Hello Solvers!

The Challenge has begun! Today the forecasting questions/ Individual Forecasting Problems (IFPs) have begun flowing through the Cultivate Labs platform. You should have your system configured and pointed at the production environment in order to receive the IFPs and begin to submit your forecasts. Though the IFPs did begin today, there is still time to configure your solution to connect to the API and participate in the challenge. 

Here is a look at two of the first IFPs to be released into the challenge:

  • Will Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan experience a significant leadership disruption by 31 August 2018?
  • What will be the maximum sea ice extent on the Barents Sea between 1 January 2018 and 10 April 2018?

If you have not already obtained your API key, you should do so, and instructions should be in your email from the  email account. If you have not yet created your solution, there are many resources in the forums and also, this GitHub repo to get you started.  


All the best!