Alexandra Markidou
July 14, 2017 - Aug. 30, 2017
Lawyer at Karides&Karides LLC Advocates, Nicosia
Sept. 10, 2013 - Sept. 10, 2014
Trainee Lawyer at Karides&Karides LLC Advocates, Nicosia
Stockholm County, Sweden
I am a lawyer and member of the Cyprus Bar of Association and a current LLM Candidate in International Commercial Arbitration Law. I have practised at a law firm in Cyprus for three years in civil litigation and corporate law and I have an interest in environmental and climate change issues. My recent Thesis reflects a research on climate change and the theoretical and practical importance of arbitral institutions and counsel within the climate change arena.
I am a lawyer and member of the Cyprus Bar of Association and a current LLM Candidate in International Commercial Arbitration Law. I have practised at a law firm in Cyprus for three years in civil litigation and corporate law and I have an interest in environmental and climate change issues. My recent Thesis reflects a research on climate change and the theoretical and practical importance of arbitral institutions and counsel within the climate change arena.