We are proud to announce the winners in the Save Them All Challenge!


GRAND PRIZE $10,000 WINNER: Mitul Sarkar 

BFR: A rewards program that links to pet welfare: Mitul's solution uses pet owners helping other pet owners and is aligned with Best Friends culture as well as mission.


SECOND PLACE $2,000 WINNER: Anna Raines

Community Directed Animal Welfare Enforcement: Community-focused ACOS. They are on the front lines of animal welfare and have the biggest opportunity to make a difference.


Akisha Townsend: It Takes Us All to Save Them All!

Andie Peart: Pet Help Marketing

Christelle Del PreteLevi Myers: The Empty Kennel Collective

Robin Rowe: SavePets Crypto Game

Best Friends leadership will now be discussing how we might implement the winning ideas.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the innovators who participated. While only two innovators ultimately win the award, there were so many other insightful solutions that we are confident many will do great things in the future. Thank you all for helping make this crowdsourcing project a success.

We would like to thank our judges for supporting our efforts in this initiative. Specifically, we’d like to acknowledge Elizabeth Jensen, Scott Giacoppo, Kaylee Hawkins and Liz Finch for their contributions.

We would also like to thank all our supporters, partners, commenters and anyone else who in any way contributed to our community. Without you, we would not have had the innovator turnout that we did.

Warm regards,

Angela Embree