
Book: Building Gender Equity in the Academy: Institutional Strategies for Change,and%20in%20academe%20more%20broadly
brief description
In Building Gender Equity in the Academy, Sandra Laursen and Ann E. Austin offer a concrete, data-driven approach to creating institutions that foster gender equity. Focusing on STEM fields, where gender equity is most lacking, Laursen and Austin begin by outlining the need for a systemic approach to gender equity.
additional information
Looking at the successful work being done by specific colleges and universities around the country, they analyze twelve strategies these institutions have used to create more inclusive working environments, including

• implementing inclusive recruitment and hiring practices
• addressing biased evaluation methods
• establishing equitable tenure and promotion processes
• strengthening accountability structures, particularly among senior leadership
• improving unwelcoming department climates and cultures
• supporting dual-career couples
• offering flexible work arrangements that accommodate personal lives
• promoting faculty professional development and advancement

Laursen and Austin also discuss how to bring these strategies together to create systemic change initiatives appropriate for specific institutional contexts.
