Have you thought about forming a team to compete in the ASAPS Challenge? Teams can be formed directly on the challenge page by going to the team matching section or by connecting in the forum.

For a tutorial on how to use these tools, watch the video below:

Successful outcomes will require collaboration among participants with skill sets from across many academic disciplines, sectors, organizations, and technical communities, including:

Computer Vision, Human Language Technology, Automatic Speech Recognition, Information Filtering and Retrieval, Information Extraction, Sensor Data Processing, Geographic Information Systems, Knowledge Engineering and Management/Expert Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Predictive Modeling, Data Science, High-Performance Computing, Distributed Processing, Cloud Computing, Information Visualization, Augmented/Virtual Reality, Operations Research, Public Safety Communications, and Operations.

Rome wasn’t built in a day. Your team will take some time to come together, so be sure to get ahead of it and start recruiting, reaching out, and networking about the challenge now. The team matching section is the best place to start to find individuals seeking teams and teams seeking individuals with specific expertise. If you don’t have any luck there, then try starting a new topic in the forum!