
American-Made Challenges


Silicon Carbide (SiC) Packaging Prize

The $2.25M SiC Packaging Prize invites competitors to propose, design, build, and test packaging prototypes that advance the industry.

This challenge is closed

Submission Deadline

This challenge is closed



The three-phase $2.25 million Silicon Carbide (SiC) Packaging Prize—launched by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Office of Electricity—invites competitors to propose, design, build, and test state-of-the-art SiC packaging prototypes that move the industry beyond its current state.

Silicon carbide has become transformational to the power industry in countless applications across the industrial, energy, and automotive segments. SiC devices are prime candidates for future high-performance power electronics due to their high breakdown voltage, low switching loss, and high-temperature operation. 

However, conventional packaging techniques limit the performance of SiC power modules due to parasitic inductance and heat dissipation issues. To enable grid-based applications, SiC power modules need to be expanded to higher voltage and higher current ratings.

Could your team’s innovative prototype be the winning solution? Find more information about submission requirements, judging criteria, and other important prize details in the Official Rules document.

Phases and Prizes

Phase 1 – Design Study

Competitors will describe their team, their plan to make progress toward SiC packaging, showcase their current prototypes, and provide evidence of their current metrics that are in alignment with the goals of the prize. The goal of this phase is to develop a set of design documents for a Phase 2 prototype which adheres to the requirements set.

Prizes: Up to 10 winners of $50,000 each

Phase 2 – Initial Demonstration

In Phase 2, winners from Phase 1 will showcase and demonstrate the advancements made during the prize competition in packaging solutions for SiC modules, meeting, exceeding, or making progress toward the Phase 2 performance metrics as outlined in the rules. This phase is designed to act as a milestone towards achieving the Phase 3 target with the goal of innovating towards an improvement over state-of-the-art packaging and creating transformative solutions. 

Prizes: Up to 4 winners of $250,000 each

Phase 3 – Final Demonstration

Competitors will demonstrate an advancement in packaging solutions for SiC modules, meeting or exceeding the Phase 3 performance metrics as outlined in the rules. The goal of the final phase is to achieve the high voltage and high current targets, while continuing to innovate towards an improvement over state-of-the-art packaging and creating transformative solutions.

Prizes: Up to 1 winner of $750,000

Performance metrics required for each phase of the prize.

Performance Metrics*


Phase 2 Target

Phase 3 Target

Heat Flux**

500 W/cm2

1,000 W/cm2

Voltage Hold-Off*** 

4.5 kV

10 kV

Current Handling

1,500 A

2,000 A

Switching Characteristics

dI/dt > 80 A/ns

dV/dt > 100 V/ns

Voltage Overshoot < 5%

dI/dt > 150 A/ns

dV/dt > 150 V/ns

Voltage Overshoot < 5%

Max Case Temperature



Demonstrated Operational Time

90 minutes continuous at 20 kHz inductive switching

90 minutes continuous at 20 kHz inductive switching

* Benchmarked against a half-bridge module configuration with antiparallel diodes. 

** Assumes liquid cooling. 

*** Using commercially available die ≤1,700 V rated.

Informational Webinar

Join us on April 8 for an informational webinar to learn more about the SiC Packaging Prize.  During the webinar, prize administrators will give an overview of the competition including key dates, submission requirements, scoring criteria, and prize pools. Plus, applicants will have an opportunity to ask questions during the live Q&A. Register today!

Can’t make the webinar? We’ve got you covered. A webinar recording will be made available on HeroX in the week following the live event. 


Competitor Eligibility 

The competition is open only to private entities (for-profits and nonprofits); nonfederal government entities such as states, counties, tribes, and municipalities; academic institutions; and individuals, subject to the requirements in the Official Rules.

For more the complete application process and instructions for competing, please read the Official Rules in the Resources tab.


Challenge Updates

Submissions Due Next Week

Aug. 19, 2024, 3:33 p.m. PDT by NREL Prize Moderator

Don’t forget the submission deadline for the SiC Packaging Prize is next Friday, Aug. 30, at 5 p.m. ET. Please consider uploading submission materials at least a few hours in advance to account for any potential technical difficulties.  

As a reminder, the prize administrators highly recommend all applicants review the Official Rules document in its entirety before submitting any materials.  

We can’t wait to review your submissions!  

Looking for Teammates?

May 16, 2024, 3:03 p.m. PDT by NREL Prize Moderator

Whether you're an individual with innovative ideas or a streamlined team of industry experts, there are opportunities to connect with other competitors through the HeroX Forum

Simply make a post with the following information to notify other competitors that you're searching for a team/team member to apply with: 

  1. The name and email of you or your team captain 
  2. A short description of what type of team/teammate you're looking for
  3. Your/your teams' areas of interest, capabilities, and experience.

As a reminder, all submission materials are due on Aug. 30 by 5 p.m. ET. 

Just Posted: Info Webinar Recording & Slides

April 17, 2024, 3:30 p.m. PDT by NREL Prize Moderator

Hi competitors, 

A recording of the SiC Packaging Prize informational webinar (and slides covered during the event) is now available in the Resources tab. During the webinar, the prize team covered competitor eligibility, key dates and submission deadlines, prize amounts, submission materials, and much more. 

Resource Reminder

  • Read the Official Rules! The prize administrators highly recommend all applicants read the document in its entirely before submitting any application materials.
  • Ask questions in the Forum. A prize administrator will answer your question here publicly ASAP. 
  • Review the prize timeline for key dates and deadlines. 

Don’t forget all submissions are due Aug. 30 by 5 p.m. ET! 

Don't Forget: Info Webinar on Monday

April 5, 2024, 2:40 p.m. PDT by NREL Prize Moderator


Don't forget about the upcoming informational webinar this Monday, April 8, at 11 a.m. ET.

During this webinar, the prize team will cover: 

  • Competitor eligibility 
  • Key dates and submission deadlines
  • Prize amounts
  • Submission materials
  • Live questions from attendees.

 Register today to join! Can’t make the live event? We’ve got you covered. A recording of the webinar will be available the week after the event on HeroX. Make sure you’re following the prize on HeroX to receive an email notification when the recording is published, as well as other important prize updates.

Resource Reminder

We look forward to seeing you on Monday!

Informational Webinar on April 8

March 15, 2024, 1 p.m. PDT by NREL Prize Moderator

Hi competitors, 

Looking for more information on the Silicon Carbide (SiC) Packaging Prize? Join us for an informational webinar on Monday, April 8, at 11 a.m. ET. Register today to join! (Please note that the event was rescheduled from March 20, and if you’ve already registered for the event, you do not need to register again.) 

During this webinar, the prize team will cover: 

  • Competitor eligibility 
  • Key dates and submission deadlines
  • Prize amounts
  • Submission materials
  • Live questions from attendees.

Can’t make the live event? We’ve got you covered. A recording of the webinar will be available the week after the event on HeroX. Make sure you’re following the prize on HeroX to receive an email notification when the recording is published, as well as other important prize updates.

Additional Resources

  • Read the Official Rules! The prize administrators highly recommend all applicants read the document in its entirely before submitting any application materials.
  • Ask questions in the forum. A prize administrator will answer your question here publicly ASAP. 
  • Review the prize timeline for key dates and deadlines. 

We’ll hope to see you at the informational webinar on April 8! 
