Are you ready for the next Challenge?

We hope you’re as excited as we are about the launch of the Geopolitical Forecasting Challenge 2 (GF Challenge 2). We’ve recently released the IP Agreement, Prize Information, and the Challenge Rules.  Best of all, you can now register and begin setting up your API.


The Challenge launches  on  May 15,  and
Solvers will compete for up to $250K in prizes! 



Yes, we mean you!

New perspectives can offer innovative insights. To that end, we’re looking for solutions from individuals or teams who think they can help advance the science of forecasting, including forecasting enthusiasts, data scientists, computer programmers, economists, epidemiologists, and even – or especially – experts in disciplines we haven’t yet considered.

Are you in?

IFPs and data start flowing on May 15, so get signed up and register for your API token now.

Accept the Challenge