You’re invited to join the American-Made team on Tuesday, April 25, at 11:30 a.m. ET for the American-Made Earth Day Event as we honor the people and prizes supercharging the clean energy revolution—and working toward a cleaner, brighter future for our planet!

During this live hybrid event, leadership from the U.S. Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy will highlight recent updates in the Community Clean Energy Coalition Prize. We’ll also be joined by Deputy Assistant Secretary for Renewable Power Alejandro Moreno and NREL Laboratory Director Martin Keller for exciting program updates. You won’t want to miss it!

As an attendee, you will hear from key energy industry players and get exciting first-hand updates from American-Made prize teams, including: 

  • Prize winner announcements 
  • Recaps of recent milestones and past winner success stories 
  • The launch of brand-new prizes

Register here to join virtually! 

We hope to see you at this exciting event celebrating the clean energy champions who are defining what it means to be American-Made!