The Direct Air Capture (DAC) Pre-Commercial EPIC Prize is officially open! This prize is now accepting submissions from incubator teams who develop impactful plans to support direct air capture entrepreneurs and innovators. 

The prize, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management, provides up to $3.7 million in prizes for solutions that will reduce commercialization barriers for DAC technology innovators. It supports both emerging and established DAC incubators and accelerators in implementing solutions to develop strong clusters, resources, and connections for energy startups and entrepreneurs.  

Teams win increasingly larger prizes as they progress through the three phases of the prize: Think It, Move It, and Prove It. 

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Learn more about the prize and how it fits into the suite of DAC Prizes

The deadline to apply for the Think It phase is June 22 at 5 p.m. ET. Learn more about specific eligibility requirements by reading the official DAC Pre-Commercial EPIC Prize rules and following this HeroX channel for updates on the competition. Interested participants can join prize administrators for an informational webinar on April 12 at 3 p.m. EDT for information about competition rules, eligibility, and more, as well as a live Q&A session. Register here