

The Healers
short description
The mental image needs to be changed. This can be done with pamphlets and short books portraying the actual workers as real people healers.
Unfold your idea into a story connected to a specific situation (max 5000 characters)
The Healers
I remember when I was a kid the most powerful memory I have of going to the doctor is the trip to the treasure box. Our family doctor had this huge chest that looked like it came from a pirate ship full of small goodies. You could reach your hand in at the end of your visit to the doctor and take one item for yourself.
Imagine This
My childhood memory led to a visualization of what I could imagine would make me loose almost all fear of going to the doctor or hospital.
I envisioned a place gleaming clean but not dead white.
It was a place from the outside painted and decorated like a great castle from the past.
There were trails with gardens and trees in abundance surrounding it and leading to the entrance.
Inside it was like entering a place of peace and tranquility.
There were smells of fresh bake goods whisking through the air.
The floors were coated in some light colored gold looking resin.
The walls were painted a shimmering silver…anything but white.
This by itself would change the image of the medical institution from a place of death to one of healing and feeling better.
1. Never refer to it as magic. The idea is to convey a sense of highly skilled professionals educated in the art of healing.
2. The interior colors should be happy colors but at the same sticking with a color scheme that is easy to clean and see any bacteria, mold or other pollutants to the environment. NO WHITE.
3. Outside the decor, based on the budget of each institution, could be like a fun park combined with child safe play areas.
4. Do not forget for the small kids always give them a treat at the end…I really loved the treasure chest.

There needs to be more children’s books written in story like format portraying the doctors as healers and as loving, kind smart, wise people whom have spent many years studying the art of healing.
The institution itself should have pamphlets detailing a short story of their staff letting the clients get to know the persons they would be seeing. These pamphlets should be in short story format, not one scrubbed clean by antiseptics.
How can your idea be implemented? Who can be a partner or supplier in realising it?
A new institution could implement most of these ideas at minimal cost if any above the cost of the standard model.

An existing institution could implement this over time molding their facility and model to fit this oine.

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