Team leaders - Pass this along to your team members who are attending

  • This is a harsh, hot, dry, desert environment with potentially dangerous wildlife. 
  • Temperatures can reach 110 F (42 C)!   Team members look out for each other! 
  • Dehydration injuries happen every year. BE PREPARED!  WATER WATER WATER!!! 
  • Getting a headache?  THAT'S A BIG SIGN OF DEHYDRATION - Quickly drink a whole bottle of water to make it go away
  • Recovery team members need to have HARD SOLED shoes or hiking boots.  Normal tennis shoes will not keep the large bush thorns from penetrating your foot 
  • Everyone should be drinking significant amounts of water. 
  • Any team members wearing inappropriate/unsafe clothing will be asked to correct it immediately. Failure to comply will lead to points being deducted/you may be asked to leave.


  • Mandatory clothing for anyone recovering a rocket 
  • Lightweight, Long Pants (Nylon/Poly) 
  • Sun shade hat (Large brimmed) 
  • Hiking Boots, Tennis shoes (Must be closed Toe) must have HARD SOLES
  • Long sleeve, fishing-style shirt 
  • Desert wildlife to avoid: 
    • Tarantulas 
    • Snakes 
    • Scorpions

Clothing to AVOID (You may be asked to change your attire if you wear inappropriate clothing): 

  • Open toed shoes, flip-flops, sandals 
  • Sleeveless T-shirts, tank tops, half-tops 
  • Shorts 

Additional Items to carry with you: 

  • Water, lots of it! Always have water with you. Your team should bring cases of water with you everyday
  • First Aid Kit (for your group) 
  • Sun Tan Lotion – SPF 45+ (apply every 2 hours) 
  • Insect Repellant 
  • Sunglasses