

Punta Arenas se mueve con el Hidrogeno verde
short description
En Punta Arenas, queremos proyectar la comuna, potencialmente usuaria de energias alternativas, donde el Hidrogeno verde sera estrategico.
This Application form should be submitted only if a city would like to self-identify on the H2 Twin Cities website to solicit interest in potential partners for the Phase 2 application. If cities already have partnerships formed, they may proceed to the Phase 2 Application.
State which category you are interested in applying for:
Category 2: Mentor-Mentee H2 Twin Cities Application
General City Information
Punta Arenas
Lead Representative
Francisco Abarzua
Plaza Muñoz Gamero 745, Punta Arenas Chile
Population of City
H2 Twin City Pairing Information
What participation role(s) is your city interested in?
b. Mentee (Looking for guidance from a more established H2 city)
What sectors are you most interested in? Prioritize by inserting a numerical value from 1 to 4 (or 5) with 1 being the highest priority.
1, first. We are interested in implementing a pilot project of public transport mobility with H2 and then the productive matrix, training young people as future professionals and technicians in the production and use of H2 and also as a key energy of productive entrepreneurship
General H2 Sector Background Information
Hydrogen Production - How much hydrogen is currently produced in your city and what are your plans for increasing hydrogen production within the next five years?
At 2022, in Punta Arenas, just starting the first production projects, as pilots.
Hydrogen Consumption - How much hydrogen is currently consumed in your city and what are your plans for increasing hydrogen consumption within the next five years?
In next 5 years we project , that productive matrix and public buses will consume the first volumes
Hydrogen Production - What energy resources/feedstocks are present locally that could be used to produce hydrogen today?
b. Wind
c. Hydro
e. Biomass and waste
Hydrogen Production - Which resources/feedstocks do you plan to focus on within the next five years?
b. Wind
Hydrogen Infrastructure - What existing hydrogen infrastructure is present in your city and in which areas will you increase deployment in the next five years?
b. Hydrogen production facilities (e.g., electrolyzers)
Hydrogen End-Use - What sectors currently consume hydrogen in your city?
c. Power generation and energy storage, including hydrogen blending
Provide any other information to be shared publicly that may be of value in being selected as a potential twin city.
Punta Arenas and region of Magallanes, is destined to be one of the great centers of clean production for large volumes of H2, due to the enormous natural capacity installed, due to the strong winds in the Magellanic pampas, in the southern sector of Patagonia, on the shores of the Strait of Magellan.

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