Our Goal: Catalyze a Breakthrough Solution to Design and Build the World’s First Compact, Autonomy-Enabled Rescue Aircraft that is Safe and Simple to Fly.
We’ve created a three-year global competition bringing the world’s brightest minds together to focus on a singular mission: Saving Lives.
Teams participating will design and build the first autonomy-enabled Emergency Response Flyer, a high-tech aircraft that will help response teams reach people, places and crises faster and easier than ever before.
Winners will save countless lives. They’ll also receive $2+ Million in prizes.
A Singular Mission: Saving Lives
We’re building the world’s first-ever autonomy-enabled Emergency Response Flyer. And we want you to join us.
Imagine a world where every first responder has life-saving aerial capability enabled by compact size and autonomous operations. With support from Boeing, NASA, RTX, and countless partners, our work will make emergency response aircraft accessible to all.
In an Emergency Situation Every Second Counts
The difference between triumph and tragedy in emergency rescue scenarios often rests on our ability to move towards the danger, not away. That’s why we’re building a new high-tech aircraft that will help emergency response teams reach people, places, and crises faster and easier than ever before.
The Challenge: The State of Emergency is Changing. The State of Emergency Response is Not.
Emergency responders face significant challenges getting people, supplies, and medical teams in and out of hazardous situations. Gridlocked traffic, narrow streets, forest fires, thick brush, and vast rivers and mountain ranges create obstacles to swift and effective response efforts and can leave communities vulnerable during times of need.
Health Crises
In the U.S. alone, nearly 4.5 million people live in "ambulance deserts." In a medical emergency, they may have to wait 25 minutes or more for an emergency crew to arrive.
Natural Disasters and Climate Change
In 2022, there were more than 380 natural disasters worldwide - affecting 185 million people and resulting in the loss of over 30,000 lives.
These extreme weather patterns and climate events have skyrocketed in the past half-century, while our response capabilities have remained stagnant.
There is a Gap between What Aircraft Can Do and What First Responders Need.
Since helicopters can’t fly to all places or reach those in tight quarters, helicopter rescues can be very difficult or impossible to complete. Add in the high cost of acquisition and operation and couple that with a pilot shortage, and helicopter rescue response is often inaccessible to many when they need it most.
In search and rescue, drones can complete the search portion of the mission, but not the rescue.
The Answer: Create the World’s First Compact, Autonomy-Enabled Rescue Aircraft that is Safe and Simple to Fly.
Today’s technology enables simpler, smaller, more reliable, and more versatile aerospace solutions.
Advancements in obstacle sense and avoid technologies combined with state estimation and behavior management algorithms have enabled reliable autonomy.
Electrification has enabled simplified, efficient power and novel airframe designs. With significantly fewer parts, these aircraft can require less maintenance. Plus, electric aircraft are quick to fly—cutting down critical emergency response time.
Now is the Time: We have the Resources. We Just Need The Resourceful.
Your talent and unique vision will help us create the breakthrough emergency response solution we desperately need today. Join GoAERO and start saving lives now.
*Stage 2 Registration Documents are now available! Even if you did not participate in Stage 1, we invite and encourage you to participate in Stage 2. Registration documents can be found here, and if you have questions, please contact us at info@goAEROprize.com.
GoAERO is a set of three competitions fostering development and operation of single-occupant scale, affordable, robust, beneficial systems to serve the public good. These aircraft have invaluable capabilities for addressing challenges posed by natural disasters and climate change, humanitarian crises, medical emergencies, and other situations of people in distress. GoAERO aims to inspire aviation technology, beyond transportation, to benefit humankind. GoAERO aircraft don’t wear running shoes or fancy chauffeur gloves; they get important jobs done and show up ready to help wearing a badge and rugged boots. GoAERO systems are:
Productive: Deploy on site and keep working day-in and day-out, reliably and efficiently.
Versatile: All-theater, multi-environment, and robust so the important jobs are trusted to get done no matter what.
Capable: Precision to complete unique tasks and with the agility to react and adapt to unpredictable environments.
The final Fly-Off event features three separate scored missions to be flown (with manikin stand-ins for human occupants) testing specific relevant skills and capabilities that are applicable to a wide variety of possible real-world scenarios, for example:
Retrieve an injured person from under a forest canopy
Deliver (or retrieve) a firefighter on a burning hillside
Retrieve a drowning victim at the beach
Get a first responder to the scene in a dense urban environment (building, signs, wires, tight spaces)
Get water and rations to communities cut off by natural disaster
Evacuate flood victims
Douse a nascent wildfire
Rescue someone who has fallen through the ice on a frozen lake
Locate / identify / observe an emergency situation
Act as a fire truck “ladder extension”
…And do all this in difficult conditions: bad weather, chaotic (uncooperative) air traffic and obstacles, unknown terrain, etc.
Quickly deploy the system, then continuously ferry payload
Drive on site, quickly get the system ready to fly, then make multiple trips to move as much payload as possible.
Take off and land in difficult conditions
Land, ground pause, and take off at sandy, sloped, wet/rainy, windy and unsurveyed sites.
Tightly maneuver while avoiding obstacles
Run a slalom course featuring four obstacles and a spot landing, with and without payload in each direction.
“Autonomy-enabled” means systems that can have broad impact for good by requiring low workload and little skill / training such that they are accessible to existing stakeholders who can remain focused on their mission instead of vehicle operation. In the GoAERO competition, automation can enable optimized performance and reduced errors, improving mission scores, and autonomy is also explicitly rewarded with bonus points for the top prize.
While many existing aircraft are capable of accomplishing these missions, GoAERO will spur new developments that showcase to users, industry, government, and the public the art of the possible with today's technology (affordability, portability, storability, ease of use, versatility, etc.), which may one day lead to fieldable solutions.
April 8, 2024: Comment period closes
GoAERO solicits and welcomes comments on the Fly-Off rulebook. Use this form to comment.
December 11, 2024: GoAERO Stage 1 submission deadline
Up to ten $10,000 Stage 1 winners are selected based on a digital-only submission describing the technical approach and project plan. Stage 1 submissions are judged on:
40% technical approach: Describe the hardware and software you plan to bring to the Fly-Off, describe its sufficient performance, and substantiate that it will perform as claimed.
25% project plan: Show that you will safely and dependably execute up through finishing the Fly-Off and have the necessary resources.
20% competitiveness: Show that your system has been developed and optimized for competitive performance specifically at the GoAERO Fly-Off.
15% clarity: Make your submission organized, succinct, and easy to follow.
September 30, 2025: GoAERO Stage 2 submission deadline
Up to eight $40,000 Stage 2 winners are selected based on Stage 1 content (with updates for those who participated in Stage 1) plus a show of concept validation. In addition to any other key subsystem validation you may wish to include, concept validation must also include evidence (with uncut video, including payload weighing) of the aircraft or representative prototype flying, and it must be at least 35% size scale and carrying a dynamic scale payload weight (~5.4 lb / 2.4 kg for 35% scale) on a minimum flight profile of taking off, flying 100 ft away, and returning to land at the same location. Submissions lacking this required minimum flight capability demonstration will not be scored. Stage 2 submissions are judged on the same criteria as Stage 1 submissions, with an additional 40% for concept validation (i.e., 140% total).The Stage 2 submission will also require explanations of safety procedures in place for the validation flights.
Teams can join the competition at any time and do not need to have participated in previous rounds to compete in the next round. Teams also do not need to win a previous stage prize in order to continue into the next round of the competition, although we encourage Teams to enter sooner rather than later so that they can enjoy the Benefits provided to GoAERO Teams and have the ability to compete to win early-round prizes and publicity.
June 5, 2026 - December 15, 2026: GoAERO Fly-Off qualifying period
Participation in Stage 1 or 2 is not required to participate in the Fly-Off.
Qualifying for participation in the GoAERO Fly-Off requires an aircraft, with registration and airworthiness certificate, that has demonstrated controlled flight capability with full payload. Competitors must submit video (uncut) of the aircraft carrying a full-weight payload (video to include payload weighing) on a controlled outdoor flight consisting of at least a taking off from an area the size of or smaller than one of the defined operations zones, flying at least 300 ft away out of ground effect, and returning to a controlled landing at the same operations zone.
Under no circumstances will participants be allowed to fly at the GoAERO Fly-Off who have not proven this controlled flight capability at least 30 days prior to the competition. This is a hard deadline, with no exceptions.
Qualifying and registration will require additional documentation and actions as related to both event logistics and to safety, for example disclosing information on internal safety reviews and operating limitations.
Early application for qualifying is advantageous since registration may be capped. Early application also allows time to revise and amend a potentially non-qualifying package.
February 5, 2027: GoAERO Fly-Off event
The up to 3-day GoAERO Fly-Off features three separate missions testing specific skills and capabilities relevant to public good missions. See GoAERO Fly-Off Rulebook for rules and mission details. The best performer in each completed mission wins a prize of $150,000, and the best aggregate performance earns the $1,000,000 top prize.
Additional prizes will be awarded:
$100,000 RTX Disruptor Prize for “disruptive advancement of the state of the art.”
$100,000 Autonomy Prize for “achievements enabled by transferable automation, algorithms, and/or sensing developments.”
Rules and requirements may change at any time up to and including the final event. This includes the nature of missions or even the number of missions and scoring parameters.
Competition teams are solely responsible for the safe operation of their vehicles. This includes the safety of the operator, the vehicle, and any object or person on the ground. The organizers of the competition will not assess the adequacy of the submission from a safety perspective. The competition team is solely responsible for identifying all risks, mitigating them to the maximum extent possible, and determining if the residual risk is acceptable.
GoAERO Fly-Off Rulebook
1. Missions
The competition features three separate missions to be performed by single-occupant aircraft with a 125 lb (57 kg) manikin “Alex” stand-in for the occupant. The highest ranked performer completing each mission wins a prize for that mission. The top prize is awarded based on aggregate performance in the missions.
1.1. Productivity mission
Demonstrate the ability to a) quickly deploy the system and b) continuously ferry payload. Ranked by ratio of total payload weight ferried to total system weight.
Operations zone (OZ)
“The Depot.” Hard surface, trapezoid 100 ft (30 m) long, 5 ft (1.5 m) wide at the narrow end closest to the end line and 30 ft (9 m) wide at the far end.
Deployment phase
Start with the aircraft, operating crew, and all equipment for the mission (excluding payloads) on the ground transport vehicle, meeting highway weight, length, width, and height limits.
Drive to the mission course along a prescribed route, which may involve inclines, turns, bumps, moderate minimum speeds, etc. The deployment timer starts upon arrival at the course at the OZ when all points of ground contact of the ground transport vehicle have crossed into the lane surrounding the OZ. Deployment actions, such as crew leaving highway-legal seatbelted positions, may not begin before this time.
Prepare the aircraft for flight. One pause of the deployment timer and, if started, the mission timer (see below) is to be used for unhurried touch-free pre-flight checks and inspections to verify proper setup (with the touch-free participation of other crew and payload handlers allowed). Teams may also use this pause to move the unloaded ground transport vehicle out of the OZ or away from course and move and set up ground control equipment in the designated operating crew area. The maximum duration of the pause is 20 minutes.
Flight phase
The mission timer begins at the first of either liftoff or the deployment timer reaching 30 minutes.
Empty of payload, fly a segment well out of ground effect. A segment is three laps, each from behind the base line, across the end line approximately one quarter mile away, and returning across the base line.
Return to the OZ and touch down.
Load any payload(s) of choice. Payload(s) may vary for each loaded segment and may be any combination of
up to twelve 6 ft (1.8 m) lengths of #5 rebar (~6.2 lb / 2.8 kg per piece), and/or
up to three 40 lb (18 kg) sandbags (sandbags have no handles).
Take off, fly a segment with payload, and land at the OZ.
Gently unload all payload. Unloaded payload may not be in contact with any system element during flight (including prior to the first segment).
Repeat the process of flying segments, alternating empty and with payload(s).
The mission timer stops at 90 minutes. The last load counts at touchdown (does not have to be unloaded before the timer expires).
To complete the mission, the minimum total payload weight ferried is 1250 lb (567 kg).
Maximum 4 payload handlers / pit crew. They must be at least 50 ft (15 m) from the OZ borders any time the aircraft is in flight and may never get within 3 ft (0.9 m) of still-moving systems not enclosed or blocked by static aircraft structure as first point of contact. Payloads, tools, and equipment must remain in the OZ or on the aircraft.
Expect mission parameters to be revised as the event site allows.
Instead of deploying into the OZ, teams may elect for the first takeoff to be directly off of the transport vehicle, which may be parked in the OZ or within a 10 ft (3 m) wide lane bordering all but the short sides of the OZ.
Total system weight for ranking includes all equipment used during the mission, including aircraft, extra fuel/batteries, parts, tools/equipment, consumables, etc. It excludes the ground transport vehicle (if not contacted after the first liftoff), operating crew, ground control equipment, and payloads. The first pair of human payload handlers used counts as 50 lbs (23 kg), with any additional individuals as 50 lbs each.
Productivity mission course illustration (not to scale).
1.2. Adversity mission
Demonstrate the ability to take off and land in difficult conditions. Ranked by fastest time.
Operations zones
“The Base.” Hard surface, 25 ft (7.6 m) wide by 50 ft (15 m) long.
“The Pit.” 12 ft x 12 ft (3.7 m) loose dry sand. Sand extends beyond OZ borders and well beyond is surrounded by short walls intended to contain anything strewn by downwash within the OZ environment. Additional elements creating low visibility conditions may be present.
“The Hill.” 11 ft x 11 ft (3.4 m) on an elevated platform at a ~12 degree incline, surfaced with carpet.
“The Flood.” Surface of a ~24 ft (7.3 m) diameter, ~18 in (0.5 m) deep pool with simulated moderate (~1/8th inch / 4 mm per hour) rainfall. Touching / resting on the floor of the pool is allowed. Landing must include momentarily touching or popping a balloon floating on the pool surface anchored to limit movement to a ~6 ft (1.8 m) radius circle.
“The Tornado.” Hard surface, 15 ft x 15 ft (4.6 m) with strong, non-uniform wind currents. Elements used to create these conditions are placed no closer than 18 ft (5.5 m) from the center of the zone.
“The Unknown.” Hard surface, 60 ft x 25 ft (18 m x 7.6 m). Obstacles up to 3 ft (0.9 m) tall and not in direct view of the operating crew are distributed such that a minimum 15 ft (4.6 m) diameter area remains clear of obstacles. Obstacles may be re-distributed before or during the mission except whenever the aircraft may be en route to the OZ.
Start at The Base with Alex on board. Timer starts at liftoff.
Overfly a tall (~30 ft / 9 m) marker located up to 100 ft (30 m) away from the OZs.
Fly to a different OZ.
Touch down at the new OZ and remain touched down for a minimum of 2 contiguous minutes.
Take off and repeat (take off, overflight of marker, touch down, ground pause) for each of the remaining OZs not yet flown to, in any order.
Timer stops after touchdown back at The Base. Maximum time allowed: 30 minutes.
1.3. Maneuvering mission
Demonstrate the ability to tightly maneuver while avoiding obstacles. Ranked by fastest time.
Operations zones
“The Base.” Hard surface, 25 ft (7.6 m) wide by 50 ft (15 m) long.
“The Spot.” Hard surface, 8 ft x 8 ft (2.4 m), with entrance and exit through a 28 ft (8.5 m) wide by 30 ft (9 m) high gate with threshold ~4 ft (1.2 m) from one edge. May be shielded, above and/or to the sides, by structures designed to degrade GNSS quality.
Take off with Alex from The Base. Timer starts at liftoff.
Fly the course (forward direction):
Navigate around (left turn) obstacle 1 (vertical pylon), staying above 50 ft (15 m) AGL while passing abeam the obstacle in the outbound direction.
Navigate around (right turn) obstacle 2 (vertical pylon), keeping below 35 ft (11 m) (highest point of aircraft) while passing between obstacles 2 and 4.
Navigate around (left turn) or over obstacle 3 (50 ft / 15 m high virtual wall).
Navigate around (right turn) obstacle 4 (same as obstacle 2).
Land on The Spot.
Gently unload payload.
Take off and fly course in reverse direction, no payload.
Touch down back in The Base.
Fly course in forward direction, no payload, and touch down at The Spot.
Re-load Alex.
Fly course in reverse direction, with payload, and land in The Base. Timer stops on touchdown. Maximum time allowed: 20 minutes.
The timer is stopped while any part of the aircraft is touching The Spot, up to a maximum of 4 minutes per visit.
Obstacles and The Spot surface are placed within up to a 75 ft (23 m) width and roughly spaced over a total distance of 225 to 325 ft (69 to 99 m).
Obstacles will be physical as far as is practical, with virtual extensions and interpolations. Contact is allowed with obstacles and The Spot gate.
Maximum three payload handlers for The Spot operations. Payload handlers are all that are allowed in addition to aircraft and payload (no additional tools or equipment). Payload handlers must be at least 50 ft (15 m) from the OZ borders any time the aircraft is in flight and may never get within 3 ft (0.9 m) of still-moving systems not enclosed or blocked by static aircraft structure as first point of contact.
Maneuvering mission course illustration (not to scale).
2. Additional rules and information
2.1. Spirit of the competition
Just like real-world missions require adaptability, teams should expect the unexpected at the event and should not expect mission conditions, layouts, or elements to be exactly as practiced, precisely defined prior to the event, or exactly the same for each competitor attempt. Course element coordinates will not be provided, and teams may not pre-survey courses. Teams are expected to strive for competitiveness. Just as with sporting events, chance, weather, and other factors outside of competitor control may play a role in determining results.
2.2. Primary mission payload “Alex”
“Alex” is a manikin stand-in for a human with approximate stature of 5’5” (1.65 m) and a nominal weight of 125 lb (57 kg), plus clothing (to represent about half of a fieldable product minimum payload capability to reduce competition cost and logistics). Alex must be carried in some plausible reasonable position with plausible restraints for an active or passive human occupant.
Alex (specifically, Simulaids #149-1390) and other payloads are provided at the event.
2.3. Transport and staging
The total system, including all operating crew, the aircraft, fuel, support equipment, etc., but excluding payloads, payload handlers, and specialized staging equipment, must arrive at the competition properly secured and fitting on a single US highway-legal ground transport vehicle (trailers allowed), meeting weight, length, and width requirements and a 13.5 ft (4.1 m) height limit. Teams should be prepared to stage for mission attempts within two hours of access to the competition site since prior-day access is not guaranteed.
Whether repurposing the ground transport vehicle or using some other additional separate equipment (tugs, towbars, dollies, etc.), teams must be able to efficiently stage and unstage their system to and from mission courses. This requires the ability to:
Move the system a distance over a hard surface at a minimum of a 2.5 mph (4 km/h) (average walking pace), but more desirably towed or driven,
Set up at the mission starting operations zone and ground station area and be ready to fly within fifteen minutes of arriving at the course, with the timer starting after 10 minutes regardless, and
Clear the course within ten minutes of finishing a mission attempt.
Teams should plan to include the ability to clearly “safe” the system any time it is not attempting a mission, including assurance of radio equipment not transmitting.
2.4. Top prize points
The top prize is based on a system of completion points, rank points, and bonus points.
Completion points
Teams must earn 30 or more completion points to win the top prize.
25 points per mission completed.
10 points per mission partially completed. Partial completion criteria are:
Productivity: Total weight of ferried payloads of at least 700 lb (318 kg).
Adversity: Any one OZ or cycle incomplete or omitted.
Maneuvering: Either a) mis-flying any one obstacle once or b) omitting the final flight leg (reverse direction with payload).
Rank points
Teams with fewer than 30 completion points (those not eligible to win the top prize) are omitted from rankings used for determining rank points.
10 points to the highest ranked team of each mission.
4 points to the 2nd highest ranked team of each mission.
Bonus points
Operating crew: 2 points for each mission fully or partially completed using only a single operating crew member (excluding staging operations). Capped at 4 points.
Workload: 2 points for each mission fully completed, or 3 points for each mission partially completed, with no more than 30 total seconds of operator inputs. An additional 2 points are awarded if accomplished with zero operator inputs. Inputs whenever payload handlers may be active are ignored. Capped at 9 points.
Deployment: 6 points if deployed in under 2 minutes, or 4 points if under 5 minutes, on the Productivity mission if total weight of ferried payloads is at least 125 lb (57 kg).
Ties are settled first by who has at least partially completed more missions, then by who has the superior ranking in more missions, then by points with caps on bonus points removed. If still tied, the prize is split.
2.5. Penalties
Single penalties – 20% completion points reduction per instance:
Going partially out of bounds of an OZ (some part of the system still touches inside the OZ).
Double penalties – 40% completion points reduction per instance:
Other illegal contact outside of OZs or explicitly allowed mission elements.
Piercing or otherwise intentionally damaging payloads.
Any penalty results in no ranking for that mission. The standard penalty for otherwise violating rules or not meeting a requirement is a void mission attempt. Gross violations of the rules, unsportsmanlike or unethical conduct, or unsafe behavior, for example any excursion beyond course boundaries, results in disqualification and nullification of all mission attempts.
2.6. Field of play
Layout, dimensions, definitions, and demarcation of OZs, ground station, and other mission elements are approximate.
It should not be assumed that areas outside of OZs are smooth, level, or free of obstructions.
Teams will not be provided with precise surveyed locations of OZs and mission elements.
Teams should not expect access to courses prior to mission attempts.
Mission courses will include additional explicit boundaries (including altitude limits) that may be close to mission elements, limiting wide turns.
Multiple teams may be airborne simultaneously, attempting the same or different missions, separated by course boundaries.
Neither aircraft parts nor payloads may touch the ground, obstacles, or mission elements anywhere outside the operations zone unless otherwise explicitly allowed. Where explicitly allowed, any contact must not result in the element being damaged, toppled, etc. i.e., it must remain in place and functional for the contact to still be legal.
2.7. Uncrewed operations
No human pilot, crew, or passengers are allowed on board during flight. Total operating crew on the ground is limited to 2 persons for staging, deploying, and operating the aircraft in all missions (excludes payload handlers, but includes a visual observer if one operator has obstructed vision).
Ground areas will be designated at each mission course for operating crew, outside expected aircraft flight paths but within line of sight. Anyone in or in communication with the designated area is considered operating crew.
Teams are responsible for ensuring that risks of excursion beyond course boundaries are mitigated, with consideration that there may not be a clean RF or GNSS signal environment.
2.8. Takeoff and landing definition
Lifting off means no part of the aircraft or payload remains in contact with the OZ.
Touching down or landing means a load-bearing part of the aircraft (bears a significant portion of aircraft and payload weight) is in contact with the OZ and the entire flight system is a single unit.
Landings must not result in damage to the aircraft, payload, or OZ. All parts, components, and assemblies must remain intact, attached to the aircraft, and in the OZ.
2.9. Mission order and attempts
Adding and removing accessory equipment between mission attempts is allowed, but the same core aircraft and its elements (propulsion, powered lift, control effectors, lifting surfaces, etc.) must be included for all missions.
The total number of entrants, which mission(s) they plan to attempt, event schedule and calendar, and other factors will determine the order of mission attempts for each competitor. Reattempts to achieve completion or a better score may be available but are also dependent on these factors. Performance points and mission prizes may also be diminished or unavailable on reattempts. In order to allow for a denser schedule of mission attempts at the event, the maximum time allowed limits for missions may also be reduced.
*Stage 2 Registration Documents are now available! Even if you did not participate in Stage 1, we invite and encourage you to participate in Stage 2. Registration documents can be found here, and if you have questions, please contact us at info@goAEROprize.com.
The GoAERO Prize Competition will award over $2 million in prizes over three stages. Teams can join the competition at any time and do not need to have participated in previous rounds to compete in the next round. Teams also do not need to win a previous stage prize in order to continue into the next round of the competition, although we encourage Teams to enter sooner rather than later so that they can enjoy the Benefits provided to GoAERO Teams and have the ability to compete to win early-round prizes and publicity.
Prizes will be awarded for each stage of the Competition as follows:
Stage 1
Up to ten $10,000 Stage 1 winners are selected based on a digital-only submission describing the technical approach and project plan.
Stage 2
Up to eight $40,000 Stage 2 winners are selected based on Stage 1 content (with updates for those who participated in Stage 1) plus a show of concept validation.
Stage 3
One $1,000,000 Top Prize awarded for the best overall fly-off score.
Three $150,000 prizes: one for each of the Productivity, Adversity, Maneuvering missions.
One $100,000 RTX Disruptor Prize, awarded for disruptive advancement of the state of the art.
One $100,000 Autonomy Prize.
For Stage 2 and Stage 3 prize winners—and only for prize winners—prior to receiving a prize, the winning Team and GoAERO will enter into the GoAERO Winner’s Equity Agreement. That agreement will provide for GoAERO to receive a small equity interest in the winning Team company. The dollar value of the equity at the time of the award will be no more than the amount of prize money won. There will be no cash payment (beyond the prize amount) by GoAERO to receive the equity; the equity is in consideration for that prize as well as the benefits provided by GoAERO throughout the Competition.
As our GoAERO Teams come from all over the world, are in various stages of development and growth, and are organized in a wide variety of business entity forms, GoAERO will work with each individual prize-winning Team to tailor the equity grant to that Team’s jurisdiction and business set up—but in general, GoAERO expects that it would (i) receive an equity interest in the same class as, or a class that is similar to, that owned by the Team’s founders, in an amount equal to the percentage determined by dividing the amount of prize money won by a Team by the fair value of that Team’s legal entity (as determined jointly by GoAERO and the Team), and (ii) be granted certain typical and customary rights and restrictions with regard to its equity ownership that are customarily agreed to with early-stage equity investors. GoAERO generally expects to be a passive equity holder with an economic interest, and not be involved in Team operations or activities as a result of its equity stake. It is important to note that the actual terms of the equity grant will be negotiated and documented by GoAERO and each winning Team prior to payment of a prize, with the understanding that appropriate terms will vary from Team to Team, but always with the expectation that the value of the equity will be limited by the prize amount won and that the result will be fair and reasonable to both parties. Under no circumstances should this provision be a deterrent to Team participation in the GoAERO Prize Competition, as terms will be negotiated and tailored to each Team’s stage.
See Guidelines above for all rules and requirements for the competition.
Teams will keep all of their intellectual property, except that Teams will grant limited media rights to GoAERO so that GoAERO can publicize and promote the Competition and the Teams. The details relating to media rights are addressed in the Stage I Competition Agreement and the Media Rights Agreement. Other than these media rights, any rights a Team has in its inventions, drawings, patents, designs, copyrights and other intellectual property remain with the Team.
The prize submission information that Teams provide to GoAERO as part of the Competition will only be shared with the Judging Panel and representatives of GoAERO who are involved in administering the Competition. Anyone who has access to a Team’s confidential prize submission information will have signed a confidentiality agreement and agreed not to share or use such confidential information, except as may be required by law. In addition, Teams will not have access to any nonpublic information about other Teams or their technology or performance during the Competition.
Even the best and brightest minds can use a little help sometimes. GoAERO empowers innovator teams by providing access to experienced Mentors and Experts in design, engineering, fundraising and law. Teams will have the opportunity to listen to and engage in discussions with the Luminaries of Aerospace and Business in global webinars. Have a couple of questions on conceptual design or configuration management? Looking for insight into cutting edge autonomy techniques? Trying to raise funding to support your build? Expert lectures speak to those disciplines and more. Learn from FAA leads, NASA gurus, Boeing Senior Technical Fellows, and the luminaries who actually wrote the textbooks. Hear about the aerospace fundraising landscape, and take a deep dive into financing decks and pitching VCs. Learn how to protect your intellectual property from patent specialists. A list of Experts along with their bios can be found in the Advisors section.
Starting in Stage 1, when one-on-one help is needed, all Teams will have access to our Mentor program, where Teams work directly with Mentors in their specific areas of need. Operationally, the Mentor program is organized so that Teams contact GoAERO to request a Mentor within a particular discipline. Upon contact, that Team will be matched with a Mentor (or multiple mentors) in that area. During these Mentor sessions, a Team works directly with the Mentor to answer the Team’s specific questions related to their technical build (or financing, or corporate documents, etc.). This is one-on-one support for the Teams, geared to the precise needs of each Team. GoAERO believes that providing this type of support is the best way to help aspiring inventors all over the world create the kind of ground-breaking devices that the Competition seeks.
GoAERO believes that solutions can come from anyone, anywhere. Scientists, engineers, academics, entrepreneurs, and other innovators with new ideas from all over the world are invited to form a Team and register to compete. To participate, a Team may organize their own members, recruit additional experts to join them, and can add new members at any time throughout the Competition.
To be eligible to participate in the GoAERO Prize, Teams must complete all registration and administration forms, including a short bio for each Team member, certain legal documents, and be accepted by GoAERO into the competition.
For more information, see “Eligibility” below.
The GoAERO Prize Competition is a three-year Competition launched on February 6, 2024. There will be three sequential rounds of the Competition.
Comment period
GoAERO solicits and welcomes comments on the Fly-Off rulebook. Use this form to comment.
Stage 1
Digital-only submission describing the technical approach and project plan.
Stage 2
Stage 1 content (with updates for those who participated in Stage 1) plus a show of concept validation.
Stage 3
Final Fly-Off competition featuring three separate missions testing specific skills and capabilities relevant to public good missions
A list of important dates is set forth below:
Competition Launch
Public Comment period opens
February 6, 2024
Public Comment period closes
April 8, 2024
Stage 1 Submission deadline
December 11, 2024
Stage 1 Winners announced
February 11, 2025
Stage 2 Registration deadline
Stage 2 Submission deadline
September 30, 2025
Stage 2 Winners announced
November 18, 2025
Stage 3 Qualifying open
June 5, 2026
Stage 3 Registration deadline
November 4, 2026
Stage 3 Qualifying deadline
December 15, 2026
Final Fly-Off
February 5, 2027
To compete in the GoAERO Prize, the participant must be a registered Team that has been approved by GoAERO. Note that the information below is only a summary for your convenience. For full details, please refer to the legal documents for each Stage referred to below.
Innovators can compete in Stage 1 both as Individual Innovators and in groups which we refer to as Teams. To begin the registration process for Stage 1 (the Paper Report Stage of the Competition) and be accepted to participate, you must:
Sign the Stage 1 Competition Agreement
Sign the Release of Liability and Indemnification Agreement
Sign the In-kind Sponsor Benefit Agreement
All forms can be found here, and all may be accepted and submitted online.
Submission of the documents will enable access to the Stage 1 submission form for competing. There is no registration fee, but upon submission of a Team’s Stage 1 competition entry, there will be a fee of $250 for Individual Innovators or a fee of $500 for Teams with two or more persons.
STAGE 2 and STAGE 3:
There is a big difference between designing on paper and actual building/flying, so the documents involved for the different Stages of the GoAERO Prize vary as well. In order to proceed from Stage 1 (the paper, technical specifications Stage of the competition) into the actual building (Stages 2 and 3 of the Competition), ALL Teams must submit an additional application and be accepted as a Stage 2 or Stage 3 Team by GoAERO. Under no circumstances should any off-paper work, building or testing take place before a Team is formally admitted into Stage 2 or Stage 3 of the GoAERO Prize. Should any work be done off-paper before being accepted into Stage 2 or Stage 3 in contravention of the foregoing, such work is done entirely outside the scope of the GoAERO Prize.
Prior to the Stage 1 submission deadline, Teams wishing to be considered for acceptance as a competitor in Stage 2 of the Competition (which acceptance will be in the sole discretion of GoAERO) must sign the Extension and Amendment of Stage 1 Competition Agreement (which is attached to the Stage 1 Competition Agreement).
Each Team that participates in Stage 2 and 3 is required to complete the package of legal documents which will govern those Stages of the Competition, including the following:
Of note, Stage 2 and 3 Teams must register and participate as legal entities, and not as individuals. See “Eligibility” below for further details. For complete instructions, review the Stage 2 Registration Documents update; contact GoAERO at with any questions.
Teams must sign all legal documents and comply with all requirements therein to be admitted to the Competition. Once GoAERO determines that a Team has complied with all requirements of the legal documents and these Competition Guidelines, it will notify the Team that it is approved for entry into the Competition.
Each Team shall designate a Team Member to act as “Team Leader”. The Team Leader will be responsible for communicating with GoAERO and the Judging Panel. The Team Leader (and all Team Members) must be at least 18 years old (or the age of majority in their jurisdiction of residence, if such age is older than 18 years). A Team may add and/or remove Team Members at any time through the Team Portal. The Team has sole responsibility for adding and removing Team Members.
At registration, each Team must list the individuals that are part of the Team (the Team Members), including all individuals or entities involved in the design, development, or testing of the Team’s Submission, including employees. All Team Members must register at the Competition website and sign the Stage 1 Competition Agreement. Teams may add and/or remove Team Members at any time through the Team Portal. The Team has sole responsibility for adding and removing Team Members.
Teams may revise registration information at any time and are responsible for keeping information up to date. All Teams wishing to continue on to Stage 2 and 3 must be legal entities (not individuals) and must complete all Stage 2 and 3 legal documents by the Stage 2 and 3 registration deadlines. New Teams who have not participated in Stage 1 or Stage 2 are still eligible to participate in Stage 3 by completing registration documents by the Stage 3 registration deadline.
As part of this Competition, GoAERO may receive some of the Team’s and Team Members’ personal information. The collection, use, and disclosure of this information will be governed by GoAERO’s Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy includes several ways to contact GoAERO with questions. By submitting such information, the Team agrees that (i) GoAERO may use the personal information collected as described in the Privacy Policy and (ii) GoAERO may disclose such Team’s and Team Members’ contact information and Competition registration information to Boeing, RTX, other Competition sponsors, and GoAERO’s affiliates and investors. Each Team expressly authorizes each of the foregoing to contact the Team if it so desires. Teams have the right to access, withdraw, and correct their personal information.
Stage 1 Eligibility:
Individual Innovators: The Competition is open to individual Innovators who (a) are at least 18 years old (or the age of majority in his/her jurisdiction of residence if it is older than 18), (b) comply fully with all terms and conditions of the Stage 1 Competition Agreement, and (c) are able to participate without violation of any third-party rights or obligations, including without limitation an employer’s policies or procedures.
Exclusions: Individual Innovators may not be (a) an employee of Boeing or RTX (or an affiliate) or a member of any such employee’s immediate family, (b) located in a jurisdiction where participation in the Competition is prohibited or otherwise restricted by law (or an individual with a residence in or who is a national of Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea, Russia, Sudan or, as applicable, Crimea and covered regions of Ukraine) or (c) subject to export controls or sanctions of the U.S.
Business Entities: The Competition is open to legal entities that wish to compete as a Team and (a) are validly formed and in existence under applicable law, (b) comply fully with all terms and conditions of the Stage 1 Competition Agreement, and (c) are able to participate without violation by the Team or any Team Member of any third-party rights or obligations.
Exclusions: Entity Innovators must not have any presence in Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea, Russia, Sudan or, as applicable, Crimea and covered regions of Ukraine, or be subject to export controls or sanctions of the United States.
Stage 2 and Stage 3 Eligibility:
Among other requirements, Stage 2 and 3 of the Competition are only open to business entities that wish to compete as a Team and (a) are validly formed and in existence under applicable law, (b) comply fully with all terms and conditions of the Master Team Agreement, (c) have completed the full package of required legal documents, and (d) are able to participate without violation by the Team or any Team Member of any third-party rights or obligations.
All Team Members must (a) be at least 18 years old (or the age of majority in his/her jurisdiction of residence if it is older than 18), (b) comply fully with all terms and conditions of the Master Team Agreement and all other GoAERO legal documents, and (c) be able to participate without violation of any third-party rights or obligations, including without limitation an employer’s policies or procedures.
Exclusions: A Team Member may not be (a) an employee of Boeing or RTX (or an affiliate) or a member of any such employee’s immediate family, (b) located in a jurisdiction where participation in the Competition is prohibited or otherwise restricted by law (or an individual with a residence in or who is a national of Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea, Russia, Sudan or, as applicable, Crimea and covered regions of Ukraine) or (c) subject to export controls or sanctions of the U.S. Additionally, Teams must not have any presence in Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea, Russia, Sudan or, as applicable, Crimea and covered regions of Ukraine or be subject to export controls or sanctions of the United States. In all cases, each Team’s legal documents, forms and questionnaires are subject to GoAERO’s review and approval.
Each Team’s compliance with these requirements and eligibility for the Competition will be determined by GoAERO in its sole discretion. Only Teams meeting all of the eligibility requirements set forth in the Master Team Agreement as determined by GoAERO and who are otherwise qualified and accepted by GoAERO will be recognized as participants in the Competition.
Each Team must obey all local, national, and international laws in undertaking any activities related to the Competition. Teams must also acquire all necessary licenses, waivers, and/or permits from the applicable regulatory bodies or other applicable third parties. GoAERO is not required to advise Team regarding such legal and regulatory compliance, and GoAERO shall have no responsibility for a Team’s compliance with laws and disclaims any responsibility for advising on the applicability of laws or regulations or a Team’s compliance therewith. GoAERO’s acceptance of a Team into the Competition does not constitute approval of that Team’s compliance with laws applicable to it.
For each Stage of the Competition, Teams will be required to submit the materials and writings described in these Guidelines (“Submissions”). All Submissions must comply with the following requirements:
Except for purchased or licensed content, any Submission must be original work of Team;
Submissions must include only content (including any technical information, algorithms, designs, music, audio, visual or illustrative content, including logos, images, graphics, art, or other content, information, or materials protected by any intellectual property right) that Team owns or has proper rights to use;
Team is required to disclose any purchased or licensed content that is part of a Submission.
Submissions must not contain any incomplete, corrupt, damaged, or malicious material;
Submissions must not contain material that violates or infringes another’s rights, including but not limited to privacy, copyright, trade secret, patent, trademark, publicity or other intellectual property rights;
Submissions must not disparage GoAERO, any Competition sponsor, any GoAERO affiliate or investor or any of their respective affiliates, officers, directors or employees;
Submissions must not contain material that is inappropriate, offensive, indecent, obscene, tortious, defamatory, slanderous or libelous and must not contain material that promotes bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age; and
Submissions must not contain material that is unlawful, in violation of, or contrary to laws or regulations.
No Judge, nor any member of Judge’s immediate family, shall participate in any Team. All members of the Judging Panel will promptly disclose to GoAERO any such current, former, or expected future conflict of interest with GoAERO, Boeing, RTX and/or any Team or Team Member.
The duties and responsibilities of the Judging Panel will include, but not be limited to: (i) evaluating a Teams’ compliance with the Master Team Agreement, these Competition Guidelines, and the Rules and Regulations for the purposes of the Competition; and (ii) the awarding of points and selection of Teams that will receive prizes for each Stage of the Competition.
Official decisions made by the Final Round Judging Panel will be approved by a majority of the Judges that vote on such decision after careful consideration of the testing protocols, procedures, guidelines, rules, regulations, criteria, results, and scores set forth in the Master Team Agreement and these Competition Guidelines. If any vote of the Judges results in a tie, then the Judging Panel shall determine, in its sole and absolute discretion, the mechanism to settle the tie. Similarly, if one or more Teams are tied at any stage during the competition, the Judging Panel shall have the sole and absolute discretion to settle the tie.
The Judging Panel shall have sole and absolute discretion: (i) to allocate duties among the Judges; (ii) to determine the degree of accuracy and error rate that is acceptable to the Judging Panel for all competition calculations, measurements, and results, where not specified in the Rules and Regulations; (iii) to determine the methodology used by the Judging Panel to render its decisions; (iv) to declare the winners of the competition; and (v) to award the prize purses and other awards. Decisions of the Judging Panel shall be binding on Teams and each Team Member. Teams agree not to dispute any decision or ruling of the Judging Panel, including decisions regarding the degree of accuracy or error rate of any competition calculations, measurements, and results. Teams shall have no right to observe other Teams’ testing or evaluation, or to be informed of other Teams’ calculations, measurements, and results, unless such information is made publicly available by GoAERO.
The official language of the Competition is English. All communications with GoAERO must be in English. All references to currency are expressed in United States Dollars (USD).
Rex Alexander, Founder & President, Five-Alpha (5α)
Rex Alexander has over four decades of military aviation, general aviation, and commercial aviation experience as a pilot, A&P maintenance technician, safety profesional and is a globally recognized subject matter expert on vertical flight infrastructure. He is the founder and president of the aeronautical consulting firm Five-Alpha (5α) LLC, which is dedicated to providing specialized education, research, and insight into the very challenging and unique community of vertical flight infrastructure. Rex has served as Infrastructure Advisor to the Vertical Flight Society since January 2019, is Chair of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 418 Standard for Heliports & Vertiports technical committee, is co-chair of the US Helicopter Safety Team (USHST) Infrastructure Working Group, is a member of ASTM International F38 WK59317 New Specification for Vertiport Design, is a member of the Vertical Aviation Safety Team (VAST) Technology Working Group, is a member of the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) Airport and Heliport Lighting Committee, is a member of the Helicopter Association International (HAI) Vertical Flight Infrastructure Sub-Working Group, and serves as a platform instructor for the U.S. D.O.T. Transportation Safety Institute (TSI), where he helped develop and now teaches the Heliport Evaluation Course and heliport accident investigation techniques in the Advanced Rotorcraft Accident Investigation Course. He is an alumnus of Parks College of Aviation and a former US Army Warrant Officer and ‘Aeroscout’ Helicopter Pilot, Instructor Pilot and Standardization Instructor, having served both on active duty and in the Indiana Army National Guard.
Dr. Shane Arnott, Senior Vice President & Engineering, Anduril Industires
Dr. Shane Arnott, Ph.D, is Senior Vice President of Programs & Engineering at Anduril Industries. Dr. Arnott oversees the Maritime Division and its family of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles; Maneuver Dominance, a strategic pursuit of massed mission autonomy in the ground and surface domains; as well as Engineering development programs in Australia and United Kingdom that support multiple business lines.
Before joining Anduril, Dr. Arnott spent 23 years at The Boeing Company as one of the their top-ranking engineers as a Boeing Senior Technical Fellow. He was the founding leader of the global Phantom Works division, where he worked multiple classified programs in the aerospace domain. His last role was leading the MQ-28 Ghost Bat (“loyal wingman”) program, where he brought the autonomous fighter from sketch to flight within 3 years. Most recently at Anduril, he lead the inception of the Ghost Shark Extra Large Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (XL-AUV) program, a co-development with the Royal Australian Navy including a range of mission payloads, intended to go from clean sheet to combat ready in 3 years. Dr. Arnott was recognized as Innovator of the Year in 2019 and his team received a prestigious Aviation Week Laureate award for outstanding innovation in aerospace in 2021.
Dr. Arnott is a GoFly Master mentor, a Techstars industry mentor, advisory board member of the Stanford University Common Mission Project (in the U.S. and Australia), an Adjunct Professor at Queensland University of Technology and a contributing author to the NATO Allied Capability Transformation Program. He received his Bachelor of Computer Systems Engineering from La Trobe University and his Ph.D. in Systems Engineering from the University of Queensland.
Michel Assouline, CEO, Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France (3AF)
After starting his career at the French Atomic Energy Commission, Michel Assouline joined the strategy consulting firm Mars & Co, then in 1990 joined Thales as Director of Business Development then became Chief Executive Officer of a subsidiary of Thomson-CSF. He then joined the audiovisual sector as managing director of a German thematic TV channel. In 2004, he was recruited by Météo-France where he took over the management of commercial activities and communication to lead its digital transformation and commercial development. In 2019 he was appointed General Manager of the Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France (3AF). Passionate about aviation, Michel Assouline also holds a VFR private pilot's license.
Daniel Ateya, Managing Director, RTX Ventures
Daniel Ateya is Managing Director of RTX Ventures, the corporate venture capital arm of RTX. Daniel joined RTX Ventures in March 2022 and brings more than 15 years of experience in a combination of corporate venture capital, strategy, business development and R&D roles.
Prior to joining RTX Ventures, Ateya was Director of 3M Ventures and leader of 3M’s Silicon Valley office where he built a large portfolio of venture investments and was involved in a diverse set of partnership and commercial agreements. Prior to 3M, Dan worked at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C. as a research associate and project leader developing microfluidic chip technologies for portable diagnostic sensor applications. He has co-authored numerous articles on sensors and advanced materials in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Ateya holds a Ph.D. and B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the State University of New York at Buffalo. He also holds an MBA from the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business. Born and raised in Western New York, Dan lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife and three children.
Dr. Dominic Barone, Manager, Future Flight Concepts, Boeing - Sustainability and Future Mobility
Dr. Barone is the Manager of the Future Flight Concepts program within Boeing’s Sustainability and Future Mobility Team. He is responsible for leading an enterprise-wide team to develop alternative energy solutions to achieve aviation net zero goals in 2050. The team is responsible for creating and analyzing new aircraft concepts, identifying new key technologies, and transitioning those technologies to product design.
Prior to his current role, Dominic worked for Boeing’s subsidiary, Aurora Flight Sciences as the Manager of the Electrical Propulsion and Power group and as a Staff Propulsion engineer. At Aurora, he worked as the Propulsion product lead on a joint Boeing-Aurora vehicle, various engine integration and selection roles (including X-65 CRANE and X-66), and he was the technical lead for the NASA Electrified Powertrain Flight Demonstrator (EPFD) proposal. Prior to Aurora, he spent 5 years at GE Aviation where he worked the LEAP-1A development and certification testing as a performance engineer and GE’s new hybrid-electric powertrain development as a performance and systems engineer.
Dr. Barone’s academic career started with a B.S. and M.S. in Aerospace engineering from University of Cincinnati, where he was an undergraduate co-op and graduate research fellow with the Air Force Research Laboratories developing scramjet engines and diagnostic technologies. His Ph.D. is from University of Virginia where he worked on novel energy systems for undersea systems and multi-phase fluid dynamics of particle separators.
Igor Cherepinsky, Director, Sikorsky Innovations, Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin company
Igor Cherepinsky leads the Sikorsky Innovations group tasked with solving the toughest problems in vertical flight.
Under his leadership, the multidisciplinary group currently is maturing next-generation technologies, process and products that will bring unprecedented levels of autonomy, systems intelligence, flight safety, speed and maneuverability to large rotorcraft, and introduce electric/hybrid electric propulsion and other advanced features to VTOL aircraft.
Most recently, Sikorsky Innovations successfully demonstrated unmanned and optionally piloted vehicle capability where aircraft can be operated with two, one or zero pilots at any time of the day or night, and in a variety of complex scenarios, including contested, congested and degraded visual environments.
Since joining Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin company, in 1998 as a flight controls engineer, Cherepinsky has contributed to the development and demonstration of fly-by-wire control for the UH-60M Black Hawk® helicopter; an autonomy mission manager software suite for uninhabited aircraft; and the S-76 helicopter testbed known as the Sikorsky Autonomy Research Aircraft.
As director of Autonomy Programs at Sikorsky Innovations from 2017 to 2021, Cherepinsky led the team that developed autonomy software and hardware for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) Aircrew Labor In-Cockpit Automation System (ALIAS) program.
Aircraft agnostic autonomy and digital copilot system functionality was successfully demonstrated to DARPA on the S-76® and UH-60 helicopters, and PA-30 and C-280 fixed wing aircraft.
Mr. Cherepinsky graduated from Brooklyn Polytechnic University and with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering, and a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering.
Dr. Roger D. Connor, Curator, Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
Dr. Roger Connor curates the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum’s collections of vertical flight and remotely piloted aircraft, and is leading development of an AAM exhibit scheduled to open in 2027.
He received his BA from Virginia Tech and holds an MA in Museum Studies from The George Washington University, an MA in American History from George Mason University, and a PhD in American History from George Mason University.
Roger is an experienced fixed wing commercial pilot with over 4,000 hours of flight time, including over 3,000 hours in dual instruction given. He has held flight instructor certificates in the United States and United Kingdom and served as a designated private pilot examiner for the UK CAA. He also holds a seaplane rating and has nearly completed the requirements for a private pilot's helicopter rating.
He was awarded Associate Fellow status by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics for his work in support of the American Helicopter Society's history endeavors. He co-authored In the Cockpit II: Inside History-Making Aircraft of World War II and a book on Virginia Aviation. His doctoral dissertation, “Rooftops to Rice Paddies: Aerial Utopianism, Helicopters, and the Creation of the National Security State” addressed the U.S. government’s technological stewardship in the development of rotary wing flight and its social implications. His other research projects include a history of aerial smuggling before World War II. Roger is currently lead curator for the museum’s World War I and World War II exhibits under development.
Dr. Jason Cornelius, VFS Design Build Vertical Flight Competition
Dr. Jason Cornelius is an aerospace engineer and Founder of the VFS Design Build Vertical Flight Competition. This is an international student competition providing university students a hands on design, build, and flight test activity in the vertical takeoff and landing sphere. Jason's research interests revolve around rotor performance design and analysis, aircraft conceptual design, high performance computing, and machine learning.
Jason completed his PhD at Penn State University supporting the NASA Dragonfly mission. He currently supports both the NASA Revolutionary Vertical Lift Technology Project and Dragonfly.
Matthew J. Desch, CEO, Iridium Communications, Inc.
Matt has more than 45 years of experience in the telecommunications industry and was an early pioneer in the global wireless industry. He’s been leading Iridium, the world’s first commercial low earth orbiting (LEO) satellite operator, since 2006 as it provides mobile communications to the maritime, aviation, defense, emergency response and IoT industries, among others. Iridium has grown to over 2 million users in its 25 year history and is used in the cockpits of over 70,000 aircraft around the world for safety and communications services, including business, general aviation, rotorcraft and UAVs for BVLOS command and control anywhere in the world. Mr. Desch is also a member of the US President’s National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (NSTAC). An active fixed wing and helicopter pilot for almost 50 years, he serves on the Board of Trustees of the Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association (AOPA), and on the board of the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum. Matt has a B.S. degree in Computer Science from The Ohio State University and an MBA from the University of Chicago, and resides in McLean, Virginia.
Col. Nathan Diller, United States Airforce
Nathan Diller is retired Air Force Colonel and former Professional Staff Member for the United States House of Representatives Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Defense. On Capitol Hill he was responsible for oversight of a $42 billion defense wide procurement and research and development account. In his last USAF assignment, he was the Director of AFWERX, where he led the strategy and execution of a $1 billion per year budget across the Air Force and Space Force. Prior to that, he was the Assistant Director of Aeronautics at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. He also served as the Air Force Advisor to the Office of the Secretary of Defense Strategic Capabilities Office and USAF Rapid Capabilities Office. On the Joint Staff J8, he led requirements as the Chief of the Air and Space Branch. Upon completing a program management tour at the Space and Missile Center, he commanded the 586th Flight Test Squadron, supervising classified flight test for joint, interagency, and international clients. He was an Executive Officer to the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board and a DARPA Service Chiefs Fellow. Nathan was selected for the French Test Pilot school with a first test tour at Edwards AFB, supporting B-1, B-2, F-16, F-22 and F-35 flight test and instructing at the USAF Test Pilot School. He flew F-16s for two Combat Air Force assignments, becoming an instructor pilot. Nathan grew up on a farm in Texas and went on to graduate from the USAF Academy with a Bachelor of Science in physics and humanities. He has graduate degrees from Harvard, MIT, National Defense University, and France’s ISAE-SUPAERO in engineering, policy, and strategy. He was a member of the Air Force Acquisition Corps as Level III certified Program Manager and Test professional. In civil and military roles, he has over 2,900 hours across more than 60 aircraft and is an FAA Certified Flight Instructor and Airline Transport Pilot.
Darshan “Dash” Divakaran is an aerospace intrapreneur and technology evangelist with expertise in aerospace & defense, transportation & infrastructure, AI & autonomy, geospatial analysis, and program management. His areas of expertise in unmanned aviation includes Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM), Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) and counter UAS. Over the years he has led efforts to work with the public and private sector to develop, integrate and manage national award-winning programs and initiatives. He has been recognized by Commercial UAV News, eVTOL Insights and InterDrone as one of the top UAS and AAM visionaries.
In his prior role, Dash was the Head of Airspace Innovation & Prime Partnerships for AFWERX, the innovation arm of the Department of Air Force. In this role he led efforts to promote air domain awareness and airspace modernization for air mobility and security through joint operations, interagency, state, and academic efforts. He was also one of the DoD lead on the USDOT Advanced Air Mobility Interagency Working Group (AAM IWG), that is spearheading efforts to develop a national strategy for AAM.
Currently Dash is back into full time consulting under his company Airavat and supporting organizations on the defense and federal side. In addition he is also a Senior Advisor at The Roosevelt Group (TRG), a bipartisan organization providing advocacy, consulting, business development, and strategic communications in the defense, security & intelligence sector.
Dash holds a MS in Geospatial Information Science & Technology from NC State University and BS in Professional Aeronautics & Aviation Management from Embry- Riddle Aeronautical University. He is also an FAA certified commercial pilot with multi engine rating and holds a Part 107 remote pilot certificate.
Johnny Doo, President, International Vehicle Research, Inc.
Mr. Johnny Doo, President of International Vehicle Research, Inc., is a seasoned professional focusing on autonomous electric-powered vertical flight technologies and applications. As the Group Lead of the Transformative Vertical Flight (TVF) Working Group - Public Service, he collaborates with 250+ industry experts, shaping roadmaps and solutions for Advanced Air Mobility (AAM)/eVTOL. With 40 years in the aviation industry, Johnny's expertise spans advanced design, engineering, manufacturing, supply chain, service, flight training, and business development. Formerly, he held key roles as the executive vice president at Continental Aerospace and vice president at Diamond Aircraft, overseeing diverse aviation power systems and spearheading a rapid single-engine personal jet development program.
Michael Duffy, Vice President of Product, Electric Power Systems
Michael Duffy is currently the Vice President of Product at Electric Power Systems. In this role he leads a team that brining high power battery systems to aerospace products by electrifying flight and reducing carbon emissions for transportation.
Prior to EP Systems he worked at Boeing for 18 years in Boeing Vertical Lift, Boeing Research and Technology and Space and Launch. He holds 16 patents in vertical lift technology and unmanned systems technology. His favorite activities include: triathlons, hiking and backyard fires.
Dan Dumbacher, Executive Director, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Dan Dumbacher is the Executive Director of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). Before joining the AIAA staff in January 2018, Dumbacher was a Professor of Engineering Practice in the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Purdue University, where he taught courses in systems thinking, systems engineering, and space policy.
Prior to Purdue, Dumbacher served as the Deputy Associate Administrator, Exploration Systems Development Division, Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters. In that capacity, he provided leadership and management as the Program Director for Exploration Systems Development, which included: the Space Launch System, Orion, and Ground Systems Development and Operations development and integration efforts. He led a national team of over 5,000, spanning all NASA centers and industry, and was responsible for a $3 billion annual budget.
John Everlove, ACES Firm
Mr. Everlove holds a Master’s Degree in Emergency Services Administration and Emergency Management and currently serves as a battalion chief overseeing Emergency Medical Services (EMS) operations, implementation of EMS equipment and resources, as well as primary and ongoing EMS education and training. As a nationally licensed Paramedic and chief officer with leadership experience in aviation rescue operations, ambulance transportation and prehospital EMS regulations, policies, and procedures, Mr. Everlove has been actively engaged in prehospital emergency services for over 34 years. He holds several state licenses as a Paramedic, along with specialized training in patient clinical care, and holds numerous certificates in National Incident Management Systems, the NAEMSE Instructor certificate, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Professional Certification. Mr. Everlove has received national, state, and local awards for service, including commendations for directing and coordinating the delivery of emergency services in partnership with agencies like the FBI, the United States Secret Service, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense, and the White House Medical Unit.
David Friedmann, Aerospace Engineer, Aviation and Missile Center, DEVCOM US Army
David Friedmann is an Aerospace Engineer with the Aviation and Missile Center within DEVCOM and Army Futures Command, currently serving as the Army Aviation S&T Director for Hybrid-Electric Technologies. He has been involved in rotorcraft technology development for over 25 years, working in structures and rotors technologies, and aircraft design projects. He has served in leadership roles in multiple large development programs for both manned and unmanned rotorcraft. Mr. Friedmann is a member of the Vertical Flight Society, has served on multiple technical committees and currently serves on the VFS eVTOL technical committee. He holds a B.S. and M.S. degrees in aeronautical and astronautical engineering from Purdue University.
Maxime Gariel, Chief Technology Officer, Xwing
Maxime Gariel is the Chief Technology Officer at Xwing, an aviation company on a mission to radically improve human mobility through the use of fully autonomous airplanes. Maxime is a pilot whose lifelong dream is to make airplanes fly themselves. Prior to Xwing, Maxime was the Principal GNC (Guidance, Navigation & Control) Engineer at Rockwell Collins where he designed and built autonomous aircraft systems like DARPA Gremlins and the AgustaWestland SW4 Solo autonomous helicopter. Before becoming Chief Engineer of the SW4 Solo’s flight control system, he was in charge of the system architecture, redundancy, and safety for the project. Prior to Rockwell Collins, he worked on ADS-B based conflict detection as a Postdoctoral Researcher at MIT and on autoland systems for airliners at Thales. Maxime earned his MS and PhD in Aerospace Engineering from Georgia Tech and his BS from ISAE-Supaéro (France).
Simon Gharibian, Director, Global Sustainment Centers of Excellence, Lockheed Martin Corporation
Simon Gharibian is the Director of Global Sustainment, Centers of Excellence (COE) within the Rotary and Mission Systems (RMS) business unit of Lockheed MartinCorporation. He is responsible for all functional resourceswithin the Global Sustainment organization, with six COEs delivering traditional sustainment products including technical publications, training, logistical support analysis, O&R depots, spares forecasting, and field support. These support the entire spectrum of RMS products, from undersea warfare platforms to Sikorsky helicopters. In this role, he also has primary responsibility for the development and deployment of cutting-edge sustainment tools, technologies, and process to all RMS product lines, as well as partnering with other business areas across the Lockheed Martin enterprise to identify opportunities for sustainment technology synergies.
Prior to this role, Simon was the director of Fleet Management, Supportability and Training for Sikorsky’s sustainment organization. In this role he was responsible for developing and deploying Sikorsky’s commercial Customer Care Center, which provides 24/7 aircraft-on-ground support, and leverages data analytics and maintenance prognostics to streamline spares inventory and increase the overall availability of Sikorsky helicopter models.
Since joining Lockheed Martin / Sikorsky in 1999, Simon has held increasing levels of responsibility in engineering, innovations, and business development. Notably, Simon was responsible for the Intelligence pillar of Sikorsky Innovations, which leveraged data analytics, material forecasting, advanced anomaly detection-based prognostics, and other novel sustainment technologies to increase the value proposition of Sikorsky products.
Simon holds a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering and a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, both from Syracuse University.
Irene Gregory, NASA Senior Researcher for Advanced Control Theory and Applications
Dr. Irene M. Gregory is the NASA Senior Researcher for Advanced Control Theory and Applications. She leads a multidisciplinary research team across multiple programs and projects focusing on robust autonomous systems, self-aware vehicle intelligent contingency management, resilient learning control for advanced, unconventional configurations with particular focus on Advanced Air Mobility and integration of autonomous cargo into the National Air Space. Her research has been documented in over 140 technical publications in peer-reviewed journals and conferences, and in numerous invited lectures and presentations.
Dr. Gregory serves in leadership or advisory roles on various government, industry and professional societies’ autonomy related committees. She is a recipient of the NASA Exceptional Service Medal.
Dr. Gregory received a S.B. in Aeronautics and Astronautics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. in Control and Dynamic Systems from California Institute of Technology. She is a Fellow of AIAA and a senior member of IEEE.
Tess Hatch, Partner, Bessemer Venture Partners
Tess invests in technology and people who believe as strongly as she does that frontier technology will develop solutions for societal problems. She is a partner based in Silicon Valley fostering entrepreneurship of frontier technology, specifically the commercialization of space, drones, autonomous vehicles, and climate technology.
Mike Hirschberg, Director of Strategy, Vertical Flight Society (VFS)
Mike assumed the duties of Director of Strategy in June 2023, after 12 years serving as the VFS Executive Director.
Prior to joining VFS in 2011, he worked for 20 years in the aerospace industry, primarily in vertical flight. Mike was previously a principal aerospace engineer with CENTRA Technology (now Amentum), providing technical and program management support for over 10 years to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Office of Naval Research (ONR) on advanced aircraft and rotorcraft concepts. Prior to this, he worked from 1994 to 2001 in the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Program Office, supporting the development of the X-32 and X-35 vertical flight propulsion systems. Mike also served as the Managing Editor of Vertiflite magazine from 1999 to 2011, and had been a contributing author since 1997.
Mike holds a BS in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Virginia (1991), a Masters of Mechanical Engineering from Catholic University of America (1996) and a Master of Business Administration from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (Virginia Tech) in 2013. He is an Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS).
Naira Hovakimyan, Director of AVIATE Center & W. Grafton and Lillian B. Wilkins Professor of Mechanical Science and Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Naira Hovakimyan received her MS degree in Applied Mathematics from Yerevan State University in Armenia. She got her Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics from the Institute of Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. She is currently W. Grafton and Lillian B. Wilkins Professor of Mechanical Science and Engineering and the Director of AVIATE Center of UIUC. She has co-authored two books, eleven patents and more than 500 refereed publications. She is the 2011 recipient of AIAA Mechanics and Control of FlightAward, the 2015 recipient of SWE Achievement Award, the 2017 recipient of IEEE CSS Award for Technical Excellence in Aerospace Controls, and the 2019recipient of AIAA Pendray Aerospace Literature Award. In 2014 she was awarded the Humboldt prize for her lifetime achievements. She is Fellow of AIAA, IEEE, ASME, and senior member of National Academy of Inventors. She is cofounder and chief scientist of Intelinair. Her work was featured in the New York Times, on Fox TV and CNBC.
Geoff Hunt, Senior Vice President of Engineering & Technology at Pratt & Whitney
Geoff Hunt is senior vice president of Engineering & Technology at Pratt & Whitney, the company that introduced the GTF™ family of engines in 2016 to drive down the environmental impact of the latest generation of commercial airframes. He leads Pratt & Whitney’s global Engineering team, with a focus on designing and supporting the Pratt & Whitney portfolio of engine programs, developing technical leadership and capability, and advancing technologies that will support the next generation of commercial and military engines.
Hunt’s career in the aerospace industry has included leading roles in the development of landmark products in aerospace. He was most recently senior vice president, Engineering & Technology for Collins Aerospace. In this position, Hunt led product development programs to ensure the company continued to offer differentiating technologies to meet customer needs, as well as ensuring flawless Engineering program execution by leading the implementation of best practice processes, tools and resources across the enterprise.
Hunt began his career as an engineer at Rolls-Royce, where he spent 13 years working on large commercial engine development programs before joining United Technologies. His past 20-plus years of experience includes roles of increasing responsibility in Engineering and program management at both Pratt & Whitney and Collins Aerospace, where he provided leadership across a large range of products and platforms, including product development, system integration and program execution for the 787 Dreamliner.
Hunt is a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society and holds a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Sheffield University, England, and an MBA from Boston University.
Mel Johnson, Head of Regulatory Affairs, Radia
Mel Johnson is the Head of Regulatory Affairs at Radia. Prior to joining Radia, Mel served in the Senior Executive Service in the Federal Aviation Administration as the Director of Aircraft Certification Service’s Compliance & Airworthiness Division (AIR-700). This division is responsible for issuing all design approvals for domestic and foreign manufacturers, executing continued operational safety processes, and providing flight test support.
Previously, Mr. Johnson served as director of the Organizational Performance Division (AIR-300). AIR-300 assesses the Aircraft Certification Service’s organizational performance, provides planning and change management within the organization, and is responsible for the AIR Safety Program. Before he took the helm at AIR-300, he was the deputy director of the Policy & Innovation Division, where he oversaw the development of Aircraft Certification Services Policy, such as airworthiness standards, production and type certification procedures, and continued operational safety policy.
Prior to joining the Policy & Innovation Division, Mr. Johnson was the acting manager of the Small Airplane Directorate, where he directed the airworthiness standards, continued operational safety, policy, and guidance for small aircraft, gliders, light sport aircraft, airships, and balloons. The directorate also managed the certification activities involving all aeronautical products within the geographical boundaries encompassing 21 states and international general aviation aircraft projects.
Before his career at the FAA, Mr. Johnson worked for various aerospace companies designing and certifying modifications for a variety of aircaft from transport category aircraft, such as the cargo loading systems for the Boeing 747 and performance enhancements on the Beechcraft King Air.
Mr. Johnson graduated from Brigham Young University with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering.
Thomas Judge, Executive Director, LifeFlight Aviation Services
Thomas is founding Executive Director of LifeFlight of Maine/ LifeFlight Aviation Services, a non-profit hospital consortium critical care system. (www.lifeflightmaine.org) serving the hospitals, rural, and island communities throughout Maine.
With an extensive background in emergency medical services and air medicine Thomas has worked in the private, public and non-government sectors designing and implementing emergency care systems nationally and internationally. Thomas has served as an air medical and EMS subject matter expert for multiple federal and state committees including the Institute of Medicine, the Government Accountability Office, the National Transportation Safety Board, the National EMS Advisory Council, and DOT.
Thomas is particularly interested in patient safety, risk, standards development, system design, organizational culture and governance, and the effects of health care policy and in the issues of access and equity in the provision of rural medical care.
Andy has worked at Sikorsky for 35 years. He has significant experience in Preliminary design, proposal engineering, and propulsion engineering. He is currently Senior Manager of the propulsion engineering group.
Andy is a graduate of MIT with a BS degree and Stanford University with an MS degree, both in aeronautical engineering. He is a former technical director and lifetime member of the VFS.
Dr. Parimal Kopardekar (PK), Advanced Air Mobility Mission Integration Manager, Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD)
Parimal Kopardekar (PK) serves as the Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Mission Integration Manager to coordinate Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) activities enabling progress of AAM ecosystem. In addition to this strategic role, PK serves as the Director of NASA Aeronautics Research Institute (NARI) and a senior leader and advisor for ARMD. In this capacity, he is responsible for exploring new trends, research areas, Collaborations, and partnerships relevant to aeronautics enterprise. His focus is on unmanned aircraft systems, advanced air mobility, wildland fire management, autonomy, and future airspace operations. Recently, he co-led a comprehensive needs assessment study for wildfire mitigations. In the past, he served as the NASA senior technologist for Air Transportation Systems. He invented Unmanned Aircraft Systems Traffic Management (UTM) to safely enable large-scale drone operations at lower altitudes, which is now being globally adopted. He also chairs International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)’s unmanned aircraft system advisory group.
He is a recipient of many awards, including American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics’ Hap Arnold Award for Programmatic Excellence,NASA Government Invention of the Year, NASAExceptional Technology Achievement Medal, NASA Outstanding Leadership Award, NASA Engineer of the Year Award, and the prestigious Samuel J. Heyman Service to America’s Promising Innovation Award. PK was named among 25 most influential people in drone industry. He serves as the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Aerospace Operations and is a Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics as well asFellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society.
He also serves as an adjunct faculty and teaches undergraduate and graduate-level courses related to operations management, supply chain management, and innovation. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy from University of Cincinnati and a Master of Science degree from University at Buffalo in Industrial Engineering, and a Bachelor of Engineering degree from University of Bombay in Production Engineering.
Dr. Vijay Kumar, Nemirovsky Family Dean of Penn Engineering, University of Pennsylvania
Vijay Kumar is the Nemirovsky Family Dean of Penn Engineering with appointments in the Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Computer and Information Science, and Electrical and Systems Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania. He received his Bachelor of Technology degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur and his Ph.D. from The Ohio State University in 1987. He has been on the Faculty in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania since 1987.
In addition to holding many administrative positions at Penn, Kumar has served as the assistant director of robotics and cyber physical systems at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (2012 – 2013). His lab has spun off many startups in robotics, and he is the founder of Exyn Technologies. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).
Khushin Lakhara works as an aerospace engineer on the student programs team at MathWorks. He develops technical tools and content to design aircraft, UAVs, and flight controllers for aerospace student competitions. He received his B.Tech. and M. Tech. degrees in Aerospace Engineering from the Defense Institute of Advanced Technology, India. Previously, he has designed UAVs, developed the Flight Controller for Combat UAVs, and published research articles in the field of high-power electric propulsion. His primary areas of interest are drone design, flight controller development, and mission simulation.
Langford is the CEO of Electra.aero, which he founded in 2020 to develop sustainable aviation solutions for regional mobility. In 1989 he founded Aurora Flight Sciences Corporation, a pioneer in robotic and autonomous aircraft. Aurora was acquired by Boeing in 2017. John served as Chairman and CEO from 1989-2019.
A native of Atlanta, Georgia, Langford earned his bachelors, masters, and doctorate degrees from MIT. While at MIT, Langford organized and led the Daedalus Project, which in 1988 shattered the world distance and endurance records for human-powered flight with a 72-mile flight between the Greek islands of Crete and Santorini.
Prior to starting Aurora, Langford worked for Lockheed Corporation, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), and the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA).
Langford was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2018. He is a Fellow in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and served as AIAA President from 2018-2020. He has worked on over 100 aircraft development programs, many of which he organized and led. In 2023 the AIAA awarded John the Reed Award for Aeronautics, the highest honor they bestow for notable achievements in the field of aeronautics.
Langford is a lifelong aeromodeller and a passionate STEM education advocate. His family owns Estes Industries, the world’s leading manufacturer of model rockets and model rocket engines.
Earl Lawrence, Chief Compliance and Quality Officer, XWing
Earl Lawrence is the Chief Compliance and Quality Officer at Xwing, where he is responsible for leading all of Xwings certificaton efforts.
Lawrence retired from the FAA in 2022. Lawrence held several executive positions at the FAA most notably Lawrence was the Aircraft Certificaiton Executive Director. As the Executive Director Lawrence oversaw a professional workforce of more than 1,400 employees working in FAA Headquarters, 35 field offices across the U.S., and two international offices. Before his work in aircraft certification, Lawrence was Executive Director of the UAS Integration Office, responsible for the facilitation of all regulations, polices and proceedures required to support the safe integration of uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) into the National Airspace System. Lawrence played a fundamental role in establishing, leading and successfully operationalizing this new organization. Lawrence also previously served as Manager of the FAA’s Small Airplane Directorate, where he manged airworthiness standards, continued operational safety, policy and guidance for for small aircraft, gliders, light sport aircraft, airships, and balloons. This work included leading the re-write of Part 23 and acceptance of industry consensus standards for small aircraft certificaiton.
Prior to joining the FAA in 2010, Lawrence was the vice president of industry and regulatory affairs for the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Before that, Lawrence worked for Rockwell Rocketdyne, first as a rocket engine mechanic and then as a manufacturing engineer on the International Space Station.
Lawrence is a graduate of Northrop University, with a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering Technology. A pilot since 1987, Lawrence holds a commercial multi-engine pilot certificate as well as an airframe and powerplant mechanic certificate with an Inspection Authorization. He currently owns and flies a Piper Twin Comanche.
William D. Lewis, President and CEO, Tennessee Technical Test Team
Dr. William Lewis is currently the President and CEO of the Tennessee Technical Test Team; an aerospace consulting firm.
Dr. Lewis graduated from West Point in 1975 and served as an Army officer for 22 years; retiring as a LTC. During his career most of his duties consisted of Aviation and acquisition assignments. He performed duties as an instructor pilot, experimental test pilot and product manager. Following his retirement from active service, he became a professor at the University of Tennessee Space Institute where he led the Flight Research Office and Aviation Systems program. He departed academia to become the Chief Engineer of the RAH-66 program. Following the cancellation of the program, he became the Director of the US Army Aviation Engineering Directorate conducting airworthiness for the Army fleet.
In 2012 he became the Director of the US Army Aviation Development Directorate leading the Aviation Science and Technology portfolio. During this period he initiated the Joint Multi-role (JMR) rotorcraft program, the Degraded Visual Environment program and most recently the Aerial Launched Effects project. He holds a BS from the United States Military Academy, MS degrees from Air Force Institute of Technology and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and a PhD from the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Michael Lippincott, Product Manager, Nasco Healthcare
Michael Lippincott is a Product Manager at Nasco Healthcare, a leader in the healthcare simulation industry for over 80 years. Headquartered in Saugerties, NY, Nasco delivers lifelike, reliable, and affordable medical simulation solutions that enable everyday heroes to be at their best. The company’s mission is to prepare frontline healthcare workers to Be READY to deliver optimal patient outcomes and save lives whenever and wherever they are called.
As Product Manager at Nasco, Michael excels at identifying market needs and bringing new products that meet said needs to market. Michael also acts as a product educator, helping others to understand the features and capabilities of Nasco’s unique products and how to get the most out of them.
Ben Marcus, Co-Founder & Managing Partner, UP.Partners
Ben Marcus is Co-Founder and Managing Partner of UP.Partners, building and investing in technology companies that are Transforming the Moving World. History has shown that as access to mobility increases, the societies that benefit from these advancements experience vastly improved quality of life. An increase in economic prosperity. An increase in spending time doing things that matter. A richer human experience filled with adventure and fellowship. The firm partners with entrepreneurs, corporations, and governments helping move people and goods cleaner, faster, safer, and at lower cost – on the ground, in the air, at sea, and in space.
In 2014, Ben co-founded AirMap, the world’s leading airspace management platform. AirMap is delivering technology solutions globally for Unmanned Aircraft Traffic Management (UTM) to enable advanced aerial mobility operations at scale. AirMap was acquired in 2021.
Together with his UP.Partners co-founder Cyrus Sigari, the two co-founded jetAVIVA in 2006, which is today the world’s leading broker of business jets.
Ben & Cyrus co-created the UP.Summit in 2017, which has grown into the premier annual gathering of the world’s leading innovators in mobility. The UP.Summit is co-hosted in alternating years by the Walton Family and the Perot Family.
In 2020, Ben and his partners Cyrus Sigari and Adam Grosser launched UP.Partners with an inaugural $230M USD venture fund. The sector-focused firm accelerates the positive impact of transportation innovation. The unique community of sector-expert entrepreneurs, executives, corporates, and co-investors equals unparalleled access, improves decision-making, and provides the best support and synergies for our portfolio companies and their founders.
Together with co-founders John Kuolt and Katelyn Foley, Ben spearheaded the launch of UP.Labs in 2022. UP.Labs partners with large corporations to build startups that solve some of the world’s most pressing challenges. UP.Labs’ first corporate partner is Porsche. UP.Labs builds two startups per year with each corporate partner.
Ben is an FAA-certified Airline Transport Pilot and Flight Instructor with 5,000 hours of flight experience in more than 100 types of airplanes, seaplanes, gliders, and helicopters. He started his career as a flight instructor and flight test engineer.
Ben is a graduate of Purdue University’s School of Aeronautics. He lives in Santa Monica with his wife and daughter.
Howard McKenzie, Chief Engineer, The Boeing Company
Howard McKenzie is the chief engineer of The Boeing Company and executive vice president of Engineering, Test & Technology. He leads the Boeing Engineering function of more than 57,000 engineers worldwide and oversees the company’s technology vision, strategy and investment. His responsibilities also include oversight of all aspects of safety and technical integrity of Boeing products and services. His organization is an incubator for businesses that will define the future of urban, regional and global mobility, as well as those aimed at near-term opportunities. McKenzie is a member of the company’s Executive Council.
Nick Methven, Senior Vice President, Underwriting Director, Global Aerospace
Nick Methven joined Global Aerospace in 2002 and has served in multiple underwriting roles across product lines throughout his tenure. He currently serves in the role of Senior Vice President, Underwriting Director, and is currently responsible for manufacturers product liability, aerospace and workers compensation lines of business. Global’s innovation and new products group also report to Nick. Prior to joining Global, Nick worked for Chubb and was involved in corporate and commercial aircraft underwriting, reinsurance and financial analysis.
Nick received his undergraduate degree in Aeronautical Science from Dowling College in Oakdale, NY and later earned his MBA in Finance from the University of Delaware. Nick is a licensed insurance producer and holds the Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) and Certified Aviation Insurance Professional (CAIP) designations. He is also an instrument rated private pilot.
Luigi U. Ricci Moretti
Mr. Ricci Moretti has over 25 years experience in vertical flight, focusing on aircraft design, development, testing and certification, acquired both in United States and Europe.
He has led teams in the design and modification of conventional helicopters, as well as in the development of innovative aircraft platforms such as AgustaWestland Project Zero, AW Next Generation Civil TiltRotor, Piasecki PA890 slowed rotor winged compound electric helicopter and the Lilium Jet eVTOL.
Mr. Ricci Moretti is the holder or co-holder of several patents and is a member of multiple professional Societies, as well as a Lifetime Member of VFS.
An FAA Licensed private pilot, in his spare time he enjoys vintage aircraft flying, live steam model railroading and world travels.
Ramy Mourad, Director of Engineering, Urban Air Mobility, Boeing
Ramy Mourad serves as Boeing’s Director of Engineering for Urban Air Mobility (UAM), a position he has held since October 2021. With nearly two decades of dedication to advancing commercial and defense aerospace, his career is a testament to leadership, innovation, and transformative impact.
In his current role, Ramy heads Boeing's UAM engineering collaborations with industry leaders, Wisk Aero and SkyGrid. With Boeing affiliates, his team is actively designing and building one of the world’s first certified commercial autonomous, electric aircraft. By leveraging Boeing’s scale and strategic capabilities, and Wisk’s Silicon Valley innovation and agility, he models strategic foresight in the growth of the UAM engineering team.
Prior to his current role, Ramy held essential positions at Boeing, including Director of Northwest Lab Test & Evaluation and Director of New Mid-Market Airplane (NMA) Test Program. In these roles, he demonstrated crisis leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic, strategically managed budgets, and implemented innovative approaches resulting in substantial cost reductions.
Ramy's impact echoes through his roles as Director of Commercial Derivative Test Programs, Senior Manager for KC-46 Tanker Flight Test, and Manager for various helicopter and airplane flight test programs. Notably, his recovery efforts on troubled international test programs earned company-wide accolades, showcasing his resilience and program execution discipline.
As an aviation enthusiast and pilot, Ramy's journey includes pivotal roles at Honda Aircraft Company and Eclipse Aviation Corp., where he honed his expertise in test engineering, certification planning, and innovative program development.
Ramy believes that the aerospace industry is on the cusp of a technological revolution making aerial travel available to the majority of civilization. He strives to foster diverse, collaborative, and innovative team cultures in pursuit of that future.
Dan Newman, Chief Technology Officer, Advanced Air Mobility Division, Honeywell
Dan Newman is the Chief Technology Officer for Honeywell Advanced Air Mobility Division. He previously served as a Senior Technical Fellow of The Boeing Company in Aircraft Configuration Development and as the Chief Engineer for Advanced Vertical Lift in Boeing’s Phantom Works Division.
Dan is a Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), a Technical Fellow, and an Honorary Fellow of the Vertical Flight Society (VFS), for which he served as the Society’s Technical Director and Vertical Flight Foundation Scholarship Committee Chair. Dan has also chaired the NATA Industry Advisory Group (NIAG) Study Groups SG-219 Next Generation Rotorcraft Capabilities, SG-239 on Integrated Sustainability for the Next Generation Rotorcraft, and SG-266 on Joint-Domain NATO Rotorcraft Interoperability and Survivability in a Peer Nation Threat Environment, and served as a program manager at the U.S. Department of Defense at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
Dan received his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the Sibley School at Cornell University and his Masters in Aerospace Engineering from the Alfred Gessow Rotorcraft Center at the University of Maryland, where he was named a Distinguished Aerospace Engineering Alumnus.
Frank develops intellectual property strategies that match his clients’ needs and industry position, and masterfully executes follow-through plans that turn strategy into action.
A trusted and valued advisor to senior leadership, Frank helps clients succeed by developing and managing their overall IP protection strategy and patent portfolio, both in the US and abroad. His strategic approach enables him to build portfolios that offer his clients a durable competitive advantage based on understanding the asset’s significance to business success, the client’s business goals, the competitive environment, and the overall patent landscape.
In his 30+ years of practice, Frank has honed an efficient and highly effective hands-on approach to patent prosecution that minimizes the possibility of protracted and costly prosecution and produces patents with meaningful scope, value, and enforceability. His long experience working with the Patent Office means he has both knowledge of the intricacies of patent law and familiarity with the customs and practices that dictate how examiners work. He finds that frequent visits to the Patent Office to discuss his clients’ inventions with patent examiners can expedite the prosecution process.
Frank advises clients on many types of offensive and defensive patent strategies, from opinions to licensing to litigation avoidance, and is often asked to provide second opinions on litigation strategy.
Mark Page, Founder & CTO, JetZero
Mr. Page received a B.S. degree in Aerospace from the University of Illinois in 1979.
He worked 18 years at McDonnell Douglas / Boeing on transport programs including the NASA Propfan, Supersonic HSCT, MD-90 JetLiner, and NASA-sponsored Blended-Wing-Body which he co-invented, serving as Technical Program Manager during the inception of the BWB. Mr. Page became the youngest Technical Fellow at McDonnell- Douglas for his work on the BWB.
In 1997 Mr. Page served as the Chief Aerodynamicist for 3 generations of 250mph ChampCars at Dan Gurney’s All- American Racers.
In 2000, Mr. Page moved to Swift Engineering as Chief Scientist where he led the Aero design of several racecars that enjoyed successful racing careers from open-wheel ChampCars to NASCAR Cup racers. Mr. Page also designed 5 generations of BWB UAV’s, including the Swift/Raytheon KillerBee, and the Northrop BAT12 which served in Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2007 Mr. Page designed the Eclipse Concept for Eclipse Aviation. The ECJ was designed and fabricated at Swift and went from contract to first flight in just 200 days.
Mr. Page taught the Capstone Aerospace Design Course at the University of Southern California for 17 years and coached the USC AIAA design/build/fly team.
In 2012 Mr. Page co-founded DZYNE Technologies with 4 colleagues that specialize in vehicle development, from design through flight. To date, DZYNE has taken a new airplane to flight every year of its existence ranging in weight from 3 lbs to 1,500 lbs.
Mr. Page was the Chief Scientist of the DZYNE Vehicle Design Studio through 2021. In that capacity, he led the design of the Mooney International M10 Sport/Trainer and the Beta Technologies ALIA-250 eVTOL. All of these aircraft were taken to flight. The ALIA-250 is now in flight-test and is a leader in the eVTOL industry.
Mr. Page holds numerous patents for vehicles ranging from the Blended-Wing-Body, to UAV’s, VTOL aircraft, and an Amphibious Submarine.
In early 2021, Mr. Page founded JetZero with Mr. Tom O’Leary to deploy BWB technology for a zero-carbon future. JetZero and NASA are developing new technologies that increase the BWB’s fuel advantage from 20% to 30% when compared to an advanced tube-and-wing with common engine technology and Jet-A fuel. Compared to the present Airline fleet, the fuel savings is 65%. JetZero’s BWB incorporates features that enable the earliest possible adoption of Hydrogen.
Bob Pearce, Associate Administrator, Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD), NASA
Mr. Robert Pearce is the Associate Administrator for NASA's Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD). He manages the agency’s aeronautics research portfolio and guides its strategic direction, including research in advanced air vehicle concepts, airspace operations and safety, integrated aviation systems, and the nurturing and development of transformative concepts for aviation.
Robert has experience in all aspects of aviation R&D, including serving as Deputy Director of the FAA-led Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) Joint Planning and Development Office (JPDO). Bob began his career as a design engineer at the Grumman Corporation, working on such projects as the Navy’s F-14 Tomcat fighter and DARPA’s X-29 Forward Swept Wing Demonstrator.
He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical and aerospace engineering from Syracuse University, and a Master of Science degree in technology and policy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Darryll J. Pines, President, University of Maryland, College Park
Darryll J. Pines has proudly served as the 34th president of the University of Maryland since July 2020. The Glenn L. Martin Professor of Aerospace Engineering, Pines has emphasized achieving excellence in all aspects of university life while creating a diverse and multicultural community that allows everyone to reach their full potential.
He has led efforts to address the grand challenges of our time, and 50 university projects have received $30 million in university-sponsored grants to study and implement solutions in areas such as sustainability, literacy, and food, energy and water insecurity. Pines also co-founded the 120 Initiative, an effort to reduce gun violence in collaboration with the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area.
Other signature campus initiatives include the Terrapin Commitment, the largest single-year investment in need-based scholarships in university history; TerrapinSTRONG, an onboarding program to create a shared understanding of the university’s mission, history and values; and a pledge to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2025.
Pines first arrived on campus in 1995 as an assistant professor and steadily rose through the ranks of academic leadership. He served as chair of the Department of Aerospace Engineering from 2006–09 and for the following 11 years as dean and Nariman Farvardin Professor of Aerospace Engineering at the A. James Clark School of Engineering.
A member of the National Academy of Engineering, he is a fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, American Society of Mechanical Engineers and Institute of Physics; chairs the Engineering Advisory Committee for NSF’s Engineering Directorate; sits on the Board of Trustees for Underwriters Laboratory not-for-profit arm; and serves as a member of the MIT Corporation, the board of trustees for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Pines received a B.S. in mechanical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, and M.S. and Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Dr. Dan Raymer, President, Conceptual Research Corporation
Dan Raymer is President of the design and consulting company, Conceptual Research Corporation, and serves as Program Manager, Configuration Designer, and Chief Engineer for its varied projects. Current and recent projects include the DARPA Flying Missile Rail, the Raymer Manned Mars Plane, and a proprietary high-altitude UAV.
Recipient of the prestigious AIAA Aircraft Design Award, Dr. Raymer is a recognized expert in the areas of Aerospace Vehicle Design and Configuration Layout, Computer-aided Design Methodologies and Design Education. During his 10 years in the Advanced Design Department of Rockwell (North American Aviation) he conceived and did the layout design of Rockwell's entries in what became the F-22, B-2, and T-45 programs, and was Head of Air Vehicle Design for X-31 from "blank sheet of paper" (CAD screen) to the configuration that flew (with minor fabrication-driven changes).
His industry career includes positions as Director-Advanced Design with Lockheed, Director-Future Missions at the Aerojet Propulsion Research Institute, and Project Manager-Engineering at Rockwell North American Aviation. He also served as a research engineer and aerospace design consultant at the famous RAND Corporation think tank.
Dr. Raymer is the author of the best-selling textbook "Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach" and the well-regarded layman's book, "Dan Raymer's Simplified Aircraft Design for Homebuilders". His biographical book, "Living In The Future: The Education and Adventures of an Advanced Aircraft Designer", covers his career and his design projects including most of those described below.
Dr. Raymer received B.S. and M.S. engineering degrees in Astronautics and Aeronautics from Purdue, an MBA from the University of Southern California, and a Doctorate of Engineering (Ph.D.) from the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology (KTH).
Michael Romanowski, Head of Government Relations, Archer
Michael Romanowski is Archer’s Head of Government Relations. In his role, Romanowski leads Archer’s development and execution of strategies for engaging government stakeholders, including the collaboration with regulatory authorities and industry to form a forward-leaning position on policy, process and global certification expectations. Prior to joining Archer, he spent more than 14 years at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) where he served most recently as Aircraft Certification Director of Policy and Innovation, and as the Directors of NextGen Integration & Implementation and Commercial Space Integration. In addition to Michael’s experience at the FAA, Romanowski served as the Aviation and Aeronautics Advisor to the Chief Technology Officer of the United States and as the Executive Director of the National Science and Technology Council Aeronautics Science and Technology Subcommittee under the Obama administration. Prior to his government service, Romanowski was the Vice President of Civil Aviation at the Aerospace Industries Association, and he headed safety and certification at both Pratt & Whitney and Sikorsky Aircraft. Romanowski earned his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at Duke University.
Dr. Kenneth M. Rosen, Founder & President, General Aero-Science Consultants (GASC)
Ken has over sixty years of experience in the Aerospace, Propulsion, Turbo machinery, manufacturing and systems engineering community, much of which has been at the leadership level. Dr. Rosen is founder and President of General Aero-Science Consultants, LLC. (GASC), organized in 2000; and a Principal Partner of Aero-Science Technology Associates, LLC (ASTA), formed in 2002. Both GASC and ASTA are engineering and business development consulting firms. He is currently an active consultant concentrating on innovative EVTOL & VTOL aircraft, aircraft gas turbines and electric/hybrid-electric propulsion systems.
Dr. Sky Sartorius, Advanced Concepts Engineer, Boeing
Dr. Sky Sartorius is an accomplished aerospace professional with a diverse background across industry sectors. He has worked and consulted at startups and small companies and currently holds a position at Advanced Concepts in Boeing, California. With a passion for pushing the boundaries of aerospace technology, he has developed innovative solutions for real-world challenges. His expertise spans unconventional airplanes, rotorcraft/VTOLs, uncrewed and autonomous systems, electrified propulsion, and sustainable airliners. From concept to manufacturing, he excels in crafting requirements, design exploration and optimization, and overseeing the entire aerospace development process.
Brian Schettler, Partner, AEI HorizonX
Mr. Schettler is a Partner at AE Industrial and leads AEI HorizonX, the venture capital investment platform formed in partnership with The Boeing Company. Prior to joining AE Industrial in 2021, Mr. Schettler was a Founder and Senior Managing Director of Boeing HorizonX Ventures. He led the Boeing venture capital team chartered with investing in selected startups throughout the world. His team identified and pursued opportunities to make investments in startup companies with discriminating and disruptive technologies for next-generation Aerospace, Defense, and Security applications. He has been recognized by Global Corporate Venturing Institute for creating and leading a Top 30 corporate venture capital unit out of the 2,200+ that they track globally. Mr. Schettler has over two decades of experience in aerospace, technology, and defense companies and has led numerous investment transactions in his career to include venture, M&A, and divestiture. Prior roles include leading global companies in strategy and corporate development. Mr. Schettler spent a year as the acting Vice President of Corporate Strategy for Boeing while also leading the HorizonX team. He spent three years as vice president of corporate strategy at Cobham plc, a global technology company headquartered in the United Kingdom, where he led corporate and business strategy development, including the evaluation and prioritization of private venture investment across its diversified product lines. He spent another two years at ATK and was responsible for corporate strategy and portfolio development. He also was a senior strategist for Boeing Military Aircraft and Phantom Works, where he led M&A, business strategy, and partnership development in Silicon Valley and beyond. Finally, Mr. Schettler led strategy and program operations for the Space Systems Division of Northrop Grumman, managing their technology portfolio and investments.
Pamir Sevincel, Managing Partner, Blackbird
Pamir Sevincel is the Managing Partner of Blackbird, a boutique early-stage startup advisory based in London. At Blackbird, Pamir primarily supports aerospace, deep tech, and software companies with 3 key aspects of scaling a business: 1) Go-to-Market Strategy, 2) Quantitative Modelling, and 3) Raising Capital. Blackbird's unique network of associates are brought in on a project-basis to flexibly create the best teams around the world, delivering highly customized services to startups. Over the years, Pamir has worked with aerospace VCs including UP.Partners, drone startups such as AirMap, and corporate entities like Airbus. He has done projects at the intersection of engineering and business with world-leading institutions including NASA, NEOM, the EU, NCDOT, and Bell Flight.
Pamir is personally passionate about flight within the context of emergency response, especially after his home country Turkey was struck with a devastating earthquake in 2022 that affected 10s of millions. One of his passions include mentoring teams and judging pitching competitions at hackathons, having recently supported hackers at the MIT XR Hackathon.
Pamir is also a Venture Partner at Quartz Capital, a multi-stage venture capital firm investing in B2B enterprise SaaS. UiPath, Palantir, Confluent, Samsara, Klarna, Kraken, Intercom & co are among the companies that the firm has invested in since its inception.
Marc Sheffler, Chief Technology Integrator for Advanced Mobility, The Boeing Company (Retired)
Marc Sheffler served as Chief Technology Integrator for The Boeing Company’s Advanced Mobility organization, representing rotorcraft. He oversaw teams developing advanced technology for current and future rotorcraft. Previously, he was Mesa Site Director of Engineering and Philadelphia Director of Research and Technology. He had leadership roles on the Apache Program, RAH-66 Comanche Program and for the V-22 Osprey. Mr. Sheffler was Chairman, Board of Trustees, of the American Helicopter Museum and Education Center. He is a Fellow of the Vertical Flight Society and Ex-Officio Technical Chair. Mr. Sheffler graduated from Virginia Tech with a BS in Aerospace and Ocean Engineering, and Widener University with an MS in Engineering Mechanics and Engineering Management. He was named to the inaugural class of the Academy of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering Excellence and was awarded the Virginia Tech 2009 Distinguished Service Award.
Dr. Sanjiv Singh is an innovator, educator, and entrepreneur. He is currently a Consulting Professor at the Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, and the CEO of Near Earth Autonomy, a start-up that develops autonomy for next-generation aircraft that will inspect infrastructure, deliver cargo, and transport passengers.
Dr. Singh started his career in 1985, working on the first autonomous ground vehicles to operate outdoors. Since then, he has led research and development efforts with applications in aviation, agriculture, mining, and construction. In 2010 he led a team that demonstrated the first autonomous full-scale helicopter capable of take-off, landing zone evaluation, and safe descent. In 2011, he led the autonomy effort for Transformer, DARPA's flying car program. From 2012-2017, he led the perception efforts for ONR’s AACUS program that demonstrated high-performance autonomous rotorcraft flight in austere environments. Dr. Singh obtained his Ph.D. in Robotics at Carnegie Mellon in 1995. He is the founding editor of Field Robotics, a new open-access journal, a TEDx speaker, and a co-founder of four companies.
Kyle Smith is a seasoned professional in the aviation industry. Graduating with a Bachelor’s in Flight Operations Management and a minor in business from the University of Central Missouri, Kyle holds a Private Pilot’s license with an Instrument rating. Additionally, he possesses a Flight Dispatcher’s license from Scheffield School of Aeronautics. Kyle previously worked for a large avionics company in their aviation support department and currently works for Global Aerospace as an Underwriter out of their Kansas Branch, specializing in light aircraft and emerging technology risks. Through his history he provides a wide range of aviation knowledge and experience.
Dr. Marilyn Smith, Director, Vertical Lift Research Center of Excellence (VLRCOE), School of Aerospace Engineering
Dr. Smith received her PhD from Georgia Tech in 1994 while working in fixed- and rotary-wing industry from 1982 to 1997. She joined the School of Aerospace Engineering in 1997 where she is currently full professor and Director of the Vertical Lift Research Center of Excellence (VLRCOE). Smith performs research in the areas of non-linear computational aeroelasticity (using CFD) and the integrated multidisciplinary areas of unsteady aerodynamics and acoustic/fluid/structure interactions across rotating and fixed wing vehicles and systems. Her recent research also includes award-winning development of nonlinear reduced-order models for design and modeling and simulation. Her research sponsors include all branches of the DoD, NASA, and DoE, ARO, ONR, and NSF, as well as industry. She was named a Fellow of the AIAA and RAeS and a Technical Fellow of the American Helicopter Society (AHS), now VFS, for her research in these areas, where she has authored or co-authored more than 200 publications. She gave the 2022 VFS Nikolsky and 2023 RAeS Lanchester Memorial Honorary Lectures, as well as receiving the 2022 AIAA Applied Aerodynamic Award, for her research in computational aeromechanics. She has twice won the AHS Agusta-Westland International Fellowship Award and NASA Group Achievement Awarsd for her research in rotorcraft. She is a current board member of the VFS, past VLC board member, and VFS Technical Director Emeritus.
John Soltis, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Program Manager, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Aircraft Certification Service
Mr. John Soltis is an Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Program Manager assigned to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Aircraft Certification Service. John is a subject matter expert on airworthiness certification and production certification of UAS, Optionally Piloted Aircraft (OPA), and hybrid aircraft/space launch platforms. Some of John's UAS contributions include type, production, and airworthiness certifications of the Matternet M2. John joined the FAA in 2006 as an Aviation Safety Inspector (ASI) for Manufacturing. Served as an ASI in the Los Angeles and Vandalia Certificate Management Section (CMS). While assigned to the Los Angeles CMS, John was assigned Experimental Airworthiness projects for UAS, OPA, and Space Launch systems and worked with several experimental airworthiness applicants such as Scaled Composites, General Atomics, Virgin Galactic, Virgin Orbit, Paul Alans StratoLaunch System, and Northrup Grumman. In mid-2019, John was presented with the opportunity to relocate to Ohio and join the Vandalia CMS as an ASI, continuing his duties as an ASI, and sharing his knowledge in the continuing growing industries of airworthiness certification of new and novel aircraft such as manned aircraft, UAS, and OPA. Before joining the FAA in 2006 John worked for McDonnell Douglas in Long Beach California for 15 years as a Quality Engineer in the Lab Test and Flight Test departments working on Type Certification programs for the MD-11, MD-90, MD-80, and 717-200 aircraft. John served honorably in the United States Marine Corps as an Aviation Life Support Technician working on various high-performance fighter aircraft involving the Parachute and Ejection Seat systems, Life Support Systems, and Safety and Survival Equipment.
Mr. Stalnacker has 25 years of experience providing government and private industry health, safety, disaster, and emergency management leadership.
His experience in emergency and disaster management includes recently serving as Operations Branch Director for the Pacific Northwest Federal Type 1 Incident Management Team (PNW2). PNW2 is one of the only eight federal teams that respond across the world for complex disaster management. Mr. Stalnacker also provides crisis leadership support to C-suite level corporate executives.
Mr. Stalnacker previously served in non-military government special operations as chief officer. Additionally, he was member of the elite Federal Smokejumper Program, and have served as a commissioned SWAT police officer, mountain search and rescue specialist, fire investigator, nationally certified EMT and HAZMAT/Weapons of Mass Destruction operations first responder. Mr. Stalnacker has also served as incident commander and operations chief on numerous large-scale emergency and disaster incidents across the nation including the 2004 Four Mile Wildfire, 2014 Boulder, Colorado 1000 year-flood disaster, 2017 State of Oregon Eclipse Emergency Response Event and more recently the 2018 Hurricane Michael natural disaster. He has also served as a Colorado State Senate appointed investigative subject matter expert for the tragic North Fork Wildfire fatality investigation.
Mr. Stalnacker received two Silver Star medals, one Bronze Star medal and one Medal of Commendation for life saving actions and has been recognized for distinguished service by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Secret Service, Federal Emergency Management Agency, United States Department of Agriculture and the State of Colorado and Oregon Emergency Management Offices.
Mr. Stalnacker holds a bachelor’s degree in organizational leadership from Colorado State University. He is a certified health and safety trainer in numerous professional disciplines and considered a subject matter expert for disaster incident management and investigation. Mr. Stalnacker has been married to his wife, Kim, for 30 years (High School Sweethearts) and their daughter Aspen is a Junior at Colorado University-Boulder. Mr. Stalnacker is also founded the non-profit Warriors on the River (WORFISH.org) and currently serves as Director.
Lucas Stoflet, President, International Association of Medical Transport Communications Specialists (IAMTCS)
Lucas Stoflet is the current President of the International Association of Medical Transport Communications Specialists (IAMTCS) and serves on their Executive Board of Directors. Alongside his duties for IAMTCS, Lucas works full-time as a Partner Engagement Manager for Life Link III in Wisconsin. He joined Life Link III in 2016 as a Communications Specialist. Since then, he has taken on several roles including Lead Communications Specialist, Communications Training Officer, Radio System Maintainer, and lead the development and implementation of Life Link III’s OneLink™ mobile application. Prior to coming to Life Link III, he worked as a dispatcher for Mayo Clinic Medical Transport in Rochester, Minnesota. He also has experience as an Emergency Medical Dispatcher and previous 911 EMS experience. Lucas has Degrees in Business Management, and Paramedic Technician.
Dr. Anthony Tether, Former Director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Dr. Anthony J. Tether was Director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) from 2001 to his retirement in 2009. DARPA is the principal Agency within the Department of Defense for research, development, and demonstration of concepts, devices, and systems that provide highly advanced new technology capabilities. As Director, Dr. Tether was responsible for management of the Agency's projects for high-payoff, innovative research and development.
Dr. Tether received a Bachelor's of Electrical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and a Master of Science and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University.
Dr. Eugene L. Tu, Center Director, NASA Ames Research Center
Dr. Eugene L. Tu is the Center Director at NASA's Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley. Appointed in May 2015, he leads a staff of civil servants and contractors in providing critical research and development support that makes NASA's and the nation’s aeronautics and space missions possible.
Tu earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1988, and both his master's degree and doctorate in aeronautics and astronautics from Stanford University in 1990 and 1996, respectively. He is an Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). Tu received the NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal in 2000, and the Presidential Rank Awards for Meritorious Executive and Distinguished Executive in 2009 and 2020, respectively.
Darin Underwood, Associate Director, Systems Engineering, Collins Aerospace (RTX)
Aviation professional with over 33 years of experience. Seven years US Army active duty as an avionics mechanic on rotor wing aircraft, nine years commercial aviation as an airframe and powerplant, and avionic mechanic, of which eight years was at Delta Air Lines. Nineteen years engineering experience at Collins Aerospace and have worked on clean sheet programs such as the 787, CSeries (A220), and the Global 7500 business jet.
In 2013, awarded as the Collins Aerospace corporate winner for Engineer of the Year representing Commercial Systems. A graduate of Embry Riddle Aeronautical University and holds Commercial Multi-Engine (CMEL) with Instrument privileges, Private Pilot Single Engine Land (PSEL) with Instrument privileges, and Airframe & Powerplant licenses. Continually applying my diverse aviation background routinely to aircraft capabilities and functions designs, avionics system design, systems engineering, and integration and testing.
Darin owns his own Bonanza A36 airplane and can often be seen out flying around, exploring the earth from above.
James Viola, President and CEO, Vertical Aviation International (VAI)
James Viola is the President and CEO of the Vertical Aviation International (VAI). Previously, he served in the Federal Aviation Administration achieving the position of Acting Deputy Associate Administrator, Aviation Safety. Viola is on the Department of Transportation Advanced Aviation Advisory Committee to the FAA and has testified before Congress on safety issues and priority policy issues to the vertical flight industry. He is the Chairman of the International Federation of Helicopter Associations and holds a master’s degree in international relations.
Dr. James Wang, Director of eVTOL REsearch & Innovation Center, Nanyang Technological University
Dr. James Wang is an internationally renowned expert in Advanced Air Mobility, eVTOL aircraft and helicopter designing and operation. His expertise spans across technology and business in the aviation and eVTOL industry and his advice is highly sought after. In 2013, WIRED Magazine named him “the Steve Jobs of Rotorcraft” for inventing the world’s first all-electric VTOL technology demonstrator aircraft – the AgustaWestland Project Zero.
Dr. Wang has held several executive leadership positions, including as Senior Vice President of Marketing and Customer Services, and as Vice President of Research and Technology at Leonardo Helicopters; and at Sikorsky Aircraft worked on numerous famous helicopter designs and engineering programs, and led Strategic Sales programs that culminated in multi-billions of dollars in international sales. He is now a professor for Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and the Director of the eVTOL Research & Innovation Centre at Nanyang Technological University.
He received his bachelor degrees in Aeronautics and in Electrical Engineering from M.I.T., a master’s from M.I.T. Sloan Business School and a PhD from the Maryland Rotorcraft Center. He holds numerous patents and major international awards, including Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society, UTC Gold Mead Award, VFS Honorary Fellow, AHS Grover Bell Award, AHS Fellow, M.I.T. Luis de Florez Award, NASA Research Award, Finmeccanica Innovation Gold Award, Italian National Innovation Grand Prize, and the coveted Royal Aeronautical Society Gold Team Award.
Matthew S. Whalley, US Army DEVCOM AvMC, Technology Development Directorate
Mr. Whalley is an engineer with the US Army DEVCOM AvMC Technology Development Directorate (TDD), serving as the Capability Area Lead for Autonomous and Unmanned Systems. Since 1984, he has conducted research in helicopter flight control, handling qualities, and autonomy. Leading a team at Moffett Field, CA, they have been developing and testing autonomous helicopters since 2000, demonstrating numerous capabilities, including 3D risk-based obstacle field navigation, safe landing area determination, pilot-on-the-loop mission-adaptive autonomy, and single and dual-ship sling load operations on small- and full-scale (Black Hawk) helicopters. The team currently performs full-scale autonomy demonstrations using a fly-by-wire UH-60 and a conventionally actuated EH-60L, both operated by TDD, equipped with extended-range lidar, radar, and machine vision. Their work has been widely published, and Mr. Whalley holds degrees from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo (BS Aero '84) and Stanford (MS Aero '87).
Dr. Glen Whitehouse, CEO, Continuum Dynamics, Inc.
Dr. Glen Whitehouse is the CEO of Continuum Dynamics, Inc., where he has worked since 2003. He holds BS degree in Aeronautical Engineering and Mathematics from Clarkson University and a PhD in Aeronautics from Imperial College London. Dr. Whitehouse’s expertise is in rotorcraft interactional aerodynamics in and out of ground effect and in dynamic interface environments. He is the key architect of the VorTran-M/M2 family of grid-based vorticity-velocity solvers, and has authored/co-authored of over 100 technical reports and papers related to rotorcraft research and development, including the 2009 VFS/AHS Forum Best Paper. Dr. Whitehouse is a member of the VFS Aerodynamics Committee and was the Chair from 2012-2014. He is the Editor in Chief of the Journal of the American Helicopter Society, and was the Technical Chair of the 2016 VFS/AHS Forum.
Jana Williams, President & CEO, Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS)
President and Chief Executive Officer for the Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) and the MedEvac Foundation International (MFI), the air medical trade organization and its charitable organization respectively.
Jana Williams is the President and CEO for the Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) and the MedEvac Foundation International (MFI), the air medical trade organization and its charitable organization respectively. These organizations and their global members seek to make high-quality transport medicine accessible to all. Jana has more than 30 years’ experience in the EMS, incident management, and air medical communities and enjoys gathering perspectives from many vantage points. She took the role at AAMS/MFI in 2023 combining a love of air medical, collaboration, and non-profit management. Prior to joining AAMS/MFI, Jana was an executive at a large air medical operator and before that has held leadership positions across the healthcare and transport spectrum. She is a Regent Emeritus at the Medical Transport Leadership Institute, learning from and coaching the next generation of leaders. Jana is passionate about safety, healthcare access/equity, and supporting first responders.
Brian Wynne, President and CEO, Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI)
Brian Wynne is the president and CEO of the Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI), the world's largest nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of uncrewed systems and robotics. AUVSI represents corporations and professionals from more than 60 countries involved in business and government and who work in the defense, civil, and commercial markets. In 2017, Wynne was appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Transportation to the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Management Advisory Council (MAC), which advises the FAA on policy and regulatory matters, as well as the agency’s management and spending. He is also a member of the Advanced Aviation Advisory Committee (AAAC), a federal advisory committee of key decision makers formed by the FAA to support the safe introduction of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) into the nation’s airspace.
Sandy Yamane, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Program Manager, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Mr. Sandy Yamane is an Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Program Manager assigned to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 's Aircraft Certification Service. He is a subject matter expert on airworthiness certification of UAS, Optionally Piloted Aircraft (OPA), and hybrid aircraft/space launch platforms. Mr. Yamane has been with the FAA for over 25 years and has served in various capacities. Some of his UAS contributions include type and airworthiness certifications of the Insitu ScanEagle, AeroVironment’s Puma, and Matternet M2. Mr. Yamane participated in the Scaled Composite’s SpaceShipOne program that won the Ansari X Prize in 2004 and currently participates in the Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo and Stratolaunch Talon programs. In addition to his FAA experience, Mr. Yamane is a retired U.S. Air Force officer in the aircraft maintenance and logistics career fields. Mr. Yamane previously served as an expert for the GoFly Prize competition.
Brian is the Chief Executive Officer of Wisk Aero, a leader in the Advanced Air Mobility market. Wisk is building and certifying the world’s first autonomous, all-electric aircraft for commercial passenger use. Wisk is headquartered in Mountain View, California and regularly flight tests its autonomy systems and full-scale electric aircraft in the region. Wisk is actively building and testing their 6th Generation aircraft, the company’s first certified product for commercial use, and working with the FAA on a type certification program. The company’s goal is to bring safe everyday flight to everyone.
Brian brings years of leadership and engineering experience in aerospace and aviation, with a particular focus on electric and autonomous aviation. Prior to joining Wisk, Brian served as Vice President and Chief Engineer for Sustainability and Future Mobility at Boeing, where he led a team that ensured the company’s technical expertise in sustainability technologies as well as emerging, advanced aerial mobility applications. He was the Chief Technologist for Boeing NeXt and sat on the Board of Directors for Wisk following its founding as a joint venture with Boeing. Prior to his roles at Boeing, Brian was the Senior Vice President of Programs and Vice President of Research and Technology at Aurora Flight Sciences, an industry leader in aviation autonomy and rapid prototyping. Brian was a Research Engineer in the International Center for Air Transportation at MIT after earning a Ph.D. and Master of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT. He also earned a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering from Pennsylvania State University.
Thomas Zientek, Manager, Aerodynamics Technology Organization, Boeing Vertical Lift
Thomas Zientek is currently the manager of the Aerodynamics Technology organization within Boeing Vertical Lift responsible for the engineering disciplines of Aerodynamics, Acoustics, Propulsion, and Aerothermal technologies. Thomas has over 34 years of experience in vehicle performance and sizing, competitive assessments, aeromechanics, and rotorcraft acoustics. He holds 7 patents of advanced rotors and hubs including an adaptive rotor system designed for both improved hover and cruise performance for which his team was awarded the 2016 AHS Howard Hughes award. Thomas is one of Boeing’s primary instructors within Boeing Vertical Lift responsible for training courses in Aerodynamics, Dynamics, Flying Qualities, and Survivability (Acoustics). Thomas obtained both his Bachelor and Master’s degrees in Aeronautical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Ken Zinghini is a partner in the Business and Corporate practice group at Martin LLP in Stamford, CT. For more than 30 years, he has been a trusted legal and business advisor to companies and their owners, counseling them throughout the lifecycle of their business on all variety of complex and day-to-day legal issues, including forming, financing, operating, growing, investing in, and selling businesses. Ken understands that the client’s business is one of the most important parts of their life and he takes pride in partnering with them and giving his full attention to their success. Ken will be lecturing on ways to start, finance and operate a new business.
Join us tomorrow for our next Expert Lecture with Parimal Kopardekar, Mission Integration Manager for the Advanced AIr Mobility (AAM) Mission, NASA.
February 12 @11:00am ET
Title: Advanced Air Mobility: NASA’s Research and Development Focus
Bio: Parimal Kopardekar (PK) serves as the Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Mission Integration Manager to coordinate Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) activities enabling progress of AAM ecosystem. In addition to this strategic role, PK serves as the Director of NASA Aeronautics Research Institute (NARI) and a senior leader and advisor for ARMD. In this capacity, he is responsible for exploring new trends, research areas, Collaborations, and partnerships relevant to aeronautics enterprise. His focus is on unmanned aircraft systems, advanced air mobility, wildland fire management, autonomy, and future airspace operations. Recently, he co-led a comprehensive needs assessment study for wildfire mitigations. In the past, he served as the NASA senior technologist for Air Transportation Systems. He invented Unmanned Aircraft Systems Traffic Management (UTM) to safely enable large-scale drone operations at lower altitudes, which is now being globally adopted. He also chairs International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)’s unmanned aircraft system advisory group. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy from University of Cincinnati and a Master of Science degree from University at Buffalo in Industrial Engineering, and a Bachelor of Engineering degree from University of Bombay in Production Engineering.
Congratulations to all our innovators and teams for completing Stage 1 of the GoAERO competition! We were impressed with the technical prowess and the creativity of the entries, and we are delighted to introduce our winners to the world.
Here are the 11 winners of Stage 1 (in alphabetical order):
Here are the 14 Winners of the US University Innovation Awards supported by NASA (in alphabetical order):
Please join us in celebrating the work of all our winners, as they continue on in their journey toward the Final Fly-Off.
And remember, You do NOT need to win a Stage 1 prize, or to have participated in Stage 1, in order to compete in Stage 2. The competition welcomes innovators at every stage!
GoAERO is proud to support all our innovators and teams throughout this journey. We have partnered with industry leaders to provide all of our Stage 2 Teams with access to valuable benefits including mentoring, software, products, services, media exposure, and discounts through our in-kind sponsor program.
These benefits are available to all teams who complete the Stage 2 application. To get started, access the Stage 2 agreement here.
With the award of the Stage 1 prizes, we’re excited to announce that Stage 2 – the building stage – is officially open. This is when teams get to test designs, turn their ideas into reality, and build aircraft that will save lives. Looking ahead, Stage 2 will showcase sub-scale or full-scale flyers, with eight teams receiving $40,000 based on their prototypes. Teams will then progress to the GoAERO Fly-Off qualifying period, demonstrating controlled flight capability with full payload, culminating in the Final Fly-Off where an additional $1.65 million in prizes awaits.
Want to learn more? Schedule a one-on-one call with our team at info@GoAEROprize.com.
Thank you for joining us last week for our expert lecture with Nick Methven, Senior Vice President, Underwriting Director and Kyle Smith, Senior Underwriter at Global Aerospace, Inc. The recording is available here:
Join us next week for our Expert Lecture with Parimal Kopardekar, Mission Integration Manager for the Advanced AIr Mobility (AAM) Mission, NASA.
February 12 @11:00am ET
Title: Advanced Air Mobility: NASA’s Research and Development Focus
Bio: Parimal Kopardekar (PK) serves as the Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Mission Integration Manager to coordinate Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) activities enabling progress of AAM ecosystem. In addition to this strategic role, PK serves as the Director of NASA Aeronautics Research Institute (NARI) and a senior leader and advisor for ARMD. In this capacity, he is responsible for exploring new trends, research areas, Collaborations, and partnerships relevant to aeronautics enterprise. His focus is on unmanned aircraft systems, advanced air mobility, wildland fire management, autonomy, and future airspace operations. Recently, he co-led a comprehensive needs assessment study for wildfire mitigations. In the past, he served as the NASA senior technologist for Air Transportation Systems. He invented Unmanned Aircraft Systems Traffic Management (UTM) to safely enable large-scale drone operations at lower altitudes, which is now being globally adopted. He also chairs International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)’s unmanned aircraft system advisory group. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy from University of Cincinnati and a Master of Science degree from University at Buffalo in Industrial Engineering, and a Bachelor of Engineering degree from University of Bombay in Production Engineering.
Join us tomorrow for our Expert Lecture with leaders from Global Aerospace, Inc. They will share information about obtaining insurance for the competition and their offerings to GoAERO Teams. Global Aerospace will provide all eligible Stage 2 and 3 GoAERO Teams with $1,000,000 of Aircraft Liability insurance for a flat rate of $1,500 (depending on geographical location).
February 6 @11:00am ET
Title: Insurance for the GoAERO Prize
Nick Methven, Senior Vice President, Underwriting Director, Global Aerospace, Inc.
Nick Methven joined Global Aerospace in 2002 and has served in multiple underwriting roles across product lines throughout his tenure. He currently serves in the role of Senior Vice President, Underwriting Director, and is currently responsible for manufacturers product liability, aerospace and workers compensation lines of business. Global’s innovation and new products group also report to Nick. Prior to joining Global, Nick worked for Chubb and was involved in corporate and commercial aircraft underwriting, reinsurance and financial analysis. Nick received his undergraduate degree in Aeronautical Science from Dowling College in Oakdale, NY and later earned his MBA in Finance from the University of Delaware. Nick is a licensed insurance producer and holds the Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) and Certified Aviation Insurance Professional (CAIP) designations. He is also an instrument rated private pilot.
Kyle Smith, Senior Underwriter, Global Aerospace, Inc.
Kyle Smith is a seasoned professional in the aviation industry. Graduating with a Bachelor’s in Flight Operations Management and a minor in business from the University of Central Missouri, Kyle holds a Private Pilot’s license with an Instrument rating. Additionally, he possesses a Flight Dispatcher’s license from Scheffield School of Aeronautics. Kyle previously worked for a large avionics company in their aviation support department and currently works for Global Aerospace as an Underwriter out of their Kansas Branch, specializing in light aircraft and emerging technology risks. Through his history he provides a wide range of aviation knowledge and experience.