We heard your feedback and in response have issued Modification 2 to the Official Rules for Phase 2 of Buildings UP. The Official Rules document is located on the Resources page of HeroX- https://www.herox.com/BuildingsUP/resource/1762
Join DOE and NREL on March 21st from 2-3 PM Eastern to learn more about the modification.
Register here- https://nrel.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_EKZUr0A_Qx26y1FIUKp2kg#/registration
This rules modification required updates to the following templates:
- CSF Checklist
- Tech Demo Plan
- Pilot Initiative Implementation Plan
The old templates have been replace with the updated forms on HeroX (under Resources).
The modification also generated two new templates (all templates are optional for teams to use)
- Phase 2 Technology Relevance Report- Prior Tech Demo
- Phase 2 Technology Relevance Report- Three Prior Installations
The new templates will be posted the week of March 18, 2024 under the Resources tab.