Dear Solvers,

Thank you for your patience with the Leaderboard! We’ve worked hard to make the necessary changes to improve your GF Challenge Solver experience. Here are the changes:

  1. We’ve added filters from the GFC Leaderboard to the Beat HFC Leaderboard.
  2. On both Leaderboards, we changed the “Minimum Questions Attempted” filter to “Minimum % Questions Attempted.”
  3. The "Filter by Topic" field now only allows topics where one or more questions has resolved.
  4. We've updated the “Number of IFPs Attempted” column to include both the number of IFPs and their percentage.
  5. We’ve updated the Milestone 1, 2, and 3 Leaderboards to show the following criteria:
  6. All IFPs resolved between Date A and Date B with a minimum participation of 80%
  7. We’ve updated the Spring Forecaster Leaderboard to reflect the following criteria:
    • All IFPs Open in May, Resolved before June 20, with a minimum participation of 80%
    • Please view the Spring Forecaster Leaderboard here:
  8. We've updated the Leaderboard to show who is at the top of the Leaderboard. This means those at the top have participated in and achieved:
    • All resolved IFPs with 70% or (50% participation for undergrad) and positive NBPs on over half of the IFPs attempted
    • Please view the overall Leaderboard here:
  9. We’ve added to the top of the Leaderboard for the Domain Region pairs:
  10. For the Election Forecaster Award Leaderboard:
    • IFPs with Topic – Elections and 80% minimum participation
    • Please view the Election Forecaster Leaderboard here:

Happy forecasting,

GF Challenge Team