The solution or prototype and 4) Initial, high level next steps. We welcome visuals and prototypes within the pitch deck and welcome a suggested region for implementation. Note: Pact works in Africa, Asia and Colombia. 

Additionally, all submissions must be specific to only one of the challenges in order to qualify. Please ensure your submission clearly states which track you are responding to:

Challenge 1: Digital Connectedness

Challenge 2: Community Preparedness

Challenge 3: Economic Impact


Who can Enter? 

We believe in the power of inclusion and collaboration, and that good ideas can and should come from anyone, anywhere. We encourage all participants to join us in addressing these pressing challenges that communities around the world are currently facing.


Challenge Updates

We're almost finished! Less than 48 hours!

Aug. 4, 2020, 6:57 a.m. PDT by Ricky Marton

If you've been waiting to finish up that concept note and submit it, today is the day! We now have less than 48 hours left until this contest is closed. Thanks for all the amazing proposals thus far. Good luck!


July 30, 2020, 2:15 p.m. PDT by Ricky Marton

There's exactly one week left to submit your solution to Pact's Global Response Challenge!

You're so close. You can do this!  

Remember, the final submission deadline is August 6th at 1:00 PM  Eastern Time (New York/USA). No submissions received after this time will be accepted, so make sure to get yours in as soon as possible. Any last-minute questions or concerns can go right in the comments section of this update.



Time is Running Low!

July 20, 2020, 10:33 a.m. PDT by Ricky Marton

Hello community! We want to take a moment to thank you for all of the great ideas already submitted! A friendly reminder that we have just under three months remaining in our challenge!

One Month Remaining!

July 6, 2020, 11:26 a.m. PDT by Ricky Marton

We'd like to remind the HeroX community that as of today, we now have only one month until our challenge is complete! Don't wait too long to submit your idea to help us protect others in the fight against COVID-19!

Covid store
"covid store" the store is also work as Clinique and a essential product store.this is designed for the isolated community.
by Suraj T.R
Sanitizer pills
Pills or pellets filled with hand sanitizer solution which people, kids, doctors, staff & patients can stock up in their pocket & use.
by Aadhithya .
Test rápido Acción - Reacción
test rápido ver morder un limón sino te da esa senzacion y esa acción de aumento de saliva tienes Covid
by Ariel Alonso
A pyramidal method to increase digital engagement
This solution highlights three different ways in a pyramid style that help individuals in underdeveloped regions connect digitally.
by Stella Chen
Using blockchain and mobile apps to prepare the community prepardness
by Edima Udo
project W1
An ambivalent system for the space station or lunar station which uses the venturi effect to suck stool and urine.
A mask with all the facilities
My is kind of gas mask but the facilities are different so my mask contains all the facilities which should be used covid-19 virus..
by Rushika Challagulla
save from diseases and COVID
“We are all one and we should all help each other, if we are able to help him.
Risk color code > when to wear mask & face shields
Dark Red= face shield (R) & mask (M) Red= mask (M) Orange= mask or face shield (1 M) Yellow=face shield or mask M=Mandatory R=Recomend
by up-cycle soda bottles > face-shields 4 3rd world
COVID-19 Boosts World's Society, Deletes Economics
People can extend the cooperation shown in COVID-19 into a peaceful world where everyone treats each other as they would treat themselves.
by Rodney Bartlett
Spray Clean
Aerosol spray changes color when detect COVID-19 air or surfaces Spray is white turns Red when virus is detected safe for all human animal
by john provenzano
Eleutherios is a global cooperative forum, where people or businesses can serve one another, through the same customer forum or request.
by Rob Kara
Immune is a Smartphone app supports the immune system by maintaining vitamin levels within the normal range
by Fatima Albousta
health protection device for all
this is an active and smart solution for response to respiratory daisies in epidemic/pandemic condition anywhere
by Amir.s.m
A app that stores and inputs data of pub patrons entering venues
by John Fennelly
The Safe Seat
The Safe Seat is a collapsible, mobile desk with a self-cleaning, plexiglass partition so you don't have to wear a mask.
by Hannah Strong
view all
Challenge 1
Challenge 2
Challenge 3