Greetings Echovators! The ASE Echovation Team is excited to see all of your submissions start coming in, and wanted to remind you that the JANUARY 30 deadline is almost upon us!

Additionally, many of you have asked for some additional guidance about how to create the video portion of your submission. The main purpose of the video is to give us a sense of how well you can communicate your idea and tell an engaging "story."

A few ideas of what you might include in your video pitch:

  1. Clearly and succinctly describe your idea for how to change/improve workflow in the world of echocardiography. Why is your idea special?  Have you tested it?  How do you know it works? Why is your idea exciting? Do you see your idea developing into something bigger and better in the future?
  2. Tell us about you and your team, and how you came up with your idea.  Is there anything about your team that is special/different or makes you successful?
  3. All innovators face challenges.  Tell us about any challenges you faced, developments that surprised you, or things that you learned during the process.
  4. Why did you choose us?  How do you hope the ASE can help foster your innovation.

We have also posted a couple of example videos on the Guidelines tab that might help you; these aren't meant to be strict templates for your video, just provide some ideas as to how you might structure it and how to simply but effectively present your proposal.

Feel free to send us a message or post a comment if you have any questions while working on your submission.

In the words of Thomas Edison, "There's a way to do it better - find it." Happy echovating!

Best wishes, 

Andie & the Echovation Team