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inione • any1 & every1, 4-ever-1 everywhere WATER!
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The video'S HOW 'we å pon' night SHINE daily!
pän, pən/
short 4 upon
especially in poetic use or 2 represent dialect
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Feeling trapped in a box...
Is not dripping graciously with the essence...
Of hearing loves massaging touch...
Of-reap-us-sell loves golden locks.

Hand over foot trampling so much of our lives...
Society inclines us to sell out...
Instead of 🕊 healing, sharing, seeking...
Wisdom from our moments in pain no doubt.

This fear you certainly may sense...
It's only a season of feeling nonsense.

The truth is, your life is treasured...
By a soul like you and me, but not die...
Or measured doubt of value wand free.

I chose to write, through wand / open owe pen and hand of imaginative imagery / wizardry.
This 'poemetry art-tickle' creates vibrations kin to memory vs... only a recorded oar biased done forgettable video-breath...

Far more words, cuddled by your rise...
May lift and increase your mind's size.

Language is truly hopes pies,
Circling oddly in essence says,
Three point won for hungrier eyes,
Not even the blind did ever despise.

World's tick kin yore mentality.
You will certainly remember of time...
Smooth as this hand every December...
Tickle's talks of hearing, remembered...
Your voice written out loud ease embers...
Burning desires, cornering you win...
Ahead of firths fields of erring wheat...
Glutinous souls' depressing cries.

Women & mental images do FAR more oar FARE moor than words 'sever' could down this hard river rough life hone the mother hearth:
ENJOY the light within shadows:

Love LIGHT and happinesspace ♡
Submission location
California, United States

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