Exciting news! The Inclusive Solar Outreach Awards are now recognized as the Inclusive Outreach Engagement Award, a $5,000 prize awarded through the 2023 Sunny Awards. This recognition highlights the impactful communication efforts and initiatives of up to 15 Sunny Awards finalists. 


More on the 2023 Sunny Awards

The American-Made Sunny Awards for Equitable Community Solar (The Sunny Awards) is a $200,000 competition that recognizes community solar portfolios and programs that employ or develop best practices to increase equitable access to the meaningful benefits of community solar for subscribers and their communities.

To apply, community solar projects and programs must be able to prove that they are providing meaningful benefits in at least one of the following Meaningful Benefits:

  • Low- to Moderate-Income (LMI) Household Access 
  • Greater Household Savings 
  • Resilience and Grid Benefits
  • Community Ownership 
  • Equitable Workforce Development and Entrepreneurship
  • Engagement Award: Community Participation
  • Engagement Award: Inclusive Outreach (formerly the Inclusive Solar Outreach Awards)

The Sunny Awards offer up to thirty Finalist Awards at $2,500, up to fifteen Meaningful Benefits/Engagement Awards at $5,000, and up to five Grand Prize awards at $10,000. 

Interested in applying for the Sunny Awards? Here are few helpful resources:

All applications are due by July 14 at 5 p.m. ET. We hope to see your application to the Sunny Awards Inclusive Outreach Engagement Award!