Riyadh, Riyadh Region, Saudi Arabia
“Helping others”
We need a clean energy systems re-design to solve our energy challenges and our startup company has solutions. Existing solar panels, parabolic mirrors and wind turbine were designs decades or centuries ago when the demand for clean energy was low and pollution was not such a major problem. Efficiency, affordability and scale-ability of equipment were also not a major part of the design equation. Now we are facing major challenges in these areas mandating action. All energy generation in the universe is optical and hence non-solid ..........except on earth. We must therefore work on an optical clean energy systems re-designs to connect us more efficiently with the enormous energy from the sun. We believe this will help find solutions for our clean energy challenges, facilitate economic improvements in developing countries and even achieve global prosperity. Prospera- Cleantech Inc is a startup company incorporated in Ottawa, Canada. I am the Founder and inventor in the the company in partnership with a Canadian Co-founder. Our startup company offers not only a moonshot design but also inventions and patents based on natural concepts to enhance product development. The clean energy inventions I am working on have deep origins. I studied engineering in the UK in 1980s through a British Council scholarship. What impressed me most about the UK and Europe was the availability of water, electricity, health services and other basic needs.  This planted in me a desire to do something for the communities I had left behind in Africa. The more comfortable I was the stronger were these thoughts. At times I was envious. But the envy gave way to solutions through my training as engineer. Europe and America once also lived without these services. I soon realized it was through innovation that they overcame these problems. Why not Africa and other Developing Countries? This question started me on a personal challenge that has lasted for the past twenty odd years. I would like to share the above passion with Hero X. Thank you for your time.
Engineer Entrepreneur Inventor
“Helping others”
We need a clean energy systems re-design to solve our energy challenges and our startup company has solutions. Existing solar panels, parabolic mirrors and wind turbine were designs decades or centuries ago when the demand for clean energy was low and pollution was not such a major problem. Efficiency, affordability and scale-ability of equipment were also not a major part of the design equation. Now we are facing major challenges in these areas mandating action. All energy generation in the universe is optical and hence non-solid ..........except on earth. We must therefore work on an optical clean energy systems re-designs to connect us more efficiently with the enormous energy from the sun. We believe this will help find solutions for our clean energy challenges, facilitate economic improvements in developing countries and even achieve global prosperity. Prospera- Cleantech Inc is a startup company incorporated in Ottawa, Canada. I am the Founder and inventor in the the company in partnership with a Canadian Co-founder. Our startup company offers not only a moonshot design but also inventions and patents based on natural concepts to enhance product development. The clean energy inventions I am working on have deep origins. I studied engineering in the UK in 1980s through a British Council scholarship. What impressed me most about the UK and Europe was the availability of water, electricity, health services and other basic needs.  This planted in me a desire to do something for the communities I had left behind in Africa. The more comfortable I was the stronger were these thoughts. At times I was envious. But the envy gave way to solutions through my training as engineer. Europe and America once also lived without these services. I soon realized it was through innovation that they overcame these problems. Why not Africa and other Developing Countries? This question started me on a personal challenge that has lasted for the past twenty odd years. I would like to share the above passion with Hero X. Thank you for your time.
Engineer Entrepreneur Inventor