Thank you for joining us for our Expert Lecture with Dr. Sanjiv Singh, CEO of Near Earth Autonomy on Sensors for Remote and Autonomous Low Altitude Flight. The recording is available here:


We encourage you to register now for 2 upcoming lectures next week:

June 11th @ 11:00 am EST

Title: Aircraft Conceptual Design with Dr. Dan Raymer, President, Conceptual Research Corporation

Bio: Dr. Dan Raymer is President of the design and consulting company Conceptual Research Corporation and serves as Program Manager, Configuration Designer, and Chief Engineer for its varied projects. Current and recent projects include the DARPA Flying Missile Rail, the Raymer Manned Mars Plane, and a proprietary high-altitude UAV.

Registration Link:


June 12 @ 1 pm EST

Title: First Responders: Real World Scenarios with Rex Alexander, Founder & President, Five-Alpha (5α)

Bio: Rex Alexander, Founder & President, Five-Alpha (5α)Rex Alexander has over four decades of military, general, and commercial aviation experience as a pilot, A&P maintenance technician, and safety professional. He is a globally recognized subject matter expert on vertical flight infrastructure. He is the founder and president of the aeronautical consulting firm Five-Alpha (5α) LLC, which is dedicated to providing specialized education, research, and insight into the very challenging and unique community of vertical flight infrastructure.

Registration Link: