The Base 11 Space Challenge requires Safety Logs and Training Logs to be kept updated at all times.  

Maintaining these logs is the responsibility of the Safety Officer for each team.

1. Safety log template.  Teams should record all safety incidents, including near-misses, and documents remedial action(s) taken to prevent recurrence in this log. A team that is not reporting any safety incidents is likely not taking safety seriously. Incidents and near misses are bound to occur and should be recorded, reviewed, learned from, and prevented from re-occurring.

2. Training log template.  All team members  are  required to complete the online safety training as an introductory training course. When members complete the training, it should be recorded in the training log. However, this introductory training is not intended to be be the only training or safety briefings your team will complete. Your campus EH&S and your rocketry team will likely have other training sessions and safety briefings. Those need to be recorded in the training log, as well.

Both the Safety Log and the Training Log are required to be uploaded with interim updates and report deadlines, but should be up-to-date and accurate at all times throughout the year.