Thank you again for your participation in the American-Made Solar Prize! Here are the instructions to complete the ranking of submissions assigned to you. You can also view our screen-cast walk through here: 1) First, make sure you're logged in to your HeroX account. You can tell by looking in the upper right corner of the screen if you see your user icon or the default image. If you're not logged in, you will see the "Login" button instead. 2) Once you're logged in, click on the Entries tab located between the Timeline and Updates tabs. This is where the submissions you are assigned to rank will be located. 3) You will see two buttons that say, "View Submissions for Ready Contest (judge) (5)". You have two different sets of entries that you will rank 1-5 on. 4) Click on one of the "View Submissions" buttons to begin (they are not in any particular order). 5) We recommend reading all the entries first before inputting your rank. This will eliminate any potential back and forth to change your rank later. 6) Once you are in the View Submissions dashboard, click on the bolded entry title (above the orange user name) to view the contents of the entry. 7) Repeat this step for each of the 5 entries in the set. 8) Once you are ready to input your rank, go back into each entry and click the orange "Set Score" button. You will then drag the slider to the number you wish to rank it as. Ranking an entry as 1 = the best; ranking it as 5 = the worst 9) Be sure to consider the following when ranking each entry: a) Problem-Solution Fit: Developing a credible solution concept to a real-world problem faced by the solar industry. The performance of substantive due diligence to gather feedback and validate that the proposed solution addresses a real problem and is technically feasible. b) Team Capabilities: Forming an exceptional and committed team to accomplish the stated goals of the proposed solution. Note: a team comprised of an individual may be suitable if that individual can accomplish the stated goals. c) Network Engagement: Cultivating relationships with members of the American-Made Network and/or other entities that can help maximize the likelihood of creating a viable business based on the proposed solution and enhance the quality of the proposed submission package. 10) Repeat this process for the remaining 4 entries in the set until each entry has a number (1-5) next to it. You cannot rank an entry as "0". 11) You can change the rank of any entry as many times as you would like before the ranking deadline on Wednesday, October 10th. To do so, go back into the entry you want to change, click the "Change Score" button then the "Delete" button. Next, go to the other entry (or entries) you want to change and repeat this step. Once you have done this to all the entries you want to change, go back in and set the new ranking number for each that you had reset. 12) Once you are finished with your first set of 5 entries, go back to the main Entries tab on the American-Made Solar Prize page and click on the other "View Submissions for Ready Contest (judge) (5)" button for the next set of entries. If you have any questions or need to report a conflict of interest during the ranking process, you can email If you experience technical issues with the ranking platform, contact HeroX at