

pharaonic solar module cooling
short description
it depends that when drop of water evaporates it absorbs energyinto open air these drops of water needs to evaporate so it absorbs heat
Full Description
in hot areas ambient temperature reaches about for example Kuwait 60 degrees so efficiency highly decreased.
many ways for cooling solar modules was disused whatever active or passive ways but all these ways didn't succeed practically or even in my opinion theoretically not applicable.
why pharaonic solar module cooling applicable?
this technology was used for cooling water by old Egyptian(pharaons) and it is same technology for cooling human body & cooling cities near sea.
it depend on evaporation of small drops of will collect energy in form of heat to evaporate so when heat is absorbed solar module become cool . this technology was not used before for cooling solar module and it is very effective and just consume a very few amount of water .
this is done by a follicular material i chose one good for this purpose at the back side of module and fill water among them drops of water penetrate the follicular material then evaporate by absorbing heat from solar module so module is cooled simply also that is same basic for personal air conditioner but here we don't consume energy just water fill the space between module and the spongy material.
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