Don’t forget to complete your midway check-in by Tuesday, February 28! Although this check-in is mandatory, don’t be intimidated! This step will allow teams to receive feedback from prize administrators to improve your final submissions. Here is a friendly Q&A to help you prepare: 

Q: What is the midway check-in?

A: The midway check-in includes introductory questions from each parameter covered within the challenge. Teams must provide draft answers to each question to demonstrate their progress in the challenge. This is an opportunity for teams to receive feedback on their direction and progress to prepare their final submission.

Q: Is the midway check-in required?

A: Yes. Teams must submit a midway check-in to be eligible to submit a final submission on Friday, April 14. 

Q: Do teams need to be final to submit the midway check-in?

A: No, you can still add members to your team after submitting the midway check-in. Just remember that you must have at least three members to be eligible for the final submission. Visit the “Forum” tab for help finding or expanding your team. 

Q: Is the midway check-in scored? 

A: The midway check-ins will not be scored, but teams will receive feedback from prize administrators.

Q: What is covered in the midway check-in?

A: Teams are asked to answer one question from each parameter in the midway check-in: 

  1. Economics and Business Model
  2. Operational Safety Considerations
  3. Life Cycle Analysis
  4. Climate Change Projected Impacts
  5. Environmental Justice, Social Impacts, and Engagement

Visit the “Resources” tab for a template to help you prepare your midway check-in submission.

Q: Do I need to answer every question in the midway check-in?

A: Yes. Submit answers for each question, even if they aren’t final. You will receive feedback on your midway check-in submission to help you strengthen your answers for the final submission. 

Q: Where can I find background information to start my submission? 

A: The Carbon Management Collegiate Competition administrators have collected several resources to support teams as they gather information for their submissions. You can find these under the “Resources” tab, or in this earlier HeroX update

Q: When is the midway check-in due?

A: Submissions are due by 3 p.m. MST on Tuesday, February 28, 2023. Pro tip: Don’t wait until the last minute! Early submissions are encouraged. 

Q: Where do I go to complete the midway check-in? 

A: You can access the midway check-in submission form by clicking “BEGIN ENTRY” on the main page. 

We look forward to learning about your bright ideas for sustainable carbon management!