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Cancer: TV Serie
short description
I propose a TV serie to teach general public about biological bases of cancer, Cancer Epidemiology, current pharmacological therapeutics,
Cancer fear is the barrier that I want to broke. This is generate mainly for ignorance about it, producing a lot of myths around it. Human tend to avoid topics to increase his anxiety or conflict. Everybody has cancer fear, so We prefer don´t talk about it.To educate people allow debunk cancer. Social education is mandatory to achieve a total compromised against cancer. Fear to unknown and disinformation about real effectiveness of current cancer treatments avoid patients want to participate in clinical trials.

Provide link to a source describing the barrier
Provide link to a source describing the barrier
What is your proposed solution to addressing the barriers?
Describe_your_solution (2).doc
What are potential obstacles to your solution? How will you work around these roadblocks?
Main roadblock to realize this project is its high cost (approximately 10 million dollar), the big number of human team involved and the time to use to complete it (12 to 24 months). It is mandatory an executive committee integrated for members of each one of agencies involved.
What % increase in accrual rates do you anticipate?
We wait triplicate the accrural rate in clinical trials related with new cancer treatments. We have to made a follow up of accrural rate in the next two year after finished TV Serie.We wait start to see results in the next six months after finished TV Serie.
How do you anticipate maintaining the % increase in accrual rates over time?
We have to plan a second season to show new advances in treatment and the impact in accrural rates and patient´s survival.
How will you overcome legal/regulatory hurdles, if any?
Regulatory agencies involved in the project will be in front of this topic
Why hasn’t your proposed solution been tried before? If it has, what prevented it from succeeding?
I only know one Cancer documental by Ken Burns which is currently in PBS TV Channel. It is based in the book The emperor of all maladies by Siddhartha Mukherjee. This film review some topics about the history of cancer, medical pioneers and it shows life histories of patients fighting against cancer. This films don´t cover the main objectives proposed with our project which is teach in a didactic and profound manner the biology, epidemiology, Risk factors, current treatments and the role of clinical trials in the solve of this problem. Burns´s film will impulse our project and it will increase the public interest to know more about cancer.

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