
American-Made Challenges


2025 Collegiate Wind Competition

Helping college students prepare for jobs in the wind and renewable energy workforce through real-world experiences.

This challenge is closed


This challenge is closed



A team must comprise undergraduate students subject to the following guidelines:

  • Students may come from a mixture of 4-year colleges or universities in the United States and 2-year institutions, such as community colleges.
  • Students from international institutions are welcome to participate on a team but must partner and apply with a team of students from a domestic U.S. institution as the lead. International participants will not be eligible to receive cash prizes directly from DOE.
  • Phase 1 teams are not required to have a faculty advisor by the Phase 1 submission deadline; however, teams will need to engage a faculty advisor from a college or university in the United States to be eligible to compete in Phase 2.

Teams should strive to include a range of academic disciplines, including but not limited to:

  • Engineering
  • Business
  • Marketing
  • Communications
  • Environmental and Public Policy
  • Social Sciences


Contact us directly at with any additional questions. 

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The 2025 Collegiate Wind Competition

NOTE: The CWC 2025 competition cycle runs from March 2024 to May 2025. The CWC 2025 application period closed June 13, 2024. Keep an eye out for the CWC 2025 qualifying teams announcement!

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Wind Energy Technologies Office launched the Collegiate Wind Competition (CWC) in 2014. The CWC helps multidisciplinary teams of undergraduate students prepare for jobs in wind and renewable energy through the following activities: 

  • The Turbine Prototype Contest & Turbine Testing Contest, in which teams design, build, and present a unique, wind-driven power system based on market research and test the wind turbine in an on-site wind tunnel. 
  • The Project Development Contest, in which teams research wind resource data, transmission infrastructure, and environmental factors to create a site plan and financial analysis for a hypothetical wind farm. 
  • The Connection Creation Contest, in which teams conduct outreach with the wind energy industry, their local communities, and local media outlets to raise wind energy awareness and promote their accomplishments. 

Join the CWC mailing list to receive updates on this competition. Visit the CWC news page for updates, alumni success stories, and other CWC news. 


Challenge Updates

Twelve Teams Advance to Final Phase in the 2025 Collegiate Wind Competition

Jan. 17, 2025, 12:52 p.m. PST by Carter Long

Congratulations to the 12 winners of Phase 2 of the 2025 U.S. Department of Energy’s Collegiate Wind Competition (CWC)! The Phase 2 winners will receive a cash prize of up to $15,000 per team and advance to the third phase, with final judging to happen alongside the American Clean Power Association’s CLEANPOWER 2025 Conference and Exhibition in Phoenix, Arizona, this May.  

Over the next few months, teams will complete designs for a hypothetical floating offshore wind farm, build and test prototype turbines, and build connections within the wind industry and their own communities. (Teams not selected as Phase 2 winners can still participate in the third phase of CWC as learn-along teams but won’t be eligible for the final awards.) 

Excited to see everyone in May! 

Images in Deliverables

Dec. 16, 2024, 8:24 a.m. PST by Jason Roadman

There has been considerable confusion about what counts towards the page count and what doesn’t for the Phase 2 and Phase 3 submissions.  Confusion arises, in part, because the Phase 2 deliverables for Project Development and Design are referred to in parts of the rules as “reports” and other places as “submissions” while there exists content for both definitions in the rules.


Relevant portions of the rules that apply include the first two sub-bullets on page 54 of the rules document, one referring to “Phase 2 submissions” and the other referring to “turbine design and project development reports.”  Due to the wording of the rules, both of these statements could be thought to apply for Project Development and Design.  As such, the judges will honor both statements FOR THOSE RELEVANT CONTESTS AND MILESTONES.  Keep in mind, there is also relevant text in the appropriate portions of Section 3 for each contest.  This situation will be clarified and simplified for CWC 26.


For the Project Development Phase 2 deliverable, images can go in the text OR at the end.  If they go in the text, they will count against the page count.  If they go at the end, they won't.  The rules don’t  specify an image limit, so judges will accept all the images students provide.   Given the confusion, and so as not to disadvantage teams that had planned for only included against the page count, the judges will be made aware both approaches are acceptable.  For the Phase 3 deliverable, only the second sub-bullet applies and images must be included in the text and count against the page limit.


For the Turbine Design Phase 2 deliverable, images can go in the text OR at the end.  If they go in the text, they will count against the page count.  If they go at the end, they won't.  The rules don’t  specify an image limit, so judges will accept all the images students provide. Given the confusion, and so as not to disadvantage teams that had planned for only included against the page count, the judges will be made aware both approaches are acceptable.  For the Phase 3 deliverable, only the second sub-bullet applies and images must be included in the text and count against the page limit.


For CCC, the Outreach Strategy Report, only the first sub-bullet of on page 54 applies, which is consistent with the text in stating photos are not included in the page count.  So, as a reminder, "images should be placed at the end and don't count against page count.”  Section applies for the Final Metrics Report for Phase 3.



Rules Revision

Sept. 30, 2024, 8:52 a.m. PDT by Jason Roadman

The CWC2025 Phase 2 and 3 Rules and Requirements document has been updated.  Please see the table in the front of the document for details on the changes.  At this time, the document dated September 27, 2024 is now current.  It can be found at the same link in the Resources tab that you've been using to access the document to date.  Please don't hesitate to ask questions, should they come up.  Thank you!

CWC Midyear Milestones now due 12/19

Sept. 24, 2024, 1:55 p.m. PDT by Elise DeGeorge

We have pushed the midyear milestone date currently scheduled for 12/12 to 12/19 due to the delay in the Phase 2/3 rules release.  These apply to the following midyear submissions:
•Design progress and prototyping fabrication
•Prototype fabrication and testing video
•Preliminary Project Development report
•Team Story
•Outreach strategy report

The CWC 2025 Phase 2 & 3 Rules and Requirements Have Been Released

Sept. 19, 2024, 1:55 p.m. PDT by Jason Roadman

The CWC 25 phase 2 and 3 rules are now live on the resources page at the following link.  Our sincere apologies for the delay in their release.  We look forward to seeing what your teams come up with this year.  Please post any questions in the HeroX forum.

