
Colorado RE-newable Energy

Solar energy has surpassed as the highest rated renewable energy source in the United States as of June 1st 2022. More and more homeowners and businesses owners are going to be moving forward in the solar industry over the next 10years. Having our building departments and AHJ's in line with permitting and processes with homeowners and businesses working to move forward into the solar industry. This is a key essential part of processing permitting fast and having this Solarapp+ incorporated into their system will help with delays and faster permitting process.
Our mission is to have all AHJ's and building municipalities aware of how to adopt and incorporate this (Solarapp+) into their system.

The utility-scale solar power plant fleet of the United States has surpassed 50 GW of instantaneous generation. This data comes to us via the Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) Hourly Electricity Grid Monitor.

EIA’s grid monitoring tool is a sum of most utility-scale electricity generation in the lower 48 United States. Behind the meter solar generation is not accounted for in these values.

The first time that more than 50 GW was produced in the United States occurred on Sunday June 5, 2022 at 4 pm EST, when the online tool registered solar production at 50,157 MW of total output.

On Monday June 6, the fleet’s instantaneous generation remained above 50 GW generation for three hours – from 2 to 5 pm EST, peaking at just over 51 GW during the 2 pm hour. As the year’s longest day is June 21, 2022, peak solar generation is expected to occur around this period.

Since then, solar has broken that 10% value almost 70 times.