
Vortex Based Air Push Toilet

Our design solved all the critierias mentioned. TLR 3+ , Our Submission is not getting completely uploaded, trying for an hour, only partially it is saved, Even our Cad file, isnt uploaded, The below logo is our design image, Please fix the issue of crashing HeroX. We had really worked hard for this. Please help us in this matter.

Air to push waste into the tank, rather than pulling the waste into the tank, this is easier and more effective than generation vaccumn
vertex air injection shall be used, ie, injecting air into a cylindrical tank tangentially can create a spiral whirlpool of airflow and can be directed by tilting to any specific direction, Fluid simulation of the particles has been examined. This effect is effective when the system is in microgravity also, the air jet can be produced by an air compressor similar to Haeila Air Compressors, that work from 45-60 watts depending on the force required, however in our design, we have used 45-watt compressor, that can produce an air mass flow of 1kG/s. Yes, the surface is designed to be in less contact with the dirty, moreover, the jet flows almost ensures, that the particles of dirty moves faster along the side, rather than sticking into it. The system can generate a sound of 60bB, during it max performance.
The Toilet naturally pulls some air into, aslo the compression process, pulls air from nearby ensuring no odor.

We have included an excel file, having all the calculations.
Our Design captures waste through 3 inlets, Menses NApkins, Waste, glove, etc can go in the bowel inlet. Urine is collected separately, Vomit is also collected separately..
The design as 3 tank, Stage 1 tank , Stage 2 and Stage 3.
Both Stage 1 and Stage 2 tank are to be used for 5.125 Days each and The stage 3 tank for the rest of the days.
The tanks can be removed by simple screws that can be twisted by hands, Inner most tank is the Stage 1 whichi is to be removed after the first 5.125 days . Tank the tank two lid is to be tightened
The toilet used multiple iris mechnisms that are electronicaly controled, thus it would be safe.
We this our work can be easily implemented, with few more research and precision in the calculation, it can be very shortly developed, We have tried to keep it as simple as possible too.