Join an informational webinar for the second round of the American-Made Upskill Prize, happening Aug. 7 at 1 p.m. ET

The Upskill Prize offers $5 million to teams that develop comprehensive workforce training plans for new or incumbent solar manufacturers. Manufacturing facilities partner with training facilities, such as colleges, to create job-ready training plans with the aim to bring more solar manufacturing components to the U.S. for a reliable supply chain.  

One of the things you’ll get a better understanding of in the informational webinar is what to submit in your application:

  • Team information
  • A declaration of other funding or in-kind support for training
  • Narrative that answers four questions (five questions for returning teams). Max 3,000 words and five supporting images or figures for new submissions and 4,000 words and five supporting images or figures for returning submissions
  • Summary PowerPoint slide
  • Letters of commitment or support 
  • Supporting documentation.

Prize administrators will cover these elements, along with Round 2 timelines, eligibility requirements, goals, and more during the webinar. See the Official Rules for more information and come prepared with questions.

Register for the informational webinar today to secure your spot!

P.S. - Follow the Upskill Prize HeroX page, if you aren’t already, to receive updates, watch the recorded webinar, and connect with the Upskill Prize community.