


Crowd Content: Feed the HeroX Blog!

The story of crowdsourcing, written by the crowd itself.

This challenge is closed


This challenge is closed



Crowdsourcing - In Your Words

No one knows crowdsourcing better than the folks at the front lines. Whether you’ve run a crowdsourcing project, designed a crowdfunding campaign, created a winning solution, or simply plan to do one of those (someday) you have a story to tell. We're listening.

Take your knowledge and vision of what crowdsourcing is and can be, and lead the way. Show the rest of the world what crowdsourcing can do, help them understand how it will shape the future, and let HeroX be your platform to do it. 

How does the challenge work?

What we’re asking is simple: just use your words!

We’re offering a recurring writing role at HeroX and a platform for publishing for the writers with the best original content on the subject of crowdsourcing. Bring us your long-form essays, research papers, or editorials that illustrate crowdsourcing’s endless possibilities for innovative breakthroughs. The best of the best will be published and the writers will become thought leaders in the HeroX network.

**Prize amount is an estimate based on a continuous period as a contract writer for HeroX. This prize will not be delivered in a lump sum and is contingent upon delivery of agreed-upon writing services. 



How do I win?

To be eligible for an award of a HeroX writer contract, your entry must:

  • Satisfy the minimum requirements
  • Satisfy the Judging Scorecard requirements
  • Be scored in the top 10% of competitors on a rolling basis!

Minimum Specifications

Content Specifications

  • Written content is to be a minimum of 1500 words.
  • Written content is to be a maximum of 3000 words
Format Specifications
  • Your entry must be submitted in one of the following formats:
  • Written content: PDF, Google Doc, Microsoft Word, or .TXT.


Judging Scorecard

Section Description Overall Weight (in points)
Composition The piece uses a logical framework for the organization of thoughts and an engaging, easily readable format. Paragraphs and sentences follow standard rules for structure and syntax. 20
Originality Creativity and your unique perspective/approach will add points. All work will be checked for copyright infringement. Any use of pre-existing text will be an automatic disqualifier 20
Tone A strong writing voice that enhances the content will get full points. 20
Effort Extra footwork on behalf of the writer, such as extensive (cited) research, primary sources, and interviews will earn points in this category. 20
Crowdsourcing SEO SEO keywords for “crowdsourcing”; “open innovation”; and other strategic Google adwords/key phrases are used repeatedly the piece. The SEO must “flow” with the overall composition and not read as forced or awkward.



Participation Eligibility:

The challenge is open to all individuals, private teams, public teams, and collegiate teams. Teams may originate from any country. Submissions must be made in English. All challenge-related communication will be in English.

To be eligible to compete, you must comply with all the terms of the challenge as defined in the Challenge-Specific Agreement.

Registration and Submissions

Submissions must be made online (only), via upload to the website, on or before 11:59 pm EDT on August 10th, 2017. No late submissions will be accepted.


Intellectual Property Rights

As detailed in the Challenge-Specific Agreement, competitors agree that by winning the prize award for this Challenge, the Innovator will transfer all right and title of the Submission to the Sponsor.


Selection of Winners

Based on the winning criteria, prizes will be awarded per the Judging Criteria section above. Winners will be selected on a rolling basis, with earliest submissions taking priority for review. HeroX reserves the right to announce as many or as few winners as deemed necessary for the success of their content strategy. There will, however, be no less than two winners before the close of the competition. 

Awards and Prizes

The "prize" for selected winners in the Crowd Content challenge will be the opportunity to sign a contract to write for HeroX on an on-going basis. This contract does not guarantee any minimum amount of compensation but does guarantee the opportunity to write several blog posts at a rate of $50 per article of 500 words or more, with a contract agreement. Winners have the right to negotiate prices after being awarded the contract but before signing. HeroX also has the right to refuse higher rates for any reason. 

Additional Information

By participating in the challenge, each competitor agrees to submit only their original idea. Any indication of "copying" amongst competitors is grounds for disqualification.

All applications will go through a process of due diligence; any application found to be misrepresentative, plagiarized, or sharing an idea that is not their own will be automatically disqualified.

All ineligible applicants will be automatically removed from the competition with no recourse or reimbursement.

No purchase or payment of any kind is necessary to enter or win the competition.

Void wherever restricted or prohibited by law.



Challenge Updates

Challenge Submission Phase Re-Opened and Extended!

Aug. 16, 2017, 1:37 p.m. PDT by Maureen Murtha

Good news everyone! 

The Crowd Content Challenge has been re-opened for submission and will be accepting additional content on an ongoing basis -- for the foreseeable future! As for those who have already submitted, we will be announcing winners from this batch tomorrow, so stay tuned. If you haven't yet submitted, don't hold back. You now have another opportunity to get your words into the HeroX world. We're excited to see what you have for us. 

Best of luck!



Only 3 Days Left to Submit

Aug. 7, 2017, 9:26 a.m. PDT by Maureen Murtha

Hello All,

Greetings community! Just another reminder to let you know there are only THREE days left to submit your blog post to Crowd Content, so be sure to get those submissions all wrapped up before the deadline at 11:59 pm EDT on Thursday, August 10th! Also, we owe a HUGE "thanks" to everyone who has already submitted! We are thrilled at the quality and thoughtfulness of the work we've received so far.

You all are amazing. 

Keep it coming! 

NOTICE: Only 17 Days Left!

July 24, 2017, 9:28 a.m. PDT by Maureen Murtha

Hello All,

A quick note to say we're down to just over two weeks left to submit your entry to Crowd Content! We've got some great entries so far, and we'll be announcing some early winners in the next two weeks. Have you thought about submitting, but haven't gotten around to it yet? Don't delay! Time is running short for this opportunity, and we can't say exactly when it will happen again. C'mon now, we'd love to have ALL of you contributing to the HeroX site -- show us what you've got! 


Maureen Murtha

HeroX Content

So Many HeroX Content Competitions!

July 17, 2017, 9:56 a.m. PDT by Maureen Murtha

Feeling a little uninspired? That's normal, but it doesn't have to stay that way! Take a look at our consolidated HeroX Competitions page to see the wide range of opportunities just like Crowd Content that we're currently offering. Let us know if you have ideas for a new challenge in the comments below!  

Our Growing Community

June 26, 2017, 6:44 a.m. PDT by Maureen Murtha

Just a quick note as a shoutout to the fact that the Crowd Content crowdsourcing project has grown to 19 followers. That's fantastic! Huge thanks to all of you for getting on board early in the game. Remember, there's 45 days left in the submission period, but submissions are accepted at any time during that period. So what are you waiting for? Send us your original content about crowdsourcing, and you might see it live sooner than you think! 

Thanks again everybody, and remember to stay awesome!


