Hello Rocketeers and Satelliteers,

Please, find the updated 2023 LASC Teams List, Revision 02, on https://www.lasc.space/2023-lasc/overview. For the following communication all Teams shall use the Mission ID as an indentifier as stated on Scetion 6.2.1. of the 2023 LASC Rules & Requirements Document.

All submitted 1st Progress Updates were evaluated by our judges. Congratulations all Teams that together submitted 122 rockets and satellites projects in the first update. We have just main points regarding to the following aspects:

(1) The following oxidizers will not be supplied by our partners from the Rocketeers Store: Ammonium Nitrate, Gaseous Oxygen and Hydrogen Peroxide.

(2) We do not expect to have any COTS Motor from Cesaroni, Aerotech or similar. The only COTS Motor that will be available in limited quantity will be the Rocketeers Super 54 (54/600 and 54/1300). Important: LASC will not authorize flights of COTS Motors other than the Rocketeers Super 54.

Let's now progress to the 2nd Progress Update and the Readiness Review Video. This update and video shall be submitted before May 28, 2023, 11 p.m. (Brasilia Time). The direct link to fill the form is https://www.herox.com/SpaceChallenge2023/phases.

Finally, it is important to check the Revision 01 of the 2023 LASC Rules and Requirements and the 2nd Progress Update Template both available on https://www.lasc.space/2023-lasc/documents-forms

LASC Staff