Upcoming webinar: 2024 FAA Data Challenge Information Session - May 22, 2024, 11 a.m. PDT
Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
Astrodynamics Researcher currently enrolled at the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science/ Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (ISAS/JAXA), Sagamihara, Japan. My current work involves designing of transfer trajectories between the retrograde orbits around Phobos for the proximity phase of Martian Moon eXploration (MMX) mission. I am also part of the DESTINY+ (Phaethon flyby mission) interplanetary phase team. My research focuses on exploiting new transfer techniques and methodology for space exploration emphasizing on planetary satellites and other remote small bodies of the Solar system.
Astrodynamics Researcher currently enrolled at the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science/ Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (ISAS/JAXA), Sagamihara, Japan. My current work involves designing of transfer trajectories between the retrograde orbits around Phobos for the proximity phase of Martian Moon eXploration (MMX) mission. I am also part of the DESTINY+ (Phaethon flyby mission) interplanetary phase team. My research focuses on exploiting new transfer techniques and methodology for space exploration emphasizing on planetary satellites and other remote small bodies of the Solar system.