

Save them all! A women and Children Hospital
short description
Save them All or STA is a chain of hospitals where women and children who are in the same family can stay together in little medical suites.
Unfold your idea into a story connected to a specific situation (max 5000 characters)
A woman who became sick accidentally passed it on to her son and they were sent to a hospital where they became separated. When they were not with each other they grew more sick. The doctors decided the send them to STA where they became better very soon. They stayed together in their own little medical suite that had everything that they needed so they were able to survive. Around the whole hospital, more people started to survive and thrive and when they were released back to their husbands and fathers they were much better.
How can your idea be implemented? Who can be a partner or supplier in realising it?
Any person that also loves to help people so everyone can survive. Maybe Kaiser or Healthcare Partners. Maybe also Methodist. My idea can be implemented by becoming a chain of places where any hurt or sick person can find refuge and help.

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