Image Credit: Medgadget

In an Interview with AppliedVR CEO Matthew Stoud, Medgadget talks about the application of VR to ease pain with and anxiety in both inpatient and outpatient settings

Applied VR runs on the Gear VR and has two applications currently, Pain RelieVR and Anxiety RelieVR. Both have been shown in early studies to be highly effective. 

"In the demo you are transported to a virtual world, surrounded by water, trees, grass and a beautiful sunset view. Once again a relatively simple application but it was nice and soothing, so once again I can see this being effective" says Medgadget writer Justin Barad. 

Medgadget asks Matthew what his thoughts are on AR vs. VR: "We think they both have a role in health care. Today VR is big because we can actually bring an existing product to market. AR, and I’m talking wearable AR, will play a big role as well, once the technology becomes more accessible and scalable."

His best advice for aspiring or current Medtech entrepreneurs and innovators seeking to help patients with technology is to "Believe in your ability to create change and find an institution who can help you prove that your solution works."

Could VR or AR be used to relieve the itchiness that people living with a chronic skin condition suffer from? What do you think?  Make sure you submit your idea for a concept before February 8th 6 p.m CET.