
Subject Matter Expert: Dr. Stefanie Brodie, Research Program Specialist - DDOT
brief description
Dr. Brodie is a Research Program Specialist at the District Department of Transportation and believes that research should help public agencies make informed decisions. Her past research focused on performance-based transportation planning, especially how to incorporate equity and other social sustainability considerations into decision making.
key insights
More data helps to make better informed decisions; however, data must be contextualized. Finding new use cases for data, existing and new, and using them to tell the story of transportation in the District and identify ways to move people more safely and efficiently is an exciting challenge that I would like to see tackled.
additional information
Dr. Brodie completed her BS in Civil Engineering at the University of Maryland and worked in consulting for several years before her graduate studies. She obtained a Master’s of City and Regional Planning and a MS and PhD in Civil Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Prior to her role at DDOT, she worked as a Marie Curie postdoctoral research fellowship at the University of Nottingham
