We’d like to thank all of the teams who have already submitted their pre-registration forms on HeroX. Shoutout to Team 25, Duke University, for being the first entry this year, keep up the good work! So far, all but one team has chosen the earliest time-slot (9-11am) as their number one pick, so if your team is interested in the earliest start time, make sure to submit as soon as possible to receive your preference!

Another note, upon checking the earliest submissions, we realized that the excel document on our website was outdated, this sheet was missing the column for ethnicity data which ESRA requires this year. This will not affect the placement of teams who have already submitted, I will email those teams individually to gather the information. For those who have not submitted yet, please check if you have the most updated document and transfer your information to it if necessary.

It has also been brought to our attention that there was an issue purchasing non-attending rocketeer tickets on our website, this issue has been resolved, so your team will be able to purchase those tickets now if desired.

Thank you all for your patience and hard work during these changes to SAC, we hope to make this competition the best one yet!

Sierra Stockwell
Registration Coordinator