Congratulations to the Top 5 winners, and to all contestants in this Challenge!  The winners in Match #1 of the Differential Privacy Synthetic Data Challenge are:

1st ($10 000) - 781 953 - jonathanps
2nd ($7 000) - 736 780 - ninghui
3rd ($5 000) - 664 623 - rmckenna
4th ($2 000) - 93 955 - manisrivastava
5th ($1 000) - 82 414 - privbayes

For more details on the final review and scoring, head over to the Topcoder forum.

Differential privacy is an emerging research area. The work that each of you have done and will continue to do is critical to developing the knowledge and resources essential to expanding research in this area. You are helping NIST grow a diverse community that is maturing into robust solutions.  Your participation in this data challenge is incredibly important…highlighting different approaches that will become the basis for future growth and innovation while helping NIST establish a measurement-based approach to fostering data-driven R&D in this area.  Your involvement with PSCR ensures that this community considers the practical, applied use of differential privacy in public safety applications of the future.