Hi Echovators! Thank you all for your submissions; the ASE reviewers have been working diligently to review, score, and rank all of them. The reviewers have been very impressed with the quality and innovation represented in your solutions and proposals. You all have made their job really tough!

We just wanted to thank you for your patience, and to let you know that we are almost ready to notify the semi-finalists, hopefully this week, and then publicly announce them here on the portal once they have all been confirmed. 

Even if you aren't chosen as one of the semi-finalists who will present live, we will also be naming some "honorable mentions" who will be able to showcase their work as well.

Thanks to all, and we hope to see many of you in Baltimore to celebrate your role in making Echovation Challenge 2017 a great success!

Best wishes,

Andie & The Echovation Team